Sniffy Wiffy Hibiscus & Rhubarb Self Examination Body Lotion

Every woman loves to be pampered, from beautiful body lotions to fruity fragrances, it just makes us feel loved and special to have a little TLC. But one area of health and beauty that we’re all too quick to overlook, or rather sweep under the carpet, is the process of breast examination. For some it is embarrassing, taboo or rude, and for others they simply have no idea how to do it or what they’re looking for. Which is why every woman should get to grips with her breasts and know what to look out for, making self examination part of a beauty regime, and thanks to Sniffy Wiffy us ladies can do just that!

Sniffy Wiffy Hibiscus & Rhubarb Self Examination Body Lotion

Sniffy Wiffy Hibiscus & Rhubarb Self Examination Body Lotion

Sniffy Wiffy is a real family affair, with every product being handmade, honest, humble and for a good cause. It also helps that the flavours smell divine and are available for men and women alike to fight the war on testicular and breast cancer by raising self awareness and funds for charity. Here I have the delicious Hibiscus & Rhubarb body lotion which comes in a clear 300ml tub with five steps for breast examination detailed on the label.

The five steps for examination are as follows:
Step 1 – Look for any changes in size, outline or shape, dimpling, puckering or bulging of the skin. A nipple that has changed position or become inverted, redness, soreness, rash or swelling.
Step 2 – Look for the same changes while the arms are raised.
Step 3 – Gently squeeze each nipple to check for discharge that not milky, yellow or bloody.
Step 4 – Feel breasts for lumps or thickening using firm touch with the first few fingers of your hand, keeping fingers flat and together. Cover the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side, collarbone to top of abdomen and from armpit to cleavage.
Step 5 – Lay down and feel breasts as before. Use the right hand to feel the left breast and vice versa.

A self breast examination is best performed whilst applying a body lotion or oil which is why Sniffy Wiffy products are ideal. For those who wish to give the lotion as a gift without the self examination label each product is also available without it. All products are homemade and fresh to order with no more than five ingredients used making them incredibly gentle and kind to skin. What’s more, a proportion of profits from each sale are donated directly to charity, which is CoppaFeel! for women and Ballboys for men.

A 300ml tub of body lotion costs just £6.50 from Sniffy Wiffy, available in a range of flavours including aloe & cucumber, apple & walnut, blackcurrant & nettle, blueberry, cedarwood & black pepper, cherry, christmas cake, cinnamon & orange, coconut, cologne, dark chocolate, double cream, fig, fragrance free, gingerbread, guinness, hibiscus & rhubarb, honeyed fig & saffron, Japanese plum, kiwi & lime, lavendar, lemon zest, lemongrass & lime, mango, orange blossom, raspberry, rose, sandalwood, strawberry and vanilla.
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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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