Love Yourself In Lace: Embracing Body Confidence Through Lingerie This Valentine’s Day

After having my two children, who are now 16yrs and 11yrs old, I honestly never thought that I would rock a sassy set of lingerie ever again. Gaining weight from my pregnancies, developing stretch marks and falling out of love with my skin was just the tip of the iceberg when I had the rest of my life and a whole host of new responsibilities to contend with.

But as I made ground on being a mother, established financial stability and found wiggle room for some well needed me-time, I was able to realise that my self-love had slipped and needed a gigantic dose of TLC which came in the form of accepting and loving my body at each and every year of my life.

Valentine’s Day is an event on the calendar which is often associated with romantic love, candlelit dinners, and perhaps a little something lacy. But what if we shifted the focus from external expectations to a more intimate celebration – one of self-love and body confidence rather than trying to impress a love interest or measure up to beauty standards? This Valentine’s Day, let’s ditch the societal pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty and instead embrace our bodies – flaws and all – with the help of beautiful lingerie.

Lingerie As A Tool for Self-Discovery

Lingerie can be so much more than just something to chuck on under your clothes. It can be a powerful tool for self-discovery as well as self-acceptance if you allow yourself to welcome and express the emotions that it inspires. When you choose lingerie that makes you feel beautiful and confident, it radiates outwards – without anyone ever having to see it!

It’s really not about impressing anyone else; it’s about owning your sensuality and celebrating your unique form – whether you choose to do it in secret with a stunning lingerie set beneath your office attire or on centre stage at the Moulin Rouge performing to thousands of people.

Breaking Free From Stereotypes

The world of lingerie is often dominated by such narrow beauty standards which can make us feel inferior and inadequate in comparison. But it’s time to break free from those stereotypes! There is stunning and flattering type of lingerie for each and every body, at every age and stage of life at every size.

Whether you prefer delicate silks, playful prints, or sporty mesh, there’s something out there that will make you feel amazing – you simply have to experiment and find something that fits you as an individual. And whether you are head-over-heels in love this Valentine’s, or spending it alone and at peace with yourself, being kind to your body, mind and soul is always a winner.

Tips for Building Body Confidence with Lingerie:

Whilst I have rebuilt my relationship with my body post-pregnancy, it took me many years to shake off the feeling of being anything less than perfect. With with time, age and life experience I finally accepted that I would never stay 21yrs old forever, no matter how much I’d have liked to; so I could spend the rest of forever hating my body, which will only destroy my peace and guarantee that I feel awful about myself, or I can embrace my imperfections with open arms and celebrate my remaining youth and uniqueness for as long as I am blessed to have it.

  • Focus on comfort and fit. The most important thing is to feel good in what you’re wearing. Choose lingerie that fits well and makes you feel comfortable and confident
  • Experiment with different styles. Don’t be afraid to try something new! You might be surprised at what colours and cuts you love
  • Celebrate your unique beauty. Every body is different and beautiful in its own way. Focus on what you love most about your body, and let that shine through, the rest will fall into place
  • Make it a self-love ritual. Take some time for yourself this Valentine’s Day, regardless of your relationship status. Light some candles, put on some music, and try on some lingerie that makes you look and feel fabulous

Remember, body confidence is a journey, not a destination. Some days you might feel more confident than others. But by choosing lingerie that makes you feel good about yourself, you’re taking a step towards self-acceptance and love and that can only ever be a good thing. So this Valentine’s Day, skip the societal pressure and focus on what truly matters: loving yourself, imperfections and all!

Here are some additional tips for choosing lingerie that will make you feel confident:
  • Try to shop at stores that cater to a variety of different body types. There are many great stores that offer lingerie in all sizes and styles. You can do some research online or ask your friends for personal recommendations
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The staff at lingerie stores are there to help you to find the perfect pieces for you. Don’t be shy about asking for their advice, or recommendations for the most flattering and empowering styles, it’s what they do best!
  • Most importantly, have fun! Choosing lingerie should be a fun and enjoyable experience with no need for embarrassment. So relax, experiment and find what makes you look and feel fabulous. A woman should never have to justify treating herself to a spot of retail therapy!

This Valentine’s Day, let’s celebrate the most important relationship of all together – the one that we have with ourselves and the beautiful skin that we are in. Let’s embrace our bodies and love ourselves in all of our glory. Because at the end of the day, the most beautiful thing that you can wear is your self-acceptance.

I hope that this blog has inspired you to love, accept and embrace your body; remember, you are beautiful just the way you are, and whoever is fortunate enough to realise that, is so incredibly lucky to have you!

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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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