Category - Sandra Gardener

After reading many brilliant books over the years and always feeling at a loss when I get to the end, I’ve decided to write open ended fiction just because I can.


The pang of my blackberry alarm jolts me into consciousness and I jump up with a start. Where the hell am I? Oh, the sofa. Are you kidding me? Eight in the morning already what a damn...


I pace around my one-bed studio flat in just my bra and pants and a single strategically placed blue plaster on my cheek eagerly looking for the kettle. How the hell does anybody lose a...


I sulk my way through the rest of the afternoon, busying my wounded ego by restocking the mince and offal troughs. The one good thing about working with meat is the fact that you can punch...


Gaynor Startle, my sworn mortal enemy and manager of Tesco’s Tidbury for the past thirteen years and counting. I’ve had the misfortune of working alongside her for the last...


The bloody bastard alarm! My eyeballs shrivel like two meatballs in a sand bucket as soon as they make unwelcomed contact with the daylight that streaks its way deliberately through the...