What a week it has been and its only Thursday! I’ve spent more time in hospital these last couple of days than I have in my entire life so far.
On Sunday I had just taken a shower when I noticed I couldn’t get dry! When I looked closer at my breast I realised it had a hole in it, and was leaking a clear liquid continuously. So as it was the weekend we went straight to the hospital at A&E to have it checked out.
By the time we got there Id soaked through two tops and a surgical dressing and it showed no signs of stopping. They took swabs before closing it over, and spookily another mark in exactly the same place on my other breast appeared.
Due to having had breast implants a few years ago, then becoming pregnant my bra size has increased by seven times my natural size in a short space of time and as a result the pressure has being too much.
It was discussed that the implant may need to be removed should they find it to be leaking or ruptured. The only catch being as I’m pregnant they would be unable to operate unless they keep me awake during surgery which absolutely petrifies me.
I have a chest scan tomorrow morning to determine what will be done, and for the time being as the hole has been closed whatever is leaking is now remaining in my body and building up. They gave me antibiotics as a precaution, but just discovered I’m allergic to them and can’t take any! It’s a bit of a bad time at the moment, and I feel exhausted from sitting on waiting room chairs going to and fro between doctors and surgeons and hospital appointments. I just want to lay on a big squishy pile of cool jelly and have Brad Pitt come and fan me with palm leaves and feed me grapes. Today I went to the endocrinology hospital for a scan for my hormone levels, and again spent hours being passed from doctor to doctor. I had some eye and reaction tests and was booked for an MRI only they didn’t realise that I’m pregnant and so I now have to wait until I give birth for them to re-asses the hormone levels in my brain as apparently this will affect them. It’s hard to say if I’ve had such high hormone levels since being pregnant or if they have been like this for some time now. Either way it shouldn’t be so high and is at the back of my mind all the time that I want to be ok to see my little girl grow up and make me a grandmother! I’m praying all will be ok and that the ‘tumour’ word isn’t used more than once today. :’(
I have more eye and reaction tests in six weeks time and then a brain scan once Millie arrives.
What a nightmare! I hate hospitals xxx