As a family of three we only have pancakes once a year on Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, and it’s so exciting for the children. Unlike American pancakes that are thick, we have never ventured past the traditional English pancake of fine and floppy, topped with lemon juice and sugar, however this year I thought I’d mix it up a little with some peanut butter, bananas and whipped cream. Yum!
Pancakes are surprisingly easy to make, as 300ml of milk, 2 eggs and 100g of plain white flour serves six, if you’d like more just double the amounts. Start by mixing all the ingredients in a bowl and whisking together until the lumps have dispersed. For ease of pouring into the pan we transfer the smooth batter to a jug or you could use a ladle with a bowl.
Add a small splash of vegetable oil to a hot pan to stop the pancakes from sticking, and as the oil starts to smoke pour in the batter coating the entire base. It helps to pick up the pan and tilt it around to ensure the batter runs and covers all the gaps so that you get a perfectly round pancake. Cook for around one minute on each side until golden brown, once the batter turns from white to yellow you know that it is ready to flip over. You can keep the pancakes warm in the oven whilst yo make the rest or serve them straight to the table with any topping you desire. Pancakes can also be frozen if you layer them between baking paper and wrap in cling film with a shelf life of two months.
For a dish that I very rarely prepare, this years tradition of pancake making was a bit of a disaster after I flopped a few pancakes during cooking, set fire to my cooker and killed my whipped cream. There’s certainly an art to being the master of the pan! How did yours turn out?