It’s fair to say that I have two left feet and absolutely no rhythm, as I’m a lanky clumsy plank when it comes to dancing and so I avoid it at all costs. I really enjoy a good meaty workout that builds up a sweat and leaves my body feeling pumped and alive, and as a single mother to my two children aged 7yrs and 3yrs I find working out from home gives me energy and stamina. When it comes to my buttocks I feel as though I have a bit of a pancake booty, because it’s rather flat and shapeless and it would be nice if it were a little more perkier, peachier and perter. I’d also love to trim a few pounds off of my stomach and hips and build some abs for summer, and so Leandro Carvalho’s Brazil Butt Lift by Beachbody is just what I need!
As a single mother to my 7yr old daughter and 3yr old son I simply don’t have the time or childcare to workout at a gym, and so the Beachbody home workout DVDs have been amazing for me because I can pop them on inbetween meal times or when the kids go to bed and workout with that I have at home. I’ve already completed Insanity, P90X, P90X3, Focus T25, PiYo and tried a Body Beast sample. The Leandro Carvalho’s Brazillian dance, cardio and lower-body workout has been specially designed to shape, lift, and firm the behind with a triangle training method to work the three major buttocks muscles as well as total body toning which is something I really feel that I lack. Spread across seven workouts on three DVDs it promises to get me supermodel sexy in under 60 days, let’s hope so, by reducing my hips and thighs, shaping my gluteal muscles and lifting my bum. And it’s not just a one-size-fits-all workout, as naturally we all have different starting bodies and requirements from a workout, so I’ve chosen the Lift & Shape Flat Solution to pump up my peach, with many other plansĀ available by combining the workouts in different ways on different days.
The Brazil Butt Lift pack comes with 3 DVDs, a book called Fat Burning Foods packed full of low calorie high energy daily recipes to showing the protein, carbs, fat and fiber content of each which is fantastic food inspiration as I all too often find myself cooking the same easy and safe meals that I know over and over again. Seeing as I’m vegan I’m not too concerned with my weight, and when I workout I typically do so to gain strength, energy and build muscle rather than wanting to cut half of my body size. So for this workout I won’t be changing my diet as I eat healthily as it is, so my results will be more visible to my pertness rather than losing inches and measuring my weight or clothes. But obviously this workout is great for burning fat, losing weight and shaping up too, I’m just looking to maintain my weight in a healthy way and build the bum of my dreams at the same time. And the only equipment you need for this workout is a water bottle, towel, resistance bands, dumbbells and ankle weights, but if you don’t have them you can still do the same moves without any equipment at all.
There’s also a 6 Day Supermodel Slimdown Plan to help you to jumpstart your results by focusing on set meals and portion sizes to optimise weightloss in a very short space of time. The nutrition plan is designed to be used over just one week as a detox for which the daily Fat Burner plan can follow on from. It’s also a great way to slim down before holiday or a special occasion and focuses on fresh and hearty recipes to help you to get into those skinny jeans or swimsuit.
The Booty Makeover Guide contains the workout plans for the results you’d like to achieve and your individual body type, from booty blueprints that are flat or square, pear shape, too big or a combination, it addresses the issues areas you have and provides a safe and healthy way to change them. Finally there are a pack of cute pink workout cards detailing each workout move and how to do it with the correct amount of reps and tips on how to get the best results for the area that each movement targets. I’m definitely a flat bum and I’m excited to see how my before and after pictures look in just 60 days. Wish me luck!
Day 1: Booty Basics + Bum Bum
Day one and I began my booty journey today with the Booty Basics routine followed by Bum Bum. Booty Basics is a short demonstration that walks you slowly through each of the moves that will take place in the workouts, and if you’re a slow learner like me, or not used to dancing or working out then this is fantastic for helping you to get into the swing of things at your own pace. I hate doing home workouts where the instructor moves so fast and expects you to know how to do it, as I spend the entire time trying to get in sync and stumbling around missing steps to ever actually do the workout. Working out should be fun, welcoming and beneficial, not rushed, showing off or expecting you to be a pro from day one. We all have to start from the bottom and work our way up, so the Booty Basics is perfect for that.
Next I moved onto Bum Bum which I thought was a rather cheeky title for a workout, but it’s actually pronounced as boom-boom which Leandro affectionately calls the booty! This workout focused heavily on the legs with plenty of squats, lunges and burpees to the electric rhythm of the music that really gets you moving and it left me feeling the burn within the first few minutes and throughout. The 25min timer literally whizzed across my screen in no time and before I knew it I was stretching out for the cooldown with the biggest smile on my face. Each move is easy to do on my lounge carpet, it felt comfortable and achievable and can easily be adjusted in depth and width as my ability and strength grows to make it harder for me. Leandro has a very positive, cheerful and upbeat passion for instructing the session and it’s helpful to see the ladies working out with him too because I can keep up to pace and compare my ability to a variety of people at once. Day one is already over and in the bag, let’s hope the other 59 are just as fun!
Day 2: High & Tight
Todays workout involved using resistance bands and ankle weights as equipment, or you can do it without if you don’t have any, it just helps to take your workout to the next level with a little extra tension and force. In the past I’ve used resistance bands for upper body workouts, mainly bicep curls and flys, but never on my legs. I’m amazed at the difference the band makes to something as simple as stepping from side to side. The entire outer top part of each leg and thigh were on fire, hard as stone and caused me to grit my teeth to finish the last few reps, and the ankle weights left my body and core shaking to hold balance and keep height.
I guess looking at somebody with a band or little weight might not look like hard work for the small movements they make, but when you’re doing it you really realise the power of muscles, control and pulsing and it’s left me feeling on top of the world for how strong and pumped my legs and bum are feeling. I’ll be taking a progress booty picture at the end of week one so that you can see my difference as I don’t think it’ll change much day to day. Already my core and stomach feel tighter and more controlled and I’m loving how fun the workouts are. Just as you feel you’re about to give in and hit the wall you switch to the next move and give that side or single muscle a break so that you can continuously work one part at a time to encompass the whole body with each workout. The bongo beat is infectious and I literally don’t stop smiling throughout, only when I’m gritting my teeth on the squats of course!
Day 3: Rest
Today is my first rest day and I feel like I haven’t really done enough yet to take a rest, as the routines are only half an hour or so and whilst they really work my body and get me sweating they’re not back breaking or punishing. But I know that it’s important to rest so that my muscles can recover, and I’m really happy that the routine is so manageable and doesn’t kill me! I’m just curious to see if it can deliver the results I’m expecting with such bite-sized workouts as I’m used to much stricter, weightier routines that leave me wounded. I guess the proof will be in the pudding, or rather a non-sugar non-dairy alternative, and so today I’m putting my feet up and letting my legs and booty relax. Bliss.
Day 4: Bum Bum
It’s back to the Bum Bum routine today and it’s such a hot and sunny summers day I’m literally dripping in sweat and really out of breath which I wasn’t expecting, as I did this same routine just a few days ago and it didn’t get to me half as much as I did today. I much prefer working out when I’m cool with a nice breeze to keep me going and a bottle of water for hydration, but on a hot stagnant day when the air is heavy it’s so much harder to go hard at a routine.
I’m also guessing as I’m now able to go deeper into my squats and lunges than my first attempt that I’m working my body harder than before as my strength gradually increases. I’m already more stable and balanced and my legs don’t start to ache as quickly which is a really positive result to see so early into training. So I’m drinking plenty of water, getting my burn on and going hard to get the results I want. I’m eating clean, avoiding sugary treats and snacking on peanut butter and bananas for a protein kick between my vegan meals. I’m getting so excited to see my first weeks results in just a few days time, let’s hope it’s noticeable for all the effort that I’m putting in.
Day 5: High & Tight + Tummy Tuck
Whoop! My first double routine today and it’s a repeat of High & Tight and a new workout called Tummy Tuck. Again I used my bands and ankle weights for High & Tight and it absolutely destroyed my legs, I love it when I feel the burn of a workout because it indicates that I’m pushing my body, and the more grunting and gritting your teeth that you do the more you know you’re doing it right. I have absolutely no idea how the beautiful ladies in the video are able to look so composed and elegant, they almost make it appear effortless, but my butt muscles know otherwise!
The leg routines that most got to me were definitely the side steps with the bands as it feels like somebody has taken a hammer to my outer thighs, and the corkscrew leg lift whilst tightening the glutes. Wow! I then moved onto the Tummy Tuck routine for the first time which needed no equipment, other than a tissue to dry my tears after I squealed like a baby doing crunches. What an amazing abdominal workout! I literally have abs of steel right now, my entire body is rock hard and powerful, but boy oh boy did it take dedication to see the routine through. The windshield wipers and raised leg crunches really had me burning, but I focused on my breathing, kept my neck relaxed and counted down with the timer knowing that each second was one less. If you have a positive mindset you will never fail, just try your best and grow with each workout. I’m blissfully destroyed after today and feel so good for it, and thankfully I haven’t had any sore muscles or aches. I’m almost at the end of week one and feel so hyped!
Day 6: Bum Bum
Bum Bum was so much fun today, I’ve done this routine a few times now and I’m really in the flow of it. I’m confident in my moves, I no longer hesitate or bumble getting into stance, and I feel that I’m really pushing my body with each repetition that I do. My legs are feeling so strong now, particularly my thighs and I’m loving how controlled and balanced that I feel. Not to mention how much fun it is!
Day 7: Rest
With today being my rest day I decided to take my first set of progress pictures, and although my purpose isn’t to lose a load of weight I certainly feel more tight and toned. I wasn’t expecting my stomach to become as hard as it has, but that Tummy Tuck routine really got me good. I guess when you work your legs it’s always going to have a positive result on your abs because the muscles are connected, so for me it’s a massive bonus having a tight stomach when I was only looking to build a booty. My legs are gaining definition, particularly just above my knee as my quad muscles really stand out and it’s giving my body more shape.
And as for my butt, before it was soft and squishy and touched my legs, much like an empty carrier bag but now it has a bit of substance to it, like a tiny muscle that is growing, when I squeeze it it now has a little resistance and I can feel it tense up when I squat or clench. Visibly it’s slightly more pert than week one and sits a bit higher because of its shape, but there’s not a dramatic difference yet as it’s all going on inside in the muscles. Softly softly catch a monkey! I’m very pleased with my results so far.
Day 8: Sculpt
The Sculpt routine is by far my most physically testing workout yet, as today I used 5kg dumbbells for my free weights and literally squealed like a piggy as my arms burned. The routine focuses on working every muscle of the body slowly and with resistance and tension, and if you don’t have hand weights then the resistance bands can work equally just as well. My stomach feels like a rock after the crunches and side planks section, and my arms are now twitching and shaky like jelly from the tricep kickbacks and bicep curls I’ve just done.
Despite the workout being quite long at just under an hour, because you work each muscle group slowly you don’t get out of breath as you would with cardio training, but you certainly get hot from your muscles shaking, and if anything I stopped to rest my muscles rather than catch my breath between sets. I thought last week was rather easy and manageable but now I realise it was just easing me in gently because the start of week two has already kicked my butt and it’s such a meaty active routine! Just what I wanted!
Day 9: High & Tight
High & Tight again today and my resistance band is fast becoming my new best friend. I really love a good leg workout and the steps under tension at the start had me laughing and crying at the same time as my legs absolutely set on fire from just walking from side to side on the spot, isn’t it amazing what a rubber band can do!? I’m feeling so much more confident in my strength and ability now, particularly during the clam routine when I have to pulse my knees apart whilst laying on my wide with the bands pulling my legs back together. I’m noticing lots of little changes and improvements in my body and muscles which may not be massively obvious when looking at my physique, but it’s laying down a very firm and stable foundation within my core. I have a funny feeling that rather than shrinking off a few excess pounds of weight I’ll actually end up getting bigger than when I started as my muscles grow. Either way I’m loving the results.
Day 10: Sculpt
Arm day, oh wow. My biceps and triceps are officially divorcing me after those dips, flys and lifts, but my body is feeling so great. It’s so addictive to feel my abs twitching and tightening as I lift my arms above my head, and todays plank made me feel like a concrete bridge, strong and unbreakable. I’m noticing the start of a six pack, dare I say it! Eek! And where I’ve struggled to gain muscle definition on my stomach after having two children, I’m really hoping that this might be the routine to give me the abs of my dreams.
A big part of having a fit and healthy body involves eating the right food, and I’ve cut down on my sugary treats. I’m eating plenty of brown rice, chick peas, quinoa, salad, fruit and green leafy vegetables along with soya mince for protein as I up my water intake to stay hydrated. I’m sleeping great, resting well at night and my body is becoming so responsive. I can’t believe week two is approaching so quickly, it seemed that I only started the other day and I’ve come so far already! Bring it on!
Day 11: Bum Bum
I’ve had the period from hell this week and was in absolute agony with stomach cramps and backache. Add to the mix that my poor son has been unwell and up all hours of the night and I’ve literally hit rock bottom for strength and energy. So I took four days off of my routine to try to put my feet up, as much as possible for a single parent in the summer holidays, and get some early nights. Thankfully my period is now easing up and I’ve almost finished this months cycle so I’m back to the grind again with todays Bum Bum routine.
Bum Bum has really heated my leg muscles and it’s a nice one to return with because it isn’t too fast paced or strenuous. I normally workout throughout my periods because it helps them to pass quicker but this time I couldn’t stand the pain and took a little break. I picked up today where I left off, and rather than fall behind or skip routines I’m carrying on and not being too hard on myself. Yes my stomach is bloated, and yes I haven’t been as active for half of the week, but a few days to rest when my body has really needed it and I’m back on track today and feeling great.
Day 12: Sculpt
Sadly I didn’t escape the sickness and had the most horrendous cold and flu for the past week that just wouldn’t shift. I couldn’t breathe through my nose at all and struggled to sleep at night as breathing through my mouth dried out my throat and left me with a cough. I then went on to have a tattoo on my ribs which needed to scab and heal, so it’s been a pretty lousy time for exercise, but I’m back on it and determined to pick up where I left off. Life will always get in the way of fitness, and obstacles will fall in our path to delay us, but that’s all they are, a delay and not the end.
Todays sculpt routine was a total killer working on my scrawny chicken arms which literally shook like jelly as I did my presses and tricep curls. My arms and core is on fire and I feel so bloated and unhealthy from not having worked out for the past two weeks, but it just means that I’m going to work even harder to catch up again and I won’t let a setback like sickness and bodyart deter me.
Day 13: High & Tight
Today’s routine used my resistance bands and ankle weights and I forgot just how challenging it is! The inside and outside of my thighs are like concrete right now and my abs had an amazing workout at the same time as my legs from the squats, bends and leg raises and lifts. Adding weights took my workout to the maximum level and whilst I struggled a little to regain my strength I feel amazing for having done it. My body already feels stronger in these past two days and I feel confident in getting back to where I left off the other week. I’m still at the start of my program so I have a great deal of workouts ahead of me and I’m ready to give it my all! No more tattoos until after I’ve finished š
Day 14: Rest
As today is my day of rest I’ve taken my progress pictures to mark week two, which I wasn’t expecting to show much progress because I took a break from training. If anything I think that I look worst than my first weeks progress pictures, because at that point I’d completed an entire week of daily training and now I’ve only had a day of getting back into it. My bum looks like such a pancake and my hips feel really wide and squishy, so I’m looking forward to getting my teeth into the rest of the routine and making progress for my week three photos.
Day 15: Sculpt
Today was the sculpt routine again which totally killed my upper body. My arms feel so pumped right now and I was less shaky and weak than yesterday as I could hold my reps more stable and for longer before I began to burn. I still have a long way to go until I’m back to where I was, but I’m seeing progress already in just a couple of days which is definitely great motivation!
Day 16: Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck
Well don’t I just look like a total strawberry right now! My whole body is glowing from todays cardio session of Bum Bum and when I finished it all of my pores opened and I just flooded with sweat. Nice image for you there! I took a minute to catch my breath and drink some cool water whilst my next routine loaded which was Tummy Tuck and it gave my abs the most amazing burn. There was no equipment needed for todays routines, but the upbeat music and great passion of Leandro kept me going and before I knew it my double workout was over.
One thing I really love about the Brazil Butt Lift is just how fun it is. Yes it’s a challenging workout that covers every part of the body, but it doesn’t feel like a chore and I really look forward to popping it on and having a dance. It’s definitely giving me more rhythm as I’m so hopeless at dancing I always avoid it because I think that I’ll look silly. But doing a dance based workout it shows me exactly what to do and I simply have to copy whilst toning up and losing weight at the same time. Bliss!
Day 17: Sculpt
Upper body weights again today and my arms are getting stronger and stronger by the session. I’m still using my 5kg dumbbells but as my strength grows I’m firmer and more controlled with my repetitions. I have to take a minute to rest between sets when I work on one arm at a time because it burns so much in my biceps and triceps, I’d rather take a break and go back at it with 100% effort than struggle on at 40% and not do it properly or risk an injury.
The ab work again got to my stomach, and I’m finding the level two of each floor set a lot easier to do, although it’s never easy! Raising both of my legs up to my elbows on the oblique crunch is by far the biggest success move for me, as I can do it now without gritting my teeth! I love progress!
Day 18: High & Tight
High & Tight again today and I love leg day! I use 2kg ankle weights and I’m surviving my leg lifts pretty well with them now so it may be time to switch them up for some more resistance. I also have my period AGAIN which is so irregular and difficult to judge the duration because of my hormone imbalance, but I’m working through it and won’t be deterred or delayed by Mother Nature! Week 3 here I come! š
Day 19: Sculpt
Sculpt again today, just when my arms regained their roar I tore them up with my dumbbells and feel so great right now. My upper body feels amazing and I’m finding it so much easier to lift my children up to give them a hug. When I pick up my phone after doing curls it feels as though it’s made of air, and my body is so much more capable that everything I do feels so effortless now. Where I would have struggled before I now breeze through and I’m loving the results!
Day 20: Cardio Axe + Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck
Todays triple workout absolutely murdered my muscles and I have no idea how I even got through all of that! I started my mammoth session this afternoon with Cardio Axe which left me dripping in sweat, it was such a fun and upbeat routine that had me on my toes and dancing throughout. Although I’m a self proclaimed rubbish dancer I really enjoyed the electricity of the combos and by the end of it my stomach felt as though I’d been punched for how good my abs had been worked.
I then moved into Tummy Tuck because it was on the same DVD and easier to do in that order, and I gritted my teeth the entire way through. My abs got such a beasting but I really noticed the improvement in my core strength since the last time that I did Tummy Tuck. I’m on the last day of my period now and despite feeling a few cramps I still soldiered through and my body feels amazing because of it.
I finished my triple workout with Bum Bum and the lunges and plies really tested my legs. There was no equipment needed for any of my workouts today which made a change from the past few days of alternating upper and lower body weights. Now I could do with a nice cool shower and to collapse into bed to rest my muscles, what a beauty that trio was! My entire body is singing!
Day 21: Rest
Week three! Hoorah, how nice to meet you! Whilst my pictures may not seem like there is a dramatic change in my body, the biggest change is happening beneath my skin. Granted I don’t have a load of excess weight to shift, so I’m not about to vanish before your eyes, but toning up and building muscle is just as hard and takes a great deal of effort and sweat.
My abs are starting to show at the bottom of my ribs, and my bum cheeks are gradually getting more definition. This was always going to be a catch-up week for me after I returned from my little break away, and I’m hoping now to have a strong and firm foundation in place to carve out some greater definition to my body. My bum still looks like a pancake from the side but it is certainly getting tighter and rounder by the day. Rather than wibbling and wobbling it now has density to it and the crease under my bum cheeks is getting wider as it becomes more pert and takes on a shape of its own.
Day 22: Sculpt
Sculpt today and my arms are like jelly after the presses, curls and flys. I feel pumped and heated and ready to take on the day!
Day 23: Bum Bum + High & Tight
A double workout today and Bum Bum got my heart racing beautifully and my legs burning from the squats and lunges, with High & Tight finishing me off with the tension bands. Leg day is always a challenge but it leaves me walking around like Robocop after because I feel so strong, sturdy and well balanced. Hoorah for quads!
Day 24: Sculpt
Arm day baby! My biceps and triceps feel tight as rubber bands at the moment, wow what a workout! I always find myself grunting and groaning when I lift weights and my 5kg dumbbells are at the peak of where I am at the moment. I’m gradually noticing my strength and stability improving so that I no longer shake or wobble when lifting but I think if I were to increase my weights now then I wouldn’t be ready for 6kg and might end up going backwards instead of forwards with my ability. So I’m going to keep at my 5’s for now until I’m totally at ease and then see if I can take it up a notch before I cross the finish line.
Day 25: Rest
Today was supposed to be my rest day but I ran 10km for a hospice charity instead and now my legs and knees feel smashed to pieces. So scrap the rest day and I’m off to go lay on the floor and muscle roll. Check out the video on my youtube channel TheTracyKiss.
Day 26: Bum Bum + High & Tight
Oh look, a double leg day! What a treat when I’m seriously stiff and tender. Running has really made my knees feel sore so I’m taking it slightly easier today than I normally would. Bum Bum tested me with the balances and lunging and I winced quite a lot, with High & Tight finishing me off with the ankle weights and leg lifts. I’m certainly going for an early night tonight and massaging my thighs. Ice bath please!
Day 27: Cardio Axe + Sculpt
A double whammy workout today left me sweating from the cardio axe as I danced my booty off and shook my hips, followed by beasting my arms with my dumbbells. I’m absolutely destroyed today and need my bed!If you have any thoughts, feedback or comments for me then please feel free to leave them in the box below. Have you tried the Brazil Butt Lift too or any other Beachbody programs? Which area of your body would you most like to focus on? Don’t forget to check back tomorrow to see how I’m getting on!
Still To Come:
Day 28: Rest
The Routine Switches To Combination: The Classic Solution
Day 29: Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck
Day 30: Cardio Axe + High & Tight
Day 31: Sculpt
Day 32: Cardio Axe + High & Tight
Day 33: Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck
Day 34: Cardio Axe + High & Tight
Day 35: Rest
Day 36: Cardio Axe + Sculpt
Day 37: Tummy Tuck + High & Tight
Day 38: Bum Bum + Sculpt
Day 39: Tummy Tuck + High & Tight
Day 40: Cardio Axe + Sculpt
Day 41: Tummy Tuck + High & Tight
Day 42: Rest
Day 43: Sculpt
Day 44: Cardio Axe + Bum Bum
Day 45: Sculpt
Day 46: Bum Bum + High & Tight
Day 47: Sculpt
Day 48: Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck
Day 49: Rest
Day 50: Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck
Day 51: Cardio Axe + High & Tight
Day 52: Sculpt
Day 53: Bum Bum + Tummy Tuck
Day 54: Cardio Axe + Sculpt
Day 55: Tummy Tuck + High & Tight
Day 56: Rest
Thank you so much for putting your pics up and congrats on the progress you’ve made! Sometimes it’s hard to commit to new exercise routines when wondering how much your hard work pays off, but seeing your transformation (especially day to day) is inspiring. You’re fantastic for putting these up and good luck with the upcoming weeks. P.S. I’m starting tomorrow thanks to you š
Thank you Ellie I wish you all the best with it and hope that you’ll share your results! x
After a lot of searches for brazil butt lift I decided to got natural and With my right workout, I combine glute booster serum and I am seeing great results using this serum for my butt workout. A few ppl already said my butt was bigger like brazil butt and they didn’t know I was using it or working out.