So we all woke up sounding like hoarse old men today, poor Millie with her runny nose, me with my croaky voice and Gabriele with his squeaky nostrils; what a way to welcome the summer! Only Luca seems to have escaped unfazed so far as annoyingly I’m living on Lemsips whilst he smirks triumphantly, but we shall see how long it lasts. I think Millie caught it from the other children at school and passed it onto us as she’s vary rarely healthy these days, the children in her class are always coughing and sneezing in each others faces I’m seriously contemplating sending Millie to school in a space suit with her own purified breathing apparatus.
We took Gabriele to the hospital this morning for his outpatients appointment to see if his little finger had healed from the surgery and we were expecting the worst and preparing ourselves to see blood and bruising and violent looking raw stitches down the length of his finger, but when the nurse took the bandage off I was shocked at how tiny and neat the scar is, at only a few millimeters long you wouldn’t even know it was there. It’s amazing what surgeons can do these days and I’m so happy and relieved that he had it done, even though it was a horrible thing to put him through it has and will have such a positive affect on the rest of his life.
Apart from Gabriele’s poorly snotty whistling nostrils, which occasionally decide to shoot out a crunchy little lump of dried bogey onto my neck, he is doing well and growing nicely. He becomes more and more alert by the day and the expressions that he pulls when you talk to him are priceless. He laughed at me last week when we played peek-a-boo and I’m gutted that I didn’t catch it on camera as I was videoing him right before he did it and he hasn’t done it since; but luckily Luca was stood next to me at the time and got to see it because it’s one of those special ‘baby’s firsts’ and it’s lovely for us to share.
Gabriele is incredibly obsessed with being in, on and around the chest area and always seems to have his hands or face in a cleavage but for some reason nobody seems to mind. He makes Luca squirm when he licks and suckles on his neck and chest and dribbles all over his shoulders. These days we seem to constantly be covered in saliva and/or baby milk it’s started to become normal for us and we joke about getting special Mummy and Daddy ponchos so that we can stay dry and keep our clothes clean. He’s always hiccuping, which is just the sweetest sound, and he has such a look of shock on his face every time he does it.
So here is our little chicken at ten weeks old, trying to speak and copying mouth shapes and tongue movement just like those furbies we used to have as children! Oh how you are growing Mr Smiles, you won’t be a baby for long x x x x x