Age: 1month & 2weeks & 2days

I’ve been a good little whale today and worked out hard this morning, well when I say hard, I mean I used the Wii Fit whilst Millie was at school. But still it’s a start! I put on my best bondage style support bra and joggers and jogged for half an hour and started to feel proud, pumped and great; so I went onto hula hooping to try and trim myself a new waist and then Gabriele started to cry. With eight minutes of hooping still left on the clock I was determined not to quit, so like any good mother would do I’m sure, I picked him up and hooped away with him in my arms. If it wasn’t hard enough before standing on a balance board holding a controller and hula hooping in a race against time, adding an almost one stone’s worth of person to the equation made me huff, puff and sweat like a camel trainer, and I’m sure if the neighbours walked past and saw me through the window they would no doubt think I was either insane or have a very naughty baby that takes a lot more than just pacing around the kitchen to calm him down. Gabriele loved it and held onto my hand as he lay in the crook of my arm looking up at me smiling and raising his eyebrows. I hope I haven’t shot myself in the foot here by introducing a new method for contentment that he might favour above being bopped to sleep in his bouncer or driven around in the car. But on the plus side if he does demand this strange form of furious bum and hip thrusting then I’ll have the smallest waist in the world doing my sweaty hooping during the evil early hours of the morning, and I’m laughing to myself as I can picture Luca trying to do the same with the addition of some expletives and plenty of redbull and black coffee!

As Luca had the day off today we embarked on the hour and a half’s walk together to pick Millie up from school and I felt like the terminator, no mountain too high, no challenge too tough. I had my sickeningly happy work-out head on and tried my hardest to pep talk Luca into joining me but he continued to support his reluctant smile and decided to mow the grass instead.

When I went to the toilet a moment ago I found gooey light pink discharge much like a show and got all excited and nervous thinking “Oh wow, it’s the start of my labour! Here comes the pain!” but then I realised I’d already had my baby six weeks ago now, and that it was possibly my period deciding to return or the fact that my morning jog may have dislodged some baby housing that hadn’t quite vacated the premises yet. I haven’t bled for some weeks now since birth and was kind of hoping I’d have a few months free from being utterly huge and pregnant and/or bleeding like an undercooked beef steak on a BBQ. But as of yet I’ve not had anymore so it’s a bit of a mystery, I’ve not had any cramps or back ache so I guess I’ll just watch this space!

We’re gradually pottering along with our bits for Gabriele’s christening and day-by-day banners, balloons and table decorations are arriving. I’ve been tying ribbons and making invitations which makes me absolutely bursting with excitement and pride. The church is booked for the 29th July so we have around six weeks left and I’m hoping by then I will have it all in order and be my ideal size, shape and weight. No pressure!

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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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