Becoming A Life Size Doll

My 7yr old daughter Millisent has begged me for years to give her a baby sister, yet when her 2yr old brother came along her dreams of pink sparkling glitter and clouds of fruity perfume were crushed by muddy bugs and getting chased by sticky bogies on a bendy little finger. Finding myself unexpectedly a single parent for the past two years I have fought back tears, fears, my own insecurities, doubted abilities and social stereotypes in order to give my two beautiful children the world and be the strong, consistent and unconditionally loving mother they need. From the very first day they were born I have given my all to providing and caring for them and my babies are my world. I often go without and do anything and everything just to see them smile, and like any other parent, when there’s something your child asks for that you simply can’t provide it leaves an aching guilt inside your chest.

Tracy Kiss Becomes A Life Size Doll

Tracy Kiss Becomes A Life Size Doll

Millie is the most kind-hearted, thoughtful and caring little girl who has always dreamed of having a baby sister. When she asked me once again today to have a baby girl whom she could name my heart sank, as being on my own and the children growing older by the day, there is very little chance of me ever meeting somebody new, getting married and having another baby in the next five years let alone ever. I would have loved to have had more children, coming from a small family myself I would often day dream of three or four little ones snuggled up in my arms even just a few years ago, but life works in mysterious ways and it wasn’t to be. I am blessed to have two healthy happy children and cherish my family more than anything in the world.

Parenthood has changed me in ways that I never imagined possible. It taught me to love another far more than I’ve ever loved myself. To take off my jacket and keep my little ones warm even if it means I shiver in the cold and get sick myself. To go without to give to them, to eat last, sleep last and take last, giving my all without expecting anything in return. I no longer worry about what I look like, what I need or how I feel when I’m around them because they are my priority. I’ve learnt not to take myself too seriously, to live for the moment, laugh and enjoy life for the beautiful blessing that it is. Children can teach us so much about happiness with their innocence, unconditional love and ability to forgive and forget and I wouldn’t be the positive and successful person that I am today if I hadn’t have had them in my life.

Knowing that a baby sister is sadly one wish that I cannot grant my darling Millie, I went one step better and decided to let her turn me into her very own life size doll, as she chose my clothes, did my makeup, styled my hair and choreographed a dance routine for her to direct the three of us in her family music video. I have to say that it’s not how I’d usually dress, dance and do my face and hair, but I’ve grown rather fond of it and I’m tempted to have regular Millie-makeovers. I hope that you enjoy this video as much as we did making it, and I hope that you take a piece of our love away with you to brighten your day.


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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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