Forever Living are a natural aloe vera based company, growing and producing natural aloe vera based skincare and products since 1978.
The Aloe Propolis Creme claims to be excellent as a skin moisturiser and conditioner in a fusion of aloe vera and beehive products contributing to a healthily maintained beautiful skin tone and texture. With a mix of camomile, one of nature’s best-known skin care herbs and vitamins A and E, it is also suitable for those with eczema and psoriasis. It may sound lovely, but how will it fare on the skin test? To the bathroom I go!
Squeezing the thick windy sausage of creme across the back of my dry hand I was greeted by the most delightfully fragrant mix of floral scents and aloe vera. I suffer from dry cracked skin, much like the average person, my hands always feel worn and old from forever dragging them between the washing up tub and the heat of home cooking and cleaning. The creme glided across my hard dry skin, melting and quenching the visible cracks to leave them impossibly smooth, softened and protected. It has a strong and thick luxurious consistency that isn’t greasy or watered down, just every inch of it is beautifully soothing, rich and leaves the skin feeling amazing. It has taken years off of the ageing appearance of my once dried hands and my skin now looks and feels so young and healthy.
It is an incredible to realise the difference that good quality ingredients make to a creme, and the success of this is mirrored by the fact that this is one of Forever’s most popular skincare preparations. It has locked the moisture into the skin leaving my hands feeling almost waterproof with silky smoothness, like the glossy feathers of a ducks back. We often take our hands for granted and put them through such turmoil on a daily basis, to think that I spend time and effort on having my nails done but neglect my hands is ridiculous, and now that I’ve seen the difference a good quality creme can make to the appearance of your skin, it will be a beauty regime that I will be sure to give priority to.
For more information on the wonders of Aloe Vera and the full range of products available you can visit Forever Living here. I sourced mine directly through Forever Living distributor and representative Hazel Loutsis.