Waistshaper UK Ann Chery Wrap, Slimming Gel & Caffeine Cream

I have seen so many girls, women and new mums alike using wraps and singing their praises for their dramatic slimming results. This is the first time I have used a wrap and after a bloaty period, overindulgent weekend and a little extra padding I’m still carrying over from Christmas I decided to give this bundle from Waistshaper UK a go.

Waistshaper UK Ann Chery Wrap, Slimming Gel & Caffeine Cream

Waistshaper UK Ann Chery Wrap, Slimming Gel & Caffeine Cream

The purpose of using a wrap is to provide thermogenic compression to any part of the body that is loose, saggy or has cellulite which makes it ideal for firming, slimming and tightening the arms, thighs, stomach and legs. By pulling the wrapping tight to the body the pressure it creates opens the lymph channels so that liquified metabolic waste products and cell toxins can pass from the problem zones as the body expels them. It also helps to improve blood circulation and skin oxygenation and the caffeine cream is great for reducing the appearance of orange skin whilst the slimming cold gel targets accumulated fat cells.

The process is extremely quick and easy as I take a shower before bed before massaging the cream or gel in circular motions to my stomach. I then cover the entire creamed area from my waist to my ribs with the osmosis wrap which is very similar to traditional cling film but instead this is black, slightly thicker and holds in place a lot better. It’s ideal for wearing overnight as the recommended use time is 6-8hrs per session and when I wake up in the morning my treatment is complete. The wrap prevents the cream from evaporating or rubbing off and both can be worn below a waist trainer at home or the gym for an extra layer of compression. By the morning my stomach is effortlessly tighter, more defined and noticeably flatter.

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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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