Age: 10 Months (Wk 46)

With Easter being only a week away now we stumbled across these fantabulous duck animals which double up as money boxes after you eat the golden eggs and I couldn’t help but want to bring them home for the children. Millie has chosen the bumble-duck as she likes the colour yellow and is currently fascinated by her book on bugs that she’s been showing to everybody and anybody who can listen long enough without itching and scratching at the thought of it. She also decided that Gabriele may like to have the monkey duck as he’s also a cheeky monkey and he likes to dress up in his tiger and penguin baby grows. Of course! 🙂

We Bought The Children Some Ducky-Bank Easter Eggs This Year

We Bought The Children Some Ducky-Bank Easter Eggs This Year

Both the children, Luca and I have all been ill this week. I almost passed out a few days ago when I got to the point where every limb felt like it had been tapped by a toffee hammer and my eyes, ears and throat were burning hot, dry and raw. I feel as though I could sleep for a million and one years and still need a nap afterwards. It’s been snowing again outside with the -3 temperatures and I think this weather is insane considering we’re one week away from April – it best not snow on Gabriele’s first birthday! Grr!

Poor Millie had three day off of school when she turned into a burning hot, white floppy mess and decided that she couldn’t stand the smell or taste of food, and as a result that was criminal, many of her dinners made their way into the food recycling, cold, coughed over and untouched. And it seems to have spread to poor little Gabriele when he developed a dreadful chesty cough, sneezes and wheezy chest. He too went off of solid food and greatly reduced his milk intake instead of using it as a solid food replacement, his nappies have been almost dry and he’s had a horrible temperature but it’s not been bad enough yet to take him to the doctors as he’s still got lots of energy and is passing small nappies every once in a while. But after we took him for lunch at Luca’s parents it seems he managed to push himself to eat a bag of organic corn puffs and a bowl of chocolate ice-cream… poor boy, it must be so difficult being so ill! I wish I got the same treatment!

Gabriele Has Been Off Of His Solid Food The Last Few Days, Aside From Chocolate It Seems

Gabriele Has Been Off Of His Solid Food The Last Few Days, Aside From Chocolate It Seems

So fingers crossed the babies are on the mend now and gradually getting better. It’s one week until the children break up for Easter and I’m thinking of fun things to do in the holidays aside from sit inside away from the arctic conditions and eat chocolate eggs. I wish it could just be sunny and bright for one day because it gets me in the mood for doing everything and anything, but these cold, dark and depressing days always send me to the sofa with a blanket come the late afternoon and it seems like such a waste.

I Have 10 More Days To Go On The Insanity Workout

I Have 9 More Days To Go On The Insanity Workout

I only have nine days left out of the sixty day Insanity Workout that I’ve been doing and I have to say I’m really going to miss it. It hasn’t helped this week that I’ve had the flu and Mother Nature has struck yet again giving me the period from hell. My stomach feels like I’ve been kicked by a horse, I’m convinced a lead anvil is about to drop out of my womb at any moment and my lower back could do with a good crack and stretch for how badly it aches deep in my bones. Yesterday evening I snuggled up with the cat and dog on the sofa with my hot water bottle and mug of Lemsip and twitched like a sick pigeon with every cramp and sneeze. Why do us ladies have to suffer so much? In the next life please remind me to come back as a man! You guys don’t know how easy you’ve got it!

As my eyebrows have healed so nicely after having them tattoo’d the other week, I’ve decided to have eyeliner tattoo’d onto my upper eyelids as I think it would make my life so much easier not having to attempt to draw straight lines with liquid liner and fail every morning after five hours sleep and several corrective wet wipes when I poke myself in the eye through sheer sleep deprivation. I’m not looking to change myself as such in having these little procedures done, I just want to maintain and neaten what I already have and make my life as convenient and carefree as possible to give myself more time to do more important things… like stay in bed ten minutes longer every morning! And I think a little of what you fancy does you good, keeps you feeling fresh and gives you something to look forward to. Like freshening up your house with a lick of paint, so long as you don’t go changing anything structural and you still look like you then what’s the harm?

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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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