Gestation: 36weeks

Well hello there Mrs. I’mninemonths! Weeee I had my final day at work today and it was the strangest feeling ever to see the clock flying by like seconds instead of hours for once. Everything I did seemed to be such a treat knowing it was my final turn at each task, much like coming home to a kitchen filled with dirty dishes after a long day and shaking icing sugar over all the mess and suddenly it’s a masterpiece instead and all is calm. I guess I was so happy to undertake my post that even the most menial task would seem a delight this one last time. And driving home the rain suddenly stopped and revealed a glorious blue sky, the sun was shining, the radio delivered some amazing tunes and I felt on top of the world like a bird given a taste of freedom for the first time. I feel so full of energy today I literally haven’t stopped smiling all day my face will be a limp achy mess by the morning at this rate! It was sad to say goodbye to everyone today, it felt like the end of an era like a part of my life has suddenly fallen out and left a void that can’t be filled, yet it was exciting at the same time to think that the final boxes have been ticked ready for our baby to arrive.

My Baby Bump At 36 Weeks

Baby Checklist:
(/) Set up all of Gabriele’s bedding and equipment

(/) Insure Luca on the car

(/) Leave work and start maternity

( ) Sort out my bushy eyebrows

Well three out of four isn’t bad! And now I can concentrate on the mammoth task of preparing myself for the birth. The most unnecessary things keep going through my mind every time I think about labour; I need to make sure I’m wearing socks without holes, try to decrease my meal sizes beforehand incase I push more than just a baby out, put a large can of sports deodorant in my handbag for the expected uptake in sweat-inducing activity, keep a razor in my purse incase I’m away from home when taken in and need emergency maintenance, keep my hairbrush and makeup to hand at all times so I don’t look like a cavewoman like last time! The list is endless and pointless all at the same time but still it fills my head at every spare thought.

I’ve tried to convince myself that the pain during labour is good pain in the hope that I won’t be a complete wuss and beg for my mum through a wave of desperate tears and obsessive gas and air usage; like when I get a sudden awful injury I tell myself that feeling pain means that you’re still alive and so all must be fine, therefore applying the same tactics to the birth should keep me positive… I hope!

I’ve been looking at my house as my final mountain to climb before the big arrival as the smallest things keep annoying me, fresh weeds have sprung up in the flower beds, shoe scuffs have crept silently into the hallway by the shoe rack, anonymous crumbs are congregating in my teaspoon drawer!? I plan to use my newfound freedom wisely by unwittingly becoming a prisoner/slave to extensive bleaching and anal housework. My strict regime will evidently overhaul each room of the house including the garden shed and wheelie bin with no speck of dust left unturned. I’m normally very house proud as it is but I’m suddenly twitching at minuscule splash marks on my shower screen that I’m sure my eyes never seem to have picked up on before, perhaps I’ve been given Terminator vision overnight or canine hormones which have sharpened my senses evermore so. But nevertheless let it be known that no dust, dirt or clutter is safe until I have satisfied my itch.

With only 4wks to go let’s hope it goes both fast and slow at the same time. x x x x

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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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