Easy Tips For Watching Your Weight This Autumn

Autumn is a beautiful time of year, with leaves changing colour and a chill in the air. It’s also a time when our routines change as the days get shorter and cooler, which can make it harder to maintain a healthy weight.

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With some planning and simple lifestyle changes, you can keep your weight in check this autumn. Here are some easy tips:

Move More

As the weather gets cooler, we tend to move less and opt for cosy evenings indoors. But it’s recommended that adults get about two and a half hours of moderate-intensity physical exercise every week. You can combat the seasonal lethargy by deliberately adding movement to your day:

  • Take the stairs whenever you can. Take any opportunity to move at home, at work, or running errands.
  • Go for a 30-minute walk on your lunch break. The fresh air and movement will energise you.
  • Schedule exercise appointments in your calendar, whether it’s a gym session or an at-home workout. Treat them like any other important appointment.
  • Stand or pace when on the phone versus sitting. Small bursts of activity add up.
  • Park farther away from entrances so you get some extra steps.
  • Schedule active weekend social outings like hiking or cycling versus just meals out.
  • Try a new active hobby like dance classes, rock climbing, or rollerblading. Having fun activities on the calendar makes it easier to move more.

Eat Mindfully

It’s easy to overeat and make poor choices when you’re distracted, stressed, or eating out of habit versus true hunger. Practice mindful eating:

  • Sit down and savour your food without TV, phones, computers, or reading material. Be fully present as you eat.
  • Eat slowly, paying attention to the taste and texture of food. Pause between bites.
  • Listen to your body’s signals of fullness and stop when satisfied, not overly full.
  • Pause before getting a second helpings and ask yourself if you’re truly still hungry.
  • Select healthier snacks like fruits, vegetables, nuts, yoghurt, or popcorn versus cookies, chips, or ice cream.
  • Use smaller plates which make portions appear bigger.
  • Drink water before and during meals to avoid overeating.

Talk To Your Doctor About Medication

If you have struggled with losing weight through diet and exercise alone, talk to your doctor about whether a medication may be appropriate for you. Options may include:

  • Prescription weight loss pills like Orlistat, can help suppress appetite and increase weight loss when combined with lifestyle changes. Diet pills are worth talking to your doctor about, and Orlistat reviews may highlight that they work by blocking fat absorption in your body. If you’re looking for Orlistat in the UK, visit The Independent Pharmacy. They have detailed resources to help you learn more and a range of treatments to help with all sorts of conditions. 
  • Diabetes medications like Metformin or Liraglutide, are sometimes prescribed “off-label” for weight loss. But this depends on your health profile and requires monitoring by a doctor.
  • Thyroid-regulating medications if you have an underactive thyroid, which can contribute to weight gain. Treating this underlying condition may aid weight loss efforts.

Never take any prescription medication for weight loss without explicit consent from your physician, who can advise if it is suitable based on your medical history and continued health monitoring. 

Meal Prep

Planning takes the guesswork out of eating healthy on busy days:

  • Cook a big batch of whole grains like quinoa or brown rice on your day off to use all week for quick lunches and dinners.
  • Grill or bake extra chicken breasts to keep on hand for salads, wraps, or bowls.
  • Wash and prep veggies/fruits so they’re ready to grab.
  • Portion out snacks like nuts, cut-up veggies, hummus, or yoghurt into containers for grab-and-go convenience.
  • Cook a big pot of vegetable soup or chilli to have for easy lunches or dinners later.

Fill Up On Fibre

Fibre is essential, it can also keep you feeling fuller for longer while controlling blood sugar spikes. Look for ways to add more fibre:

  • Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal or whole-grain cereal. Berries and nuts add flavour and extra fibre.
  • Choose whole wheat or high-fibre options when buying bread, tortillas, pasta, and crackers. Check the label to compare fibre content.
  • Snack on fruits, vegetables, popcorn, nuts, and seeds which are all naturally high in fibre.
  • Use brown rice or quinoa instead of white rice or regular pasta.
  • Add beans, lentils and chickpeas to salads, soups, and veggie burgers for an extra fibre boost.

Stay Motivated

Reaching a healthy weight requires commitment and lifestyle changes. Stay motivated with these tips:

  • Set realistic, sustainable goals versus extreme restrictions or crash diets. Make small changes that add up over time.
  • Track your progress through a food and exercise journal, before/after photos or tracking apps. Celebrate successes!
  • Find an accountability partner like a friend, personal trainer, or registered dietitian you check in with weekly. Social support helps.
  • Notice non-scale victories like having more energy, less joint pain, better sleep, and fitting into smaller clothing sizes.
  • Join fitness challenges or programs through gyms, apps or community groups for motivation and resources.

With some preparation and smart lifestyle tweaks, watching your weight through autumn and beyond is very achievable. Focus on sustainable, enjoyable changes and be patient with yourself. Creating healthy habits now will serve you for a lifetime!


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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

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