Thankfully Millie is feeling better this week having recovered from her sickness bug and two days off of school; she’s now back to her usual chirpy self eating normal meals and running around. But just as one little person gets better the other gets ill, as my poorly Gabriele threw up all over himself in bed, got a terrible rash over his face, a burning hot temperature and is refusing to eat or drink so his nappies have gone dry. He’s feeling very sorry for himself, rubbing his eyes, nuzzling up for cuddles and tossing and turning all night. He just needs a nice hug from Mummy and lots of kisses and rest so that he can see this bug through and get back to himself again. It seems to be a merry-go-round of chasing bugs and colds recently and I’m hoping this will be the last of it for 2013 with a bit of luck because surely we’ve had more than our fair innings already!
Millie had her parents evening midweek and I was so pleased to hear the wonderful reviews from her teachers. She’s in the highest groups for learning and takes great pride in being a model student. However in order to please her teachers by completing her work on time she tends to invent words if she can’t read it and tells tales on the other children that have stopped to talk or aren’t doing their work properly. Oh dear, perhaps I have a future police officer in the making? She also tries to do the job of the teacher by instructing and ordering the other children in how best to do their work and I’ve been asked to remind her that she is in fact a pupil in her class of peers. I think at her age she’s like a sponge and she thrives on rewards and acknowledgement of what she achieves so she’s always looking to behave in an adult manner and make her teachers proud. I’m so pleased with her enthusiasm and I couldn’t help but laugh at how seriously she takes her role as a ‘big girl’ in her school uniform. But perhaps I’ll have to get her to smell a bit of coffee before school in the morning. Bless.
We decided to give Joey a bath this week after he started to smell like a wet dog from being outside and the kids loved lathering him up with dog shampoo and rinsing him off as he shook his fur and drenched us all. It’s so lovely to think that I first got Joey when I was a teenager, and now almost nine years on he’s a loved family pet to my two children. He is very much a part of the Kiss household and the wise old Mr Miyagi of our home!
This week I somehow waited a whole five days without shaving my armpits or legs in order to try Sugaring hair removal which is a more natural and effective method of waxing; which for me is epic as I cannot stand body hair and I’m petrified of waxing. It all stems from my one and only diabolical waxing attempt in my early teens where I was left with red raw skin and wax left all over my shins when I chickened out and refused to pull the rest off, I was so nervous to have it done but now I’m over the moon with the results. Far from leaving me screaming whilst wrenching my follicles into submission I was pleasantly surprised to be moisturised, massaged and soothed into a sticky sweet smelling state of calm as I didn’t even flinch once. Hoorah for me, I must be growing up!
Just as I was thinking the tummy bugs and sickness were coming to an end later on this week, Gabriele has been hit by a furious case of diarrhoea which unceremoniously exploded all over the bed, his pyjamas and up his legs and back late one night. Sorry for putting you off your dinner! But if that wasn’t bad enough, as I struggled to refrain his wriggling frogs legs whilst he howled as I cleaned him down, he began coughing and threw up all over himself. I really didn’t know where to begin, my washing machine has been on full load all week with the mess coming out of both ends from my poor little boy, who’d have ever thought so much could possibly come out of such a little body. He’s on medicine everyday to help to ease his temperature, rash and sore throat which has meant that he’s now eating again but it’s done very little to firm up his nappies. And the only thing I can do right now is keep calm and carry on, it can’t possibly last forever and Gabriele needs me to be peaceful and comforting to him not running around like a headless chicken smeared in poo! I’ll need a bleach bath by the weekend, eugh.
Yesterday I felt broken, I had no energy, my limbs ached and every muscle felt as though it had been struck by tiny hammers. My skin was tender and my eyes were burning and I don’t know if it was from being woken every hour or so throughout the night by my poorly Gabriele or if I’m coming down with something. I had a million and one things to do this morning and just my one pair of hands. I drank a Lemsip in the hope that it would numb my tenderness and it seemed to work long enough to get me through the day. I wish I could collapse on the sofa under a nice warm blanket with somebody stroking my hair and fetching me a drink or dinner. It’s never nice feeling rubbish, but it’s so much harder when you’ve got two little ones who need your help 24/7 and nobody is there to pass the baton to. I feel as though I’m running a relay solo and just about skimming my nose off of the astroturf, a few more laps like this and I’ll no doubt crash and burn; I hope I can find the strength to not get ill, I need all the energy I can get right now.
It’s just over three weeks until Christmas now and I’m hoping to take the children to see Father Christmas next week providing we can leave the house long enough to not throw up or poop in a busy queue of families with no escape. This is the latest I have ever left it to put up the Christmas decorations and I’ve still not done them yet. I need to man up and get into the loft and face the decorations with some guts and determination. I really don’t want to see all of our family-of-four trinkets and memorabilia from the past few years, because it’s just the three of us now and it’s a reminder that I really don’t need. I’m doing good, I’ve got my emotions under control and I’m putting my best foot forward with a smile on my face for the children. But it’s just so cruel having to face these hurdles alone, I want the past to be in the past, not keep biting me on the butt like this when I’m merrily carrying on with my day. Still, I know it won’t last forever and eventually it will work its way out of the system and there will be nothing left to remind me or sort out and hand over. Every step forward is one less to take so it’s a good job I love shoes!