Well today I’m super dooper happy, I had a midwife check this morning and all is fantastic. They had a little listen to the baby’s heartbeat, which was adorable and checked her position. I feel so stupidly happy and goofy, it’s wonderful to know the birth should go without complications as all is so far on track and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’ll stay that way. Given that she’s now face to face with my ‘birth canal’ I’m so full of beans hoping it won’t be too much longer until she arrives! So other than having the little ladies bum under my ribcage and a little bit of heartburn every now and then I’m absolutely beaming.
I went to the opticians today to collect my contact lenses and was amazed at how bright and clear the world seems now that my sight is perfect, it also perked me up a little as I now have gorgeously enchanting sparkly green eyes (I thought I’d change from blue as I’ve had them all my life!) which go really well with my newly caramelised hair colour. And if that wasn’t enough, I read in a glossy today that warm brown/red is the new hot hair colour for this season as sported by Cheryl Cole. Fabulous.
So feeling a little glam I also had my eyebrows shaped which look adorable, and I’ve just had a nice delivery waiting on my doorstep when I got home of cosmetics and pampering goodies 🙂 🙂
Can my day get any better!!?
Yes! I’ve had no hassle or communication with the ‘sperm donor’ for quite a while now and it’s great. I’m hoping fingers crossed that this is the end of it all and we can both go our separate ways and perhaps, when the time is right and if Millie feels comfortable, in ten or fifteen years he’ll be ready to be there for her then. If not then I’m more than happy to go on alone.
I should receive a grading for my interior design course anytime now and I’m jumping around with anticipation to see how I’ve done.
I think I’ll go play with my puppy and his rubber chicken in the garden for the rest of the afternoon then settle down for a DVD and some ice cream and an evening of beauty treatments – BLISS! Lots of love and hugs and kisses and happiness from Tracy & Millie & Puppy. xXx