Will Shapewear Always Be In Style?

In the past, women have suffered from ridiculous ideas and standards of what the “ideal body” is supposed to look like. And while those eras are now thankfully long gone, they left a rather negative impression on the notion of shapewear garments. 

Will Shapewear Always Be In Style?

But with body positivity, inclusion, and self-love becoming more popular than ever before, shapewear has been reclaimed by a new generation, redefining what women of all ages and sizes can choose to wear on their own bodies without apology. But will shapewear always be in style, or will it soon vanish again into obscurity? Here are just some of the reasons why modern shapewear is here to stay this time. 

Empowerment over repression 

It’s no secret that the origins of shapewear came from some rather constrictive and ridiculous body expectations for women of that particular time. But it’s this shift into empowering garments that uplift how you choose to dress and show off your body shape that makes modern shapewear so important. Think of it as the beginning of a new chapter, after drawing a huge line in the past, giving you the opportunity to feel comfortable and supported on any occasion or situation. 

Representation and celebration 

Here’s a little secret about the majority of trends – they usually go out of style because they offer no reason to continue using them once that initial fanfare dies out. But when it comes to modern shapewear, the new wave of these garments makes a point of representing and celebrating all shapes, sizes, and age ranges. There’s no shame in shapewear, and many women now use it with pride to accentuate their curves, add more shape to a stunning outfit, or just for the sheer hell of it!

Confidence and comfort for the right reasons 

Confidence can sometimes feel like a buzzword that’s used to make you feel better about purchasing underwear or shapewear garments. But what do people actually mean by this statement? In the case of shapewear, the whole point is to feel good about yourself, and show that confidence to the world unapologetically. As long as you’re using shapewear for the right reasons (spoiler alert – do it for you and you only), it’ll always be a positive thing in your life.

Adaptability to all wardrobe choices 

Your wardrobe is a journey into yourself and who you are as a person, and knowing how to find your own individual style is a marathon, not a sprint. One of the most positive things about shapewear is that it can be used for everything from evening gowns and tight dresses to high-waisted jeans and gym wear. 

There’s nothing worse than knowing how you want to dress, but not feeling like you can pull it off. Shapewear helps to eliminate these intrusive thoughts and helps you to wear whatever you please, whenever you want to. 

Final thoughts 

With the original intentions of shapewear now being completely turned on its head, what was once considered a prison of conformity is now a loud and proud celebration of freedom – the freedom to dress how you please, love your own body in complete comfort, and express your own individuality. And when it comes to trends and fads, does loving yourself and dressing with confidence ever really go out of style? We don’t think so either. 


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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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