Our big boy was weighed today and is now the chubbilicious size of 13lbs8oz and I’m so glad he wasn’t born at this weight because he looks like a...
I’ve been a good little whale today and worked out hard this morning, well when I say hard, I mean I used the Wii Fit whilst Millie was at school...
Last night Gabriele actually seemed to sleep for three hours in a row, which was complete bliss. Even though I still looked and felt like a zombie...
Well the Jubilee was a bit of a washout it was so glum and wet and there was an awful cold wind, we went to celebrate in the village with my parents...
Millie’s new teddy bear. 🙂
Well today I just feel blah. I don’t even have words for my frustration, unsettledness; annoyance at everything and everyone I guess. I just feel...