Zazzy Design Your Own 3D Printed Jewellery

When it comes to finding the perfect jewellery I always look for something meaningful to me, whether it be a certain shape, precious type of stone, my favourite colour or a special word engraved, yet it can be pretty difficult to find exactly what you’re looking for because it may not even exist. To find something to the precise size, specification and price range you’re hoping for is near on impossible, and so many people turn to custom made jewellery instead. What better way to celebrate your creative talents than with a 3D printed piece from Zazzy!

Zazzy Design Your Own 3D Printed Jewellery

Zazzy Design Your Own 3D Printed Jewellery

Zazzy sell high quality jewellery designed by their customers with no upfront costs or risk, allowing you to effectively set up your own fashion brand without the hassle. They take care of everything for you by hosting your designs online, taking payments, shipping directly to the buyers and then send you the profit at the end. You have the creative flexibility to make whatever jewellery you like in whatever shape, size, colour or material and set your own price tag and margins.

So being the creative little bunny that I am I came up with the concept of making a lips pendant with a hashtag embedded into the middle as a tribute to my surname Kiss and to symbolise my love for social media. I drew my picture as a simple black and white outline on my laptop, the black areas being solid and the white marking the cutout area, before uploading it to the site for a preview of my design to be made. You don’t have to be good at drawing or actually create the design yourself, simply an idea or even pencil sketch can be used as the designers take each idea and make it a reality.

After my black and white image was uploaded I was able to play about with it to change the size, colour, material and fixing points which I could preview on a models neck to make sure it looked exactly how I expected. I chose a beautiful coral red nylon material to print it in along with a short gold chain. My entirely unique design was then 3D printed, hand checked, packaged and posted out to me in just a couple of weeks and I love how individual it is and incredibly well made.

I was also told that I could submit a photograph for the designers to create a custom piece of jewellery for me, so I took a picture of a freehand feather quill tattoo that I have across my hip. The team then scanned my photo to make an exact mini replica of my tattoo which is now a beautiful pendant that I absolutely adore. How incredible it is that we can create such personal and affordable pieces of jewellery and gifts, or even start a fashion empire so easily. I take my hat off to you Zazzy you rock!
Facebook: /zazzyjewelry
Twitter: @zazzyjewelry
Instagram: @zazzyjewelry


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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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