Green obsidian is a rare and beautiful gemstone that is said to have a number of metaphysical properties. It is believed to promote self-acceptance, compassion and emotional healing. It is also a powerful protective stone which shields the wearer from negative energy.
Physical Properties
Green obsidian is a type of volcanic glass that is formed when lava cools rapidly. It is typically black or dark brown in colour, but can also be found in shades of green, yellow and red. Green obsidian is a very hard stone, with a Mohs hardness of 5 to 7.
Metaphysical Properties
Green obsidian is a powerful stone for self-acceptance. It can help to promote self-love and compassion, and to let go of negative thoughts and emotions. It is beneficial for emotional healing, and can help to relieve stress, anxiety and depression alike. Additionally, green being a protective stone, it shields the wearer from negative energy.
How to Use Green Obsidian
Green obsidian can be used in a variety of ways. It can be worn as jewellery, such as a necklace, bracelet, or earrings. It can also be used in meditation, or placed in a room to promote positive energy. Green obsidian can also be used in crystal healing, and can be placed on the body or near the body to promote healing and protection.
Where to Find Green Obsidian
Green obsidian is a relatively rare gemstone, and is not found in many places in the world. Some of the best places to find green obsidian include Mexico, Guatemala, and the United States.
Here are some additional tips for using green obsidian:
- When working with green obsidian, it is important to set your intention. What do you hope to achieve by using this stone?
- Green obsidian can be used for a variety of purposes, including meditation, healing, and protection.
- If you are using green obsidian for healing, you can place it on the body or near the body.
- Green obsidian can also be used in crystal grids.
- If you are using green obsidian for protection, you can carry it with you or place it in your home.
With proper care, green obsidian can be a valuable tool for your spiritual journey.
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