The Harley Laser Specialists Home Teeth Whitening Pen

I love white teeth and I’d go as far as to say that I have an obsession for perfectly straight, white gnashers ever since I had my braces removed a couple of years ago. There’s something about a perfect white smile that speaks volumes, not only does it make a wonderful first impression but it also shows that you take pride in your appearance, believe in attention to detail and look and feel good about yourself which is why I adore The Harley Laser Specialists home whitening treatments.

The Harley Laser Specialists Home Teeth Whitening Pen

The Harley Laser Specialists Home Teeth Whitening Pen

Following the instructions on the side of the box I start by brushing my teeth and rinsing my mouth thoroughly to remove any food and then I insert my cheek brace which keeps my lips away from my teeth and gums. I dry off the surface of my teeth by patting them with a tissue and click the teeth whitening pen a few turns until the gel is visible in the fibrous tip, brushing the gel onto the front surface of each tooth I take note to avoid getting any on my gums. I like to use my handheld UV light for several minutes to help to activate the gel and once it starts to bubble on the surface of my tooth it signifies that the whitening is actively dissolving stains. The treatment can be left on the teeth and the cheek brace removed as it doesn’t need to be rinsed off once it has dried in place because it will continue to develop after the initial application.

You can perform the whitening pen treatment twice daily with or without the cheek brace and UV light as required as it’s an ideal procedure first thing in the morning, last thing at night or on the drive home from work to freshen the teeth and keep them looking their best. Depending on how white your teeth already are and how many shades you want to lift them will vary the time spent using this treatment; as I’m maintaining my whiteness just a ten minute burst with the pen and UV light once a week is all that I need to remove the build up of stains from stubborn food and drink. The Harley Laser Specialists teeth whitening pen is a super quick and easy treatment that I can do from home and takes very little time and preparation, popping into my makeup bag I can take it out and about with me to keep my teeth looking and feeling their best, now that really is something to smile about!
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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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