Learning To Live Like A Minimalist

With fast fashion and fast food available at all times of day, and advertising and marketing campaigns for all kinds of products and services grabbing your attention no matter where you go, it’s easy to fall in a materialistic trap and begin spending an excess of money on things that you do not really need.

On the other hand, learning to live like a minimalist will provide you with so many benefits and it’s actually not as difficult as you might think to get started. So, if you’re tired of splashing your hard-earned cash on useless junk and want to know more about what you can do to turn your habits around, then read on to uncover some of the best top tips that you can utilise today! 

Image Source – Pexels 

Home Sweet Home

Your home can either be a minimalistic sanctuary or a materialistic nightmare, and it’s down to you to decide which path you would like to take. Having a home that’s filled to the brim with clutter and furniture may not always be a welcoming sight for any guests, and it’s also likely that most of these items serve little or no purpose too.

Creating the best minimal home environment must start with organisation, as you should sort through all of your belongings to identify whether anything can be sold or potentially put in storage to help clear some space. It’s hard to let go of things that you have owned for a while as no doubt they may be meaningful to you, but thinking practically, if you no longer get any use or joy out of the item, you really do not need to own it anymore. 

Eating Smart 

Though you may not believe that minimalism stretches as far as your diet, a quick evaluation or what you currently eat may show you that your food is unsustainable in several different ways. Checking the back of a ready-made product will commonly provide you with an ingredients list so long that you do not have the patience to read through it all, as well as including some substances such as preservatives that you have never heard of and cannot even pronounce.

Eating smart by opting for homemade meals will be much more suitable, as you can invest in some dried goods with long shelf lives and monitor which ingredients actually go into the dish – not to mention the money you’ll save! Realistically, there’s nothing positive about a microwaveable meal that has done thousands of air miles before reaching you, and the production process involved is as far from minimalist as you can get. 

If you’ve ever wanted to find out how to break free from your materialistic ways and lead a refreshing new minimalist lifestyle, then these easy tricks and tips will no doubt show you how simple it can be to get started NOW!

Declutter your home by selling your stuff and saying no to extra investments by asking whether you actually want or need an item by remembering the last time that it was actually used. Evaluate your diet to identify any positive changes that you can make, such as using dried and fresh ingredients to make home cooked meals rather than opting for fast food and takeaways and you’ll notice the difference in no time.

Cleaner, healthier, less-cluttered living so that you are free to enjoy life with less stress and more money! 


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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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