Naked Attraction: My Story

Seeing as I’ve just bared all on national television tonight I suppose I should put my point out there to clear up all the questions, queries and no doubt raised-brows as to why on earth a 28yr old single mother of two would want to show her squishy bits on a dating show. Oh God I’ve just realised I’m writing in third-person, somebody slap me with a bible please!


My Journey From Shy And Bullied Child To Confident Single Mother Of Two

My Journey From Shy And Bullied Child To Confident Single Mother Of Two

Well at the start of 2016 I had a random message from a person pop into my twitter DM’s one day saying they loved my social media and asking if I’d like to take part in a brand new TV show about body confidence and attraction and I thought it sounded pretty interesting. After making sure it wasn’t a scam and the person was a real researcher for a production company I responded with my contact details where I then had a brief chat on the phone before being invited into their London offices for a screen test.

Prior to this they emailed me a list of questions for which I had to give my opinion on literally every single body part and state what I liked about it and disliked. It had crazy things such as ‘earlobes’ for which I said I like little round ones but dislike floppy bacon-like lobes, ‘noses’ can’t be too big or I joust when I kiss because I have a right honker on me, and excess body hair reminds me of my dad who is literally a Hungarian grizzly bear with a happy face. You get the picture!

Tracy Kiss For Channel 4's Naked Attraction 08/06/16

Tracy Kiss For Channel 4’s Naked Attraction 08/06/16

At my screen test I was asked to look at little flip charts of anonymous people divided into three for their faces, torso and bottom halves. They asked me which part I’d like to see first and being the curious cat that I am I instantly wanted to see the genitals, just because! I’ve never laughed so much or had so much fun in a single hour than answering their questions of “how do you find the leg length, what do you think of the balls and are these nipples too far spaced for you?” And it was eye-opening to realise how strange attraction can be, how we see somebody of the opposite sex and either like or dislike their quirks and kooks. Whether it be scrawny or squishy, lanky or little, well hung or high strung I’ve never had the opportunity to compare body parts and it was both invigorating and uplifting because there was no right or wrong answer, just personal taste.

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I’ve been single for three years after my ex-fiance left me when I came out of hospital from a breast reconstruction and I live alone with my two children, cat, dog and rabbit and I love being a mum. To start with I was heartbroken when he said he didn’t want the responsibility of having a family, but I understand that not everybody can handle raising children. We’d been together since I was a teenager and I truly expected to spend my entire life with him, growing old together and walking the dog along the beach with the grandkids racing each other in wheelchairs, but life had different ideas. In hindsight I was too mumsy, too plain Jane, too sensible, hard working and I guess unattractive? I never went out clubbing, never wore a skirt or a dress, had no idea how to do my hair or makeup and felt uneasy with my post-pregnancy body and the stretch marks, scars and cellulite that go along with it. So as my fiancé approached 30 he decided he was too young to stick around and wanted to go out, party and see the world and I’m not one to hold somebody against their will, if you’re no longer happy you can’t fake that so I let him go without a fight and used my pillow as my tear-sponge for a fair few months.

Tracy Kiss & Anna Richardson For Channel 4's Naked Attraction 08/06/16

Tracy Kiss & Anna Richardson For Channel 4’s Naked Attraction 08/06/16

But over these past three years I’ve come to realise that having my heart broken was the best thing for me. You see, I was bullied terribly for being an ugly child, for talking with a lisp, having a strange sounding voice, my dull hair, being lanky, wearing big shoes, not wearing makeup, fumbling and bumbling when I nervously spoke and generally being a teachers pet and class geek. I was an easy target and total doormat, loyal as the day is long and always taken for granted. So when I was plucked from my office job by MTV to become a model at the age of 18 I almost died from the shock but it was a great turning point in my life because it gave me the confidence I so severely lacked.

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I went from geek to Barbie-chic literally overnight with sunbeds, false nails, hair extensions, lashings of makeup and daring outfits and suddenly the world threw itself at my feet and people fell over themselves to take me out and take my number. Naturally I was, and am still the same person inside and that will never change because you are who you are; so I didn’t know how to handle compliments, I didn’t know what to do with undivided attention and everybody wanting to please me to earn my approval. I felt like I’d been handed a get-out-of-jail-free card in life purely because of how my appearance had changed. But I didn’t complain, far from it, I was grateful for everything, every opportunity and open door that it created and whilst my own mother didn’t recognise me on the outside I was still her goofy, poetic daughter inside. I’d suffered 17 long years at the hands of the bullies and now they wanted to date me, which obviously I politely declined.

Tracy Kiss & Anna Richardson For Channel 4's Naked Attraction 08/06/16

Tracy Kiss & Anna Richardson For Channel 4’s Naked Attraction 08/06/16

I had my heart broken pretty quickly, a late bloomer in life innocent to the ability of people to cheat, lie and manipulate emotions but you learn the hard way I suppose and each chip at your confidence and trust lost in men just made me that little bit stronger. After passing out during photoshoots I’d begun testing for a brain tumour at the age of 18 at the endocrinology department at my local hospital because my blood test results showed a hormone imbalance stemming from my pituitary gland which is the front section of the brain and left me in floods of tears as well as my parents as they monitored my levels over several months and explained the risks of surgery. Yet within weeks I was back in hospital after another fainting episode when I was kindly informed that I would be ok as would my baby. Err, what baby? I’ve never know every drop of blood I own to hit my feet so quickly. I was almost half way through a pregnancy, hadn’t had a period in years because they’d never become regular and I was frightfully skinny and also taking the contraceptive pill which I was advised would regulate my cycle but didn’t.

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After a call to my ex who didn’t want to become a father I had just the cold light of day to realise that in a few months I could give birth to my daughter and be going at parenthood young and alone, and I’ve never looked back. I gave birth a week early seven days before my 20th birthday as we were due to share the same day and she was the single most precious and sweetest thing in my life. In a heartbeat I became selfless, tireless, hunger less and certainly penniless as my every breath over every waking hour was spent on pleasing her, nursing her, studying and working to support us. A couple of months later my now ex-fiance kept coming into my work to chat to me, messaging me on Myspace which was all the rage at the time and asked for my number to chat. I didn’t see him as a potential partner because I only had eyes for my daughter not dating because I’d been treated so badly in the past. Yet after four months and having poured my heart out about stretch marks, heartburn, childbirth and cracked-nipple nursing this guy that I saw as an agony aunt or straight-gay-best-friend suddenly told me he thought the world of me and asked me if I’d go out with him.

Tracy Kiss For Channel 4's Naked Attraction 08/06/16

Tracy Kiss For Channel 4’s Naked Attraction 08/06/16

You could’ve blown me down with a feather because I didn’t see that coming in a million years, I was so busy being a mum that I forgot I was also a woman. Yet he’d seen my modelling career and me in the news, in magazines and on the radio and felt incredibly proud to have me as his trophy girlfriend, even though I was a new mum and far from glamourous. He always encouraged me to go back to modelling because he knew it paid well and we’d have a good life, but I felt awkward about it what with having had a baby. To start with I felt out of shape, had my body torn to shreds with stretch marks and wanted to finish studying my diploma in interior design and already worked two jobs whilst raising a child alone, there just wasn’t enough hours in the day to try to be glamourous too! If you’re into this home design craft, I suggest you start working on getting your own diploma in interior designing now.


I spent my life in jeans and baggy jumpers, prided myself on dressing my daughter nicely, having bedtime routines down to an art and keeping my home neat and tidy. I set up a children’s educational business writing free learning materials for schools for underprivileged and single parent families to also enjoy free craft, activities and events for themselves and their little ones and my love for helping charities flourished as we visited local food banks where I donated a weeks worth of my wages to them at Christmas and signed up for a charity cycle with my son onboard in a baby seat to help disabled children learn wheelchair sports. When my ex-fiance moved in with me I felt like everything in life was clicking into place, after suffering a miscarriage whilst still on the pill down to my still elevated but non-treated hormone imbalance my ex-fiance surprised me by declaring his desire to have a son. He told me one night that he wanted to have a baby boy, that he was approaching 30 and didn’t want to be an old dad, that my daughter was so polite, sweet and helpful and he saw her as his own and loved how I am with children. So he proposed to me and asked us to try for a baby, telling me he’d chosen the name Gabriele and how one day they’d race cars together and kick footballs. After the heartache of losing a baby I didn’t know that I was expecting it was as if it was meant to be, I felt so safe and happy and secure in life and loved how positive he was about our future. By then we’d been together almost five years and everything was wonderful. I was the busy mother hen taking care of everyone and he was the laid back influence reminding me to stop and put my feet up, although I rarely did because I had nobody to do it all for me. But I liked being a good girlfriend, having the dinner on the table, the house immaculate and my daughter sweetly tucked up in bed with fresh pyjamas and French vanilla candles twinkling next to our family photos.

Daily Star With Tracy Kiss For Naked Attraction

Daily Star With Tracy Kiss For Naked Attraction

So I agreed to try for a baby and literally 10 months later our son came along. To cut a long story short I developed breathing problems, my chest collapsed and I was rushed in for two emergency surgeries to remove, replace and encapsulate my natural breast tissue before undergoing a reconstruction a few months after. After being up all night with a newborn, struggled through months of pain and suffering and my body held together with stitches and painkillers I literally didn’t know what day it was. My home that was once so loving and tidy became covered in children’s toys, mucky fingerprints traced the doorhandles and stale baby bottles stank out the kitchen. Being bed bound upstairs and having to ease off my blood-soaked bandages and dressings each evening my ex-fiance freaked out and after just five days out of hospital he realised his inability to take care of a family, and the day that I unwittingly couldn’t was the day that he realised he wouldn’t. So he left.


Fast forward three years and I’ve had many sleepless nights, money worries, snotty noses, self doubts and insecurities about my appearance. The best way to shatter a girls confidence is certainly to call her fat, boring and bland and those were titles I never thought I’d hear from somebody who had once being so supportive of me. But as every mother does, you soldier on, put your children first and get on with life. My babies needed me more than I needed a man and you can’t have your heart broken if you don’t give it away which suited me just fine.

Tracy Kiss For Channel 4 Naked Attraction SE01EP03

Tracy Kiss For Channel 4 Naked Attraction SE01EP03

Being single from the age of 25 with two young children and the responsibility of bills and zero-childcare made my social life non-existent yet it also allowed me to embrace myself for who I am because the beautiful thing about parenting is that children don’t criticise you for what you’re not, but commend you for who and what you are. To hear my children call me beautiful melted my heart, even though I didn’t feel beautiful on the surface, to be told that I’m kind, thoughtful and selfless lifted my spirits and showed me that it was the right thing to do to put my children first, to raise them well and then get back to some me-time when they’re older. My mother always told me the importance of a strong foundation and that’s what I felt I was doing for them in being a constant, calming and hard-working role model.


Being single also meant that I didn’t have anybody telling me what to wear, where to be or how I should look. I stopped painting my nails, rarely dyed my hair and ditched makeup to save money on my pittance of a single income but also because I had nobody to wear makeup for. I didn’t need to cover the dark circles under my eyes or straighten my hair anymore because I could go days, weeks or even months without seeing anyone and other school-mums did the morning school-run in their pyjamas so who was I trying to impress!

Tracy Kiss For Channel 4 Naked Attraction SE01EP03

That’s really when I embraced nature, I saw myself morning, noon and night at my rawest most natural form and it just became the norm for me. On weekends I hardly got dressed because I knew nobody would be coming over and my son loved running around naked all the time anyway so it wasn’t a crude or underhand thing. I was a plain Jane but I didn’t mind and the breast surgery scars, stretch marks and body imperfections previous partners had disliked no longer concerned me so much because nobody saw them anymore. The more time that passed the less I cared about my appearance and oddly the better received by the public I was, to the tune of 1.6million followers to date who frequently praise me from being honest, real, down to earth and inspirational for my positive outlook on life; it’s true what they say, what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.


So when they asked me to take my clothes off on camera for a screen-test in a small office of a TV company in London on a weekday afternoon whilst my mother babysat I took a deep breath, shrugged my shoulders and dropped my Bridget Jones knickers to the floor and exclaimed “I’m 28 and still in my prime, I’ll only get older, wrinklier and droopier from now on so I may as well be happy with what I have!” And a few days later I had a phone call to say that I’d been chosen to take part in the show. Naked.

Tracy Kiss For Channel 4 Naked Attraction SE01EP03

I didn’t really know much about it until the day that we filmed, it was all very hush hush. I’d signed a contract to say that all footage recorded was confidential and the property of the production company and agreed to a list of clauses and expectations. And the rest was a whirlwind. I arrived at the ITV studios one morning wide-eyed as all of the prime-time TV shows I’d grown up watching proudly displayed pictures of their presenters on the walls, the canteen clattered with cutlery and famous faces and my private dressing room overlooked the glorious river Thames. A security guard stood watch outside my door and one by one makeup, hair, wardrobe and lunch crew came to pamper to my every need. I told the security guard he didn’t have to stand up waiting for me because I could call him over from the canteen if I needed something and he wanted a coffee but he insisted it was his job to keep me safe. The wardrobe people pressed my dress and polished my shoes as I giggled about walking like a man in heels because I never go out to even wear them and the makeup artist asked me how I usually wear my makeup to which I rolled my eyes and confessed to being a tomboy.


Within a few hours I went from a washed out sleep-deprived Cinderella to feeling like the belle of the ball with bouncy hair and beautiful clothes and I did all I could not not burst into tears for how kind everyone had been and how good they made me feel. As a woman it’s easy to fall into the role of being a mother and to forget that you also have needs, that you need to look in the mirror and love what you see and believe in yourself. I’ve never thought that I’m anybody special, personally I don’t find myself attractive and wouldn’t rate my looks but it’s something that I’m stuck with, that I’ve accepted and I embrace my flaws rather than trying to battle them.

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Arriving in the studio I was blinded by the lights, the enormity of the production, the 20-odd cameras positioned at every angle and army of crew dressed in black hiding behind curtains, climbing onto towers and manning cameras, sound equipment and screens. And when I saw the host Anna Richardson for the first time I just thought “Wow! She’s gorgeous, so petite and confident and I’m like a butch drag-queen beside her” ready to bare my wonky bits to my parents dismay. I’d come out of hospital just a few days before when I was rushed in with internal bleeding after treatment for my cervical-cells had gone wrong and I had to be burned shut so I still had a sore and swollen stomach and was leaking blood for which I was told to wear a sanitary towel and try to rest up; perhaps not the best time to be stood on my feet naked but the production crew were very understanding and a lovely team of ladies followed me around with hairbrushes, tit-tape and chopped up tampons! It was all very glamourous!


And then the show began, in the cold studio on a weekday morning six beautiful boxes lit up in pretty colours like a tin of Quality Street, each containing a naked man chosen to have a feature of what I deemed attractive and it was up to me to choose my favourite and give reasons as to why. Considering it took me four months to agree to go on a date with my ex-fiance and I had the lights off to get naked in front of him I felt youthfully giddy about the idea of being in the buff in front of a potential new partner but it’s something I highly recommend. In day to day life I don’t have the chance to meet anybody, I rarely leave my house and only go on a night out for weddings, birthdays or funerals sadly, and the messages of lust and adoration I receive from thousands of people a day online makes opening masturbation videos and cocky proposals surprisingly uninspiring. I believe that gentlemen exist, that kindness and confidence still outweigh arrogance somewhere and my Mr Right is waiting for me. I don’t believe seeing somebody dressed in all of their finery, boozed-up, splashing money they can’t afford or racing around in rented cars and a strategically filtered social profile photos give you a true indication of who you’re really seeing and getting to know on a date. Naturally we all want to present the best version of ourselves to a potential partner, but for the other 99% of the time we’re not the person we try so desperately to portray to the world. Although I can put my hand on my heart and actually say that I am, I’m me and always will be and people can take it or leave it and I make no apologies for that anymore.

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Having studied psychology, philosophy and sociology at college before writing four books on self-acceptance and dating I’m familiar with body-language and how people portray themselves and I guess I’m almost guided towards people I feel safe with. Those that blush with eye-contact, tuck their thumb into a fist to feel safe and stand a little unsure on their feet. I’m only human, I’m not perfect and I don’t pretend to be, but it’s nice to recognise the same in others because I believe you can then begin on an even ground and similar understanding of life.


And so the show began and as the screens went up so did the pitch of my voice and pace of my heart! Never have I seen 6 naked men presented so beautifully in boxes and I felt like I’d accidentally strolled into a secret enclosure at the zoo but I just couldn’t divert my eyes. It was fantastic and the words flowed so freely as Anna and I pointed, giggled and gawked our way through the rounds. I was literally the cat that got the cream, all of my Christmases had come at once and I couldn’t wipe the ridiculous smile off of my face. I had the utmost respect for everybody on the show for being so brave as to show their bodies because I know they’d have no doubt have gone through the same tears and fears that I had, the same emotions we all have. We all worry about how we look, how people see us, what they think of us and dream of being younger, taller, tighter, firmer and better looking than we are; yet here I was in a room filled with naked men and I just wanted to hug them all and tell them it would be ok in a weird mumsy sort of way.


Knowing I had to eliminate people for each round and identify my reasons why made me feel so awful because having being bullied my entire youth based on my appearance and low self esteem I can’t ever put people down or criticise them, it’s just not in my nature. So with every round when it came to saying goodbye to somebody I literally cringed, covered my eyes and said sorry about a hundred times before giving them a hug and wishing them a nice day. But as the time passed I realised that I’m still a woman, I’m still young-ish and that in such a rare opportunity to compare body types and sizes I’m more attracted to tall, dark and handsome men than the old cliche ever had me believe. Every physical attribute I thought I would avoid, that would be too big-headed, cocky and dare I say it ‘a player’ suddenly gave me reassurance, enthusiasm and butterflies and the sheer size of flacid genitalia just centimetres before my face left me dumbstruck as I was informed he was a grower not a shower.


As the rules of the show go I had to choose a date based purely on attraction and I think it was impossible to hide my enthusiasm. Yet when it came to picking between my last two choices I had to strip off myself and face them in the buff which is quite frankly a situation I’ve never been faced with before but it was ridiculously liberating and I’m so glad that I did it.


The two guys I had left was a tall, tattoo’d northern guy who was younger than me and a shorter funny Londoner who was older than me. Considering I’ve only ever dated older guys I was instinctively drawn to the Londoner mentally weighing it up that he lives nearby, has tattoos that I love, a cheeky smile and hilarious sense of humour and I knew we’d get along which is how I would have picked a guy in everyday life with my imaginary checklist. But based purely on looks I had to go with the young northern lad which was really against my grain and safety net but perhaps exactly what I needed after being so unlucky in love my whole life!


And I’m so glad that I chose him because on the date he totally put me at ease and proved my preconceptions wrong. The North/South accent divide was pretty difficult to understand at first but as we downed our shots at the bar and laughed our way through several hours I realised we had a ridiculous amount of things in common. He was raised by a single mother too and understands my lifestyle entirely; we both love tattoos, have great banter and oddly the seven year age gap wasn’t a problem at all as our very different lives haven’t affected our interests and outlook on life. If I saw him on a night out 100% I would never have approached him let alone seen him naked but Naked Attraction put me in a situation that I wish I’d been in years ago!


So let’s approach that elephant in the room where I inadvertantly called my vagina a jam jar after having kids and expressed that I think it looks like a stamped on beef sandwich shall we! It’s safe to say that I said a lot of things and I fail to censor my thoughts as they tumble off of my tongue at a million miles an hour but I am who I am and I wouldn’t change myself nor ask anyone else to change for me because life is too short to be anything other than true. The vagina jam jar comment was based on being questioned about small willies and how I feel about them after giving birth and I rambled on for several minutes about how having sex after childbirth makes you question if smaller genitalia is actually in or not like throwing a sausage into a jam jar, not that I have a jam jar for a vagina but the poor production people have to snip it down to just the best bits to make it fit into half an hour in a round about way, please excuse my pun. It was my way of justifying my appreciation of a large penis if given the choice on size, but I’m quite happy with one average sized finger thanks my pelvic floor kegal weights. As a mother my body changed incredibly from being a slinky 18yr old to having two children at 28, I gained weight and then lost weight, my breasts swelled and then deflated and annoyingly fell off which is why i’ve had three surgeries, my stomach became a giant stretch-marked mountain and I’ve worked it back to a somewhat alright condition and yes I gave birth naturally twice but it obviously doesn’t stay dilated like that; like any muscle in your body you can strengthen it with time and effort just as I have my abs, arms, legs, and whatever else you care to inspect of mine whilst I’m on TV in my birthday suit – skin stretches and can ping back with effort. As for my thoughts on my vaginas appearance I don’t think it’s my most attractive feature and I rarely look at it. Being vegan I dislike the taste and texture of meat and my genitals very much remind me of a beef sandwich, I said it, it’s out there and make of it what you will.


To this end I would like to say a very big thank you to all involved in the process of putting a twinkle in my eye and giving me this opportunity. Yes I’m a mother, yes I got naked on TV, yes I speak my mind and yes I appreciate long, hard, sweaty passionate sex multiple times a day. I think in a world filled with criticism, keyboard warriors, bitterness and hate it’s nice to be reminded that we can still be human, free to express ourselves and able to have amazing experiences in the most random of situations. Variety is the spice of life and I have nothing but praise for Naked Attraction and any negative comments directed my way are basically water off of a ducks back and I certainly won’t dwell on them; judging a person does not define who they are, it merely defines who you are.

UPDATE: 10/08/16 2 Days Later

So it’s been two days since the show went out and my phone is still exploding from messages, calls, texts and emails as I pretty much expected it would. Naturally the show has had mixed responses and it’s always interesting to see the stories that crop up in the press about me which are pretty crazy at the best of times! So to clear up a few facts and inaccurate figures here I’ll share with you some of the press along with what actually happened! You can click on the pictures to read the full press articles and I’ve put my thoughts in red to make it a little easier to read. Grab a sandwich and get ready!

Tracy Kiss In The Sun

Tracy Kiss In The Sun

The Sun wrote:
“SINGLE mum Tracy raised eyebrows with Naked Attraction fans after ditching a man based on his penis size – and saying it reminded her of her DAD. She ditched her second contestant, in the Blue box, after comparing his manhood to that of her dad – basing her judgement without even seeing his face.

When studying his lower half she told host Anna Richardson the man in question, photographer Daniel, prompted images of furry animal and said: “He’s like my dad, a little hairy bear – he molts everywhere.” After giving him the boot she reasoned: “He just looks like my dad!” before Anna quizzed: “Too familiar, yeah? The racy TV show raised eyebrows tonight with fans left truly puzzled by the blonde’s comment.

Ok, first of all can I just put it out there that I have never seen my dads penis! Nor would I ever want to, not accidentally, incestuously or however else you’d ever see your parents genitals. But the contestant that I had to ask to leave had the same body shape and coverage of hair as my bear-like dad which reminded me of him and I didn’t find it attractive. Some girls look for a father figure when dating but I certainly don’t.

Tracy Kiss For LoadedOnline

Tracy Kiss For LoadedOnline

The Huffington Post are talking about my vagina!
“Mum-of-two Tracy was one of the, shall we say, open-minded individuals taking part in the show, and when she was forced to lose her clothing during the final round of looking at a load of men in the buff, she made a rather special comparison about her vagina.

We’re warning you now, it’s quite something. “I think mine looks like a beef sandwich,” she told host Anna Richardson. As you can imagine, the people of the internet reacted accordingly.”

I’ll take ‘open-minded’ and raise you an ‘outrageously-honest’ HP!

The Telegraph describes me as being on ‘penis patrol’
“Once again love-hungry members of the public were invited to assess potential romantic partners arrayed before them in a state of advanced nakedness. On penis patrol this week was Tracy, single for three years and fed up with the boring romantic convention whereby you are expected to engage prospective beaus in conversation before proceeding to the far more important business of forensically examining their love handles.”

Although they clearly disagree with the show and everything it stands for this quote just killed it and I couldn’t stop laughing! High five for making me snort!

Tracy Kiss Loaded

Tracy Kiss Loaded

I spoke to Loaded about my ‘beef sandwich’ and they’ve written:
“She was the talk of Channel 4’s Naked Attraction this week but what exactly possessed contestant Tracy Kiss to describe her vagina as a “beef sandwich”? Well, loaded spoke to the woman herself to find out. Recruited via social media to appear on the dating show, which sees one woman or man choose from a panel of six completely naked would-be dates, Kiss served up, pardon the pun, one of the most memorable moments on the show. But, for the personal trainer, blogger, journalist and all-round social media star, the description was more about being herself in the only way she knew how.

As much as anything for Kiss, the beef sandwich revelation was about showing that, despite being a personal trainer with a raft of romantic admirers on Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, she, like everyone else, has flaws. “I know that I’m not perfect, we all have body hang ups but I don’t censor myself, I am who I am and after an entire childhood of being bullied for being ugly, shy and too geeky as a woman I have accepted that people will either love or hate me for who I am,” Kiss said.”

I love Loaded <3 It’s nice to see my side of things being listened to without getting twisted!

Tracy Kiss Digital Spy

Tracy Kiss Digital Spy

Digital Spy seem slightly shocked by my beef sandwich reference!
“Mother-of-two Tracy was first up in the third episode of Channel 4’s unique dating show and after she’d got starkers, she had a rather special description for her vagina… comparing it to a “beef sandwich”

I think if more people said it as it is then there’d be no such thing as political correctness and causing offence. I’d never want to upset anyone or put them down, my words are simply honest and to the point and I think it’s because I spend so much time with my wonderful children who say everything as they see it because they’re so preciously innocent! 

The Daily Record Says:
“Women can refer to their downstairs with names such as honeypot or muff, while men call their parts everything from johnson to trouser snake. However, sometimes people can abuse the privilege of naming your own genitalia, to the point of putting many off their lunch. In last night’s Naked Attraction, one such woman did just that.

Appearing on the bizarre new Channel 4 dating show, Tracey from Buckinghamshire referred to her lady bits as a beef sandwich. Needless to say, Twitter had a bit of a meltdown.”

It turns out not many ladies favour on calling their intimate parts such true to life names, maybe I’ll stuck to muff-puff or kitten-fritter in future!

Tracy Kiss The Sun

Tracy Kiss The Sun

Oh look, The Sun is out again – twice in one day that’s got to be a record for English weather!
“Before stripping off Tracey, from Buckinghamshire, referred to her vagina as both a jam jar and a beef sandwich – leaving horrified viewers in hysterics. Twitter went mad for the unappetising comparison – which could very easily put you off your lunch.”

I’m actually going to have to measure a jam-jar now to satisfy my OCD because 10cm dilated during birth feels like it could be a jam-jar if not a Nescafe coffee jar, Pringles tube or church candle. For the record I’m no longer 10cm dilated, it’s only during the final stage of labour!

UPDATE: 17/10/16 Setting The Trolls Straight

After receiving some rather critical comments recently from three ladies I feel the need to update you on my thoughts. So my episode went out a few months ago and received a lot of praise for being open, honest and saying what others dare not mention compared to the other contestants who were nervous and reserved in comparison. Mark clearly made an impression on ladies for his undeniable good looks and giant penis and because of this people have questioned my motive for taking part in the show, suggesting I am shallow and only looking for sex because of my choice of partner.

To set the record straight I wasn’t just looking for sex – let’s face it that’d be a bonus –  I was open minded to finding love and was asked to seek out a physical attraction with a man that I’d never met before. Mark also appeared on another show about health later in the year that I’d filmed for after Naked Attraction when I was approached to discuss the importance of cervical screening. I didn’t film it with Mark or see any of the other contributors, so for people to suggest it was all a set up and we were seeing each other before the show is ridiculous.

Tracy Kiss & Mark Redfearn

Tracy Kiss & Mark Redfearn

I’ve been showered with compliments by men for appearing on the show yet ripped to shreds by these three women which I find cruel and unnecessary but despite this I always answer their questions. Having being bullied my entire childhood for being shy and ugly, as well as being a mother of two, I understand how hurtful words can be and I would hate to think of anybody being victimised and treated the same way. There is no excuse for bullying and I don’t believe we should tolerate it in immature children let alone adults who should know better. As a personal trainer I do my best to pick others up, to help to rebuild their self confidence and restore self esteem after childbirth, heartbreak and the effects of ageing on the body yet one of the very good looking contestants that I turned down was also a personal trainer and very confidently said how perfect his body was and how he loved everything about himself which I found a turn-off because I don’t view myself with such high regard. I’ve accepted my body for its flaws but I know that I’ll never feel perfect. I could never walk onto a TV show and pretend that I’m a 10/10 and absolutely love myself when I don’t, I’m human, I have mirrors in my home and am under no illusion what I look like which is why I talk about my appearance honestly; “I don’t like my stretch marks because…” Despite having an emergency breast reconstruction three years ago following the birth of my son I’ve had these women telling me that my breasts look horrendous and are too far apart to be attractive, yet I’m fortunate and very grateful just to be alive. After working hard in the gym to regain my body confidence and post-pregnancy figure I’ve now been accused of being attention seeking for showing off my body on TV before I get too old and nobody finds me attractive anymore, which leaves me exasperated. If you can’t look slim and pert whilst you’re still fairly young then I’m baffled by what is expected of me here!?

Tracy Kiss & Mark Redfearn

Tracy Kiss & Mark Redfearn

I know that these women are keyboard warriors with nothing better to do with their time than to put others down to make themselves feel better, and the fact that they’ve taken time out of their day to look me up and leave such extensive put-downs online shows that it’s obviously something they feel very passionate about and want me to know and take on board. But I just can’t accept blatant cruelty and it doesn’t fall as constructive criticism in my book. As always I read all feedback that I receive and am a fan of freedom of speech so I wouldn’t prevent such horrible words from being shared on my blog or social media, but having to justify my actions over and over for seemingly the same reason to the same three people is getting pretty tiresome which is why I’m writing this update instead.

If my children tell me my clothes aren’t nice I get changed, if my dinner is too bland for my guests I add spice, or if I’m not happy with a part of my body I either try to improve it or embrace it for what it is and always will be. There’s a right and wrong way to go about communicating with others and I don’t believe being deliberately cruel and disrespectful is acceptable. I’ve had a few remarks about speaking about my ex-partners excessively long foreskin and how I don’t find it particularly attractive in men, which isn’t to say that I didn’t find my ex attractive, or that I ever made him feel bad about it. If anything he was very confident in his own skin as he was several years older than me when we dated and we were able to be open and honest with one another. He understood why I didn’t feel comfortable performing oral sex on him because of it and never took anything to heart which is why I felt able to make the comparison between a likewise confident contestant proudly baring his large foreskin and my own personal experience of a large foreskin on my confident ex which influenced my decision on who to pick as a date based purely on attraction. I think it’s down to an individual to use their own judgement when discussing life experiences and past relationships and I wouldn’t have spoken about a shy or insecure partner publicly or privately in the same way because I wouldn’t want to upset them or cause body-confidence issues. Likewise if the contestant it was on was showing shy body language I would have mentioned something else instead. My ex was very confident and we had incredible sex because of it but we split up because we were at different stages in our lives at the time, we remain friends and I wish him all the best in life. I highly doubt anybody would ever be able to identify him based on my foreskin remark unless they know me and have seen him naked and/or are in a relationship with him. And the contestant who had the long foreskin proclaimed that his body was perfect and he loved everything about himself so I doubt he’ll lose sleep over me discussing my personal preference of foreskin.

Tracy Kiss & Mark Redfearn

Tracy Kiss & Mark Redfearn

The feedback I get on social media is incredibly flattering, wonderful and touching as people can see me for who I am, uncensored, unmasked and unashamedly myself which I believe we all should be because life is too short to be anything else. I’ve never been so happy and content with my body mind and soul as I am now at the age of 29, I’m just disappointed that a few ladies -a term which I use loosely, but not to the extent of a jam jar- have felt the need to be so unkind. Yet at the same time it makes me feel incredibly grateful to have such strong, supportive and open-minded women surrounding me in life who thankfully don’t share the same vile views as these trolls. Because that’s what they are, bullies without faces, hiding behind usernames, perhaps unhappy, unloved and spiteful; souls who need healing themselves so that they too can love and be loved by others for being their true selves rather than hating on strangers.

They also suggested that Mark wouldn’t have picked me from a line up if he was choosing, or that I made the wrong decision from the men in the boxes by picking the best looking when the other men would have been more kind and genuine, but who is to say what might have happened if the show or contestants had been different? All that I know is I made my decision based on the criteria I was given and I am happy with the outcome. The answers I gave were shortened down to meet time limits because I literally talk for England and I genuinely hugged and thanked every guy that I regrettably had to say goodbye to. I applauded the staff and crew profusely for being so kind, hospitable and complimentary to a unlucky-in-love mum like me and giving me the chance to live a little for once. I live day to day as a single-parent Cinderella and it was inspiring and eye opening to see dating in a different light – all six of them!

Tracy Kiss & Mark Redfearn

Tracy Kiss & Mark Redfearn

Mark is far more than a gorgeous, well-hung, 6ft4″ northern Cheryl Cole sounding stud muffin. We’ve got to know each other incredibly well on so many levels since meeting on the show and there’s far more to him than meets the eye that I think a lot of people don’t see. We constantly laugh when we’re together, chat and meet up all of the time and surprisingly have so much in common that I’ve never found in another person before. I’ve always dated older, always chosen personality over looks, always stuck to what I know best and felt safe with in relationships but they never worked out. Naked Attraction has shown me that the people you would usually run a mile from or be inexplicably cautious of can sometimes be far more suitable than the safe bet you always default to. Wether it’s looks, age, race, education or whatever your typical deciding factors are in choosing a partner I urge you to step outside of your comfort zone and take a walk on the wild side.

And my advice for the bitchy comments from women? Put your claws away, be kind to others, embrace your own imperfect bodies and maybe you will be as happy as I am with mine. After all, beauty comes from within and I would never lose sleep over pretending to be somebody I’m not; I am who I am.

If you want to know what happens next then pop back later and keep your eyes peeled for the press; please tag me if you spot something I’ve missed!


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Tracy Kiss

Social influencer, Bodybuilder, Mother, Vegan
London, UK

118 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Wow !!! Wow!!! And why not another wow!! you’ve answered sooo many questions even I hadn’t thought to someday ask you.
    At one point you had me all teary eyed then curious then laughing when you said “to make a long story short” and then paragraph after paragraph I kept reading then on with the show which I consider you to be either a little crazy or the bravest woman I’ve know. I can’t wait to hear the rest. And I don’t care if you have 1.6 million and counting fans that love you. I’m proud to say I’m just one more guy that loves you. But not in a sick discusting way.
    I hope your date goes well. If you were a guy I’d tell you to think with your head not your dick but your a lady and I know you’ll be smart and safe. Later sweety.

  • Thank you so very much for sharing your life with all of us that love you so dearly. You could almost call it an autobiography, going right back to the time when you were bullied for your looks up until now, when you have appeared in a television show, stark naked, that must take some courage Tracy love. I am so proud of you my darling and you have much more guts than many men would have in a similar situation. You have answered so many questions, that I know many of your followers have asked you almost on a daily way. I can repeat what the commenter above has writte. ” And I don’t care if you have 1.6 million and counting fans that love you. I’m proud to say I’m just one more guy that loves you. But not in a sick discusting way.
    I hope your date goes well. If you were a guy I’d tell you to think with your head not your dick but your a lady and I know you’ll be smart and safe”. Once again Tracy love, we’re all so very proud of you for amongst other things, to cope as a single mother.
    Now to end my comment, I would love to be your partner in life and for the rest of your life Tracy love.

  • Forget beef curtains and jam jars, was he a grower or mearly a shower? 😂😂😂😂🍆🍆🍆

    Also, I loved this post. I didn’t recognise you on the show but as soon as you account popped up in my twitter feed, I was like I recognise her from a previous news story.

    Oh and of course you are the dictionary definition of a yummy mummy.

  • Hi. You are gorgeous, very fit, have a fabulous figure, and of course, you are very sexy. You should approach Channel 4 and have your own show on TV. It could be about fashion, music, technology, plus anything that is on your mind. You would be brilliant. Regards David.

    • I chose him because they asked me to pick who I found him the most attractive and he’s not somebody I would normally have approached on a night out which is the point of the show.

    • Lizzy , i think women that choose men for this are shallow and insecure with their own emotions and find being loved by men very difficult. The same with any bloke picking a women because she has big breasts or tidy vagina. Going on a date is to loke the person for their personality and to have fun, not because someone as a big penis or not.

      • Hi Cliff, the whole purpose of the show is to date in reverse, i.e. do the opposite of what you’d usually do. I have never picked a date based on looks alone as I like to get to know somebody first and it took me four months of speaking to my ex-fiance before I agreed to meet up for lunch so I can assure you I’m not shallow or insecure. I’m thankful that the show picked me to take part because it gave me an insight into a world I never would have known, I would never approach a good looking guy because I’d expect him to knock me back. Likewise I’d never normally get to see 6 men naked in boxes but it allows you to see that everybody is different and what one person finds attractive may not apply to another. They asked me to pick the person based solely on looks as a social experiment which I did so honestly and it was a very insightful experience. It proved to me that good looking guys can also have a personality and heart which I never would have thought possible. Never judge a book by its cover x

        • Hi Tracy,
          Thank you for replying to me .
          I watched the show when you was on it and you was entertaining and brave to take your clothes off for TV.
          Why did you want to go onto this show in the 1st place? You are pretty and i am sure could find a suitable loving and honest man if you wanted.
          I never judge a book by it cover because i have been judged in my life many times and it hurts when someone judges you unfairly or incorrectly for their own purpose.
          Was you on sex pod before you went on this show?
          The guy you picked on this show was his name Mark and why did you choose him?
          Did anything happen of screen with the person you chose?
          Everyone as a good heart regardless of their looks if you choose to go pass how good looking there are.
          Was you sexually turned on when you was on the show by seeing 6 men naked in boxes?
          On the show you talked about your EX a little bit if i recall rightly and mentioned something about him “drippling when he came ” if i am correct in saying . Was that trying to get revenge on him?
          You seem a nice person who as sensitive heart, but also one that has been hurt in the past by different men?

          • Hi John I was invited to take part in the show and appreciate that it’s bridging the gap between dating and body confidence as we all come in different shapes and sizes. Yes I also spoke about my cervical cell removal on Sex Pod which again I was invited to do after campaigning for women to attend their smear tests to prevent cervical cancer. I chose the contestant on Naked Attraction because I found him most attractive – which was the aim of the show to choose a partner based purely on looks without knowing them first. I didn’t do the show to please or offend anyone, I had a wonderful experience and would highly recommend it. You only live once x

          • Hi Tracy,from your reply i guess you only talk about the show. How was you approached to go onto the show in the first place? i guess you knew the guy you picked on naked attractions before you went onto the show because you was both on sex Pod ? When you was on this show was you nervous or feeling excited to do something very different? Also if you could change or add two things from this show that would help you choose a Mr Right what would it be, ie men posing in different positions for you to see them in a more physical way etc. What was the best bit for you to see when you had to pick Mark? Did you get paid to be on the show?What was your best memories of the show and why?x

          • The show approached me on twitter, I’d never met any of the contestants before but yes Mark was on another show that I was on but I didn’t film with him or see him it was just a coincidence because they filmed hundreds of people. I didn’t feel nervous about being on Naked Attraction, it was a positive and uplifting experience that I highly recommend. The world is far too closed-minded and judgemental, to say and do what we’re all thinking is liberating and I think it’s important to reassure people that what we find attractive comes in all shapes, colours and sizes.

    • Did you choose him because he had the biggest penis?
      I wish she would be honest, but this question was never answered,Liz.

      • Hi Maxine I chose Mark because he was everything I’d asked for in an ideal man, the stereotypical tall, dark and handsome stranger and yes his penis is huge, ridiculously incredible and the best I have ever seen. I hope this answers your question.

        • i Maxine I chose Mark because he was everything I’d asked for in an ideal man, the stereotypical tall, dark and handsome stranger and yes his penis is huge, ridiculously incredible and the best I have ever seen. I hope this answers your question.

          Thanks you Tracy we all have our faults. Hope you find your ideal person soon.

  • You didn’t go on that show to find love. You just went there to find the biggest cock. To find a one-night stand or a fuckbuddy. Out of all the six men, you first chose the two guys with the biggest cocks, and then you clearly chose Mark because he had the biggest cock. That was made clear when Anna asked you to choose between the two guys. You stared at their cocks before you made your decision.
    Your post is just complete bullshit. You clearly have no respect for men and their bodies. You love to shame men based on penis size.

    Here are some quotes from you from an interview: “Can’t we see them with erections so I know what I’m dealing with,’ and they told me they weren’t allowed.” And this one: “But then they’re probably eating McDonald’s all week, got a tiny willy and they play computer games.”

    You are a perfect example of how disgusting, hypocritical, stupid and shallow most women are nowadays. All you care about is height, looks and penis size. You all want a tall, handsome and muscular guy with a big dick. You couldn’t care less about a man’s personality. I’m curious to see how you will react when your son grows up, and he gets rejected all the time because of his height and penis size.

    It’s extremely hypocritical and horrendous that you women have the audacity to whine about your own body issues and female body standards, while bodyshaming men at the same time. The type of man that you women want is extremely rare. Less than 1% of men are tall and well-endowed. And if we add “handsome and muscular” to the mix, then there are even fewer. Your hypocrisy and shallowness is astounding. You quite frankly deserve to feel bad about your body.

    It’s hilarious that you write that “any negative comments directed my way are basically water off of a ducks back”. That’s exactly what an idiotic hypocrite would say, and you certainly fit that description. It’s also what a bodyshaming cunt would say, and it’s clear to everyone that you are that. And you clearly judge other people more than most people do, so get off your high horse.

    But then again, what did I expect from a shallow, vapid and ignorant bimbo who got knocked up as a teenager? And why would any intelligent man ever date a woman like you? You have two kids, and you are a shallow, vapid and ignorant bimbo.

    • Hi B, thank you for your comment and I’m sorry you feel that way. Allow me to answer your questions and give my side of events which seem to be the polar opposite of yours. I was invited onto the show to find love via physical attraction – a new twist on modern dating which is a social experiment I was happy to try seeing as traditional dating hasn’t worked out too well for me. I’m not interested in one night stands, I’m a bit too old for that and I have a future to think of being a parent, my aim is to find my soul mate and settle down, not mess around. I chose Mark because I found him the most attractive and attractiveness comes in many shapes and sizes as I’m sure you’re aware. On paper my type is ‘tall dark and handsome’ as is most womens if you ask them and Mark fitted this perfectly which is possibly why they chose him to be one of my six men to pick from because they previously asked me what I find attractive. All men in the show had at least one quality that I found attractive with Mark clearly having the majority of them – tattoos, height, physique, being well groomed etc. It was a rare and insightful opportunity for me to compare different body types and appearances to understand what I’m attracted to and isn’t something I;ve ever come across before.

      Penis size isn’t everything to me as nobody I have ever dated has had what I would call a ‘large’ penis, the majority of men are average, so yes I was shocked at the size of Marks penis but there were many contributing factors as to why I chose him as I’ve already said. When asked on national TV to honestly judge a man based on his penis size it’s an understandably difficult task to perform as some people are growers and some people are showers, so how could I tell what a mans penis would be like without seeing it erect? I was asked to comment on the coverage of body hair, shape of bum, length of limbs, condition of their muscles and facial features, all things which are visually evident.

      The comment I made about people eating fast food all week with a tiny willy playing computer games was based on being asked how I felt about seeing somebody naked before going on a date. Naturally when you go on a date you wear your best clothes, try to make a good first impression and perhaps over-play yourself so that a potential partner finds you attractive and agrees to a second date, but the image you present is rarely true to life. You may take a lady to an expensive restaurant you wouldn’t be able to afford to dine out at often, buy her flowers when you never so much as give your mother any on mothers day, wear immaculate clothes when you roll around in a t-shirt and trainers all week. My point being that what you see on a first date isn’t an accurate representation of an individuals real life and everyday lifestyle. I wasn’t putting anyone down, more suggesting that seeing somebody naked before getting to know them you can tell a lot more about them, how active they are, how they take care of their body etc. something that would have otherwise being masked by clothes. Cut from the edit was interestingly the point that I correctly guessed three of the guys occupations, hobbies and character types based purely on seeing them naked as I’ve studied psychology and sociology and love the idea of how personalities work and body language.

      You say that all women are shallow and hypercritical yet I’ve never been, I’ve never once dated a guy like the one that I picked on the show because I was purposely asked to pick based purely on attraction and it’s likely most ladies will be drawn to the same qualities – it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’d ever date a guy like that though. My ex’s have all been average looking guys, none have had perfect bodies or even big muscles, but I didn’t judge them because of it, quite the opposite in fact I dated them for several years at a time until life and the responsibility of children got in the way and I found myself going at it alone!

      I wasn’t asked to body shame anybody, I felt awful having to send the contestants home and apologised to them all but I was asked to give a reason for eliminating each based on what I wasn’t attracted to. It’s not a bad thing, they all held their heads high and said what a great time they had, what one person finds amazing another may not bat an eyelid at, it’s the way the world works and we’re all individual, you can’t please everyone. I don’t feel bad about my body because I’ve accepted my faults, flaws and scars that come with motherhood, likewise I’m not overly confident in my appearance, nobody is perfect and I don’t pretend to be, I am who I am and I’m happy with being myself.

      I take any negativity in life as what off a ducks back because that’s exactly what it is to me, as you have proven it’s far easier to throw stones at others and make cruel jibes than it is to compliment and commend. You’re entitled to your opinion as I am mine. You ask why any intelligent man would ever date me? Perhaps my positive approach to life, hard working ethic that set met as an A-Grade student, the two exams I’ve passed this year in Nutrition and Personal Training, the extensive courses I take for business and social media marketing, my love of writing for which I’ve published five books, my tireless love for my two children who I’ve raised since the age of nineteen, my love for helping others for which I’ve raised over £10,000 for charity to feed the homeless, sick children, injured servicemen and the elderly but to name a few, my passion for cooking, kindness towards animals and ability to not take life too seriously or rely on anyone but myself. But if I were to mention all that then I’d probably sound like an utterly ‘shallow, vapid and ignorant bimbo cunt’ wouldn’t I? Have a lovely day x x x x

      • Hi Tracy, i watched you on natural attractions.What B said i agree with. I am a heterosexual women of 25, with 1 child. I think you went on this show, not to look for love or any sort of long term friendship. It sounds like from other peoples comments you knew Mark prior to this show which i made your choice of picking him a no brainer. Mark is not your type of person in reality and he is a big time player with the women.You picked him as B said because he as big cock and you was up for it, should he have found you attractive equally. All the contestants on your show were handsome and each one had their great qualities which anyone that was normal would have chosen over Mark. If you wanted a relationship you did have six other men to chose from to achieve this , but like i said you was desperate for a good night of sex and i guess you thought Mark with his big penis would make this happen.
        As for asking if you could see them with erections this could only mean you went on the show for sex. No other women as far as i know on the last serious of Natural attractions asked this nonsense and would seriously think that was a normal to request and also it is no allowed on UK TV. Putting men down does not make the world for a better place, Women suffer from many issues/prejudices each day from the way we look, dress size, if we have big boobs etc etc, and playing men at they own games is not a solution. Penis size is important to you which if it is just say it. But putting another person down due to their physical appearance is not what most loving people do.
        You have 2 children so i guess if one day they came home and said Mummy someone discriminated against me of my penis size you would have feel awful , but that is would you did when you have 4 average size penis to choose from on the show. You could not take your eyes of marks penis and even wondered if he was a shower or grower, why would you need to know this?

        If i recall right others female contestants choose their Mr right with a bit more compassion be it for their smile or facial look not what was dangling below.
        The men in these shows also saw women with bigger boobs than yours or better looking Vagina than yours but none asked for their nipples to be erect or legs to be spread open like a porn movie to judge them.
        I just hope in the new series we have women who love men for who they are, not based on knowing the contestants beforehand or they penis size like you did.
        Your actions make it hard for women to be treated equal in a divided society.

        • Maxine it saddens me that you have arrived at my blog and felt the need to write such an extensively critical comment without reading a word about my experience and reasons for doing this show which I have explained in great detail. I’m a woman who has been badly bullied for many years for how I look and now I use my time, energy and efforts to support others – especially bullying victims, women and single parents. No, I didn’t know any of the contestants before the show but Mark who I picked did go on to film with another production company that I was asked to speak about my cervical cell removal to raise awareness of cervical cancer in young women. We filmed separately and I wasn’t aware of his involvement as hundreds of men and women were involved. I was asked to talk about what I found attractive in elbows, earlobes, ankles, belly button heights etc. the most intricate and obvious features and fantasies but only a short snippet made it to the show, it all depends on the edit and time limits. I wouldn’t normally see six naked men with cold penises telling me they’re much better on a warmer day!! So please forgive me if this came across as me being inquisitive or shocked, it was a first for me and I was somewhat underprepared. I did what was asked of me, I picked the opposite guy of who I would have chosen if out and about in daily life – I chose the guy I fancied rather than the one I thought I’d get on best with. Yes, I was asked to be shallow, which I never have been because I’ve always gone for the quiet, homely type who either use or abuse me and I become a doormat – I don’t ever pick bad boys, I pick people I think I can help or have something in common with. To me Mark was very attractive and I thought he would be arrogant, stuck-up, a stereotypical bad boy and that’s what the purpose of the date was – to find out if attraction matches personality as we normally date the opposite way round. And it turns out that Mark and I get on extremely well, yes there’s sexual chemistry AND conversation who would have thought it! Just because I find Mark attractive doesn’t mean I found the others unattractive as Anna stated they were all chosen based on the things I found attractive in men and I constantly complimented them for how they looked but HAD to give a reason for eliminating each person on each round which I felt awful about and apologised profusely. So please do not judge me without understanding my position. I was invited to be on the show as a guest to try something very different and question stereotypes – good looking guys have a heart and sense of humour too! x

          • Tracy, you talk about you being bullying et etc, that is sad to hear. You made a courageous personal choice by ging on nationl tv to see 6 naked men and more importantly judge each of them. My point was that you liked Mark because his cock appealed to you more than the others and therefore you did not really want a realationship with any of the others , who all nice , pleasant men but a casual fling with Mark.I have only slept with 5 men in my life and each one was Mr average in penis size but all were loving, kind and sensitive to me and i would sleep them all if i saw them naked beforehand, as size is NOT the be all in friendship or love. . I do not hold any grudges against them, or talk about our intimate details with anyone, never mind like you did about your Ex on TV, what is that to hurt him?.That was below the belt and forgive the punt. Mark when he talked you could not understand him nor could anyone else so choosing him was more candy eye for you. I am not judging you and everyone is to their own when choosing the opposite gender.However if Mark had a smaller penis i doubt you would have choosen him. You mention sexual chemistry may i ask what you meant by that?Men are born with a penis just like women are born with a vagina , it is shallow, rude and discriminating for either sexes to put anyone down for any reason and especially if they gentilla is big or small. Thanks to you more men will judge women more harshly when it comes to physical opinions.
            Have you watched the whole series of natural attractions yourself and if you have do you not think you could have done things diffrent with insight?
            Next time you date someone i guess you will be more sensitive and remember it is what is the book that matters and not the Glossy cover for you,x

          • Maxine I have no idea why you’re so hung up on the size of genitalia. Who are you to tell me what I do or do not want in life? It’s called personal choice because that’s what it is, we all have a preference and when seeing a variety of body shapes and sizes in front of you it’s somewhat easier to realise what you like most because you have something to compare it to. I found all men attractive and had no bad words to say about any but I was made to give a reason for eliminating each and was asked to speak about penis size so I did. I’ve only ever had partners who are average, I’m average, the world is average. I don’t see what you’re getting at here? It’s a TV show and I did as I was asked. I chose the person I found most attractive because he had every single attribute I was looking for in a partner, the others had just one or two.

    • For a despicable troll, no one can accuse you of not putting effort into your abuse.

      Perhaps you should put as much effort into other activities, instead of abusing women online, you might progress in life.

  • Firstly I wouldn’t watch the show simply because it panders to the idea of physical attraction over emotion. The two can’t be separated like that in any case. However the show sounds more like most other reality TV shows, a bit of a laugh and nothing like reality.
    Is there any excuse for one person to have ago at another simply because they exercised their own right to have a little fun? No there isn’t. The guy “B” needs to go away and look at his own blog and realise who the lowlife is. Tracy has been willing many times to put herself in crazy situations to assist others who may not have the wherewithal to fight their own cause. (Medical problems and carparking issues to name just 2)
    I think you’re an amazing woman Tracy. I wouldn’t be too disheartened by the “B” who doesn’t even have the guts to put his real name here but hides behind anonymoty (and probably not the size of anything else)

  • Tracy i think you have not been honest to yourself that is why some people on your blog have question your thoughts or opinions. You come accross as arrogant on your blog that is a surprise from someone that is supposed to a lot of good deeds in your life and do not answer questions which can be taken you have hidden agenda! With regards to naked attraction your choose who you liked physically that is your choice. You was some sort of nervous TV and that may go somewhat to the thngs you said. Your beef sandwich comment was quite funny on tv, however jam jar comment could be taking that you need a bigger penis to fill you up or stretch you and so picking Mark was the obvious choice, regardless of what the other men looked like as the screen showed more of their physical attributes.

    • Hannah I am entirely honest with myself and that’s why most people connect with me because I have no hidden agenda or false expectations of myself or others, I am who I am and I say what I see but never in a cruel or malicious way. I’ve spent a decade raising my children alone and am very much on their wavelength when it comes to honesty because as I’m sure you are aware children never censor their words or beat around the bush and it’s certainly brushed off on me. I have never and will never be arrogant, I’m the polar opposite and am very quick to point out my own flaws and praise others instead, it’s just the way I am and always will be. My jam jar comment was based on being asked about penis size after giving birth and somewhat taken out of context as the conversation was trimmed down, I explained how being able to give birth you have to dilate to 10cm just like a jam jar to push a baby out and so after it changes things, but I – nor any other woman – would not remain 10cm dilated after birth but they left that bit out!! I can’t help that I found Mark the most attractive, it was just my personal taste and as I’ve already said he’s not somebody I’d have ever chosen in the street, I would’ve been drawn to somebody who would make me feel safe, more homely and gentle. But I did what was asked of me and do not regret my choices, I was true to myself throughout and loved the experience which I highly recommend everybody should try whether it be televised or not because it shows that stereotypes are ridiculous and we are all human x

      • I’m going to butt in on this…see what I did there…changed the focus. Seems to me that the only people “hung” up on cock size are the viewers…oops I did it again….. Tracy made it quite clear the Mark is outside her usual choice of stereotyped men because all the guys she has had serious relationships with previously have been of a particular group. Older etc etc… Mark broke that mould…in more ways than one… The size of his manhood came as a part of Mark..she couldn’t just cut it off…Mark wouldn’t gave liked that…
        I don’t think Tracy has ever said that Mark was a better man because his cock was bigger. It so happens he was a nice guy and she was happy with her pick…read it properly..there’s no “R” in there.
        The TV show is meant to focus on naked bodies. It’s the whole point. Men are drawn to big boobs and tight arses. Women are drawn by cock size. It’s stereo typing at its most obvious. However I don’t think Tracy was “hung” up on Marks tackle but she could hardly miss it and as she says she was directed to choose outside her usual attraction. I just think this whole tv is all a bit of fun. Hope my light hearted review doesn’t portray me as a big prick….there’s an “r” but if it does then maybe…”choose me choose me” ROFL…
        Tracy you’re a great woman..a lovely single Mum..a sexy gorgeous girl. Any man’s you. Stay safe

        • Neil you are entittled to your views, just like any other person. I am sure Tracy can answer for herself. There was other nice guys Tracy could have picked also on the show,she picked Mark although she could not understand what he said to her on th show. I am sure Mark as his good qualities. From my opinion men also like a tight vagina not just boobs and bums. Tracy made her choice which is entittled to but the show is shallow and from the comments here is being reflected.

          • It seems you can’t please all of the people all of the time. If I turned down Mark because of his accent, skin colour, tattoos, manhood or age is be labelled as racist, snobbish, shallow etc. Every girl who commented said he was the most attractive and they’d have picked him. I’m not running a country or debating world poverty, just having a few drinks with somebody I wouldn’t normally approach x

          • I agree with you Carol that the show us shallow. The comments made on this blog suggest that Tracy made her choice based solely on physical attributes. Those comments are wrong and inaccurate. The reality is that Mark was the best choice for Tracy in her eyes and she can’t do anything about the size of his manhood..well maybe she can in hindsite…..😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
            Chill out people and gave a laugh. The show is not real. It’s a way of grabbing viewers. Nakedness sells. Humans are intoxicited by naked bodies….Tracy was having fun on the show. She can speak for herself very well. But there’s others that see her point too. Or points occasionally 😎😎😂😂
            Sorry Tracy it is a bit funny. You can see my humour leaking out. 😃😃 size matters to the

          • I have nothing but praise for Naked Attraction for showing us the reality of the human race and laws of chemistry. If more people opened their eyes and minds the world would be an entirely different place x

  • Can I give it the BIG thumbs up and say youre HUGELY welcome Tracy…
    You make me smile everyday. It’s nice to repay the favour…stay cool gorgeous. Xxxxxxxxxx

  • 6 weeks ago i was talking to a young men on social media who i thought was very pleasant and kind and i would date in the future,however after both watching naked attraction , ie Tracy episode ,a few days after i was horrified when he asked for a photo of me in the nude.Wen i asked him why he said before we go out officially he would like to see me naked because that is the new way forward. i am not Miss world and have small boobs , a large bum, and i like to have a nice trim fanny, (against the norm it would seem these days) and could do with losing some weight in certain places, so i immediately told this guy i would not be sending any photo of myself to him, as i do not think seeing me in the nude is necessary, that we should both go out and from there see what happens. Now he does not contact me anymore, because thanks to women like Tracy thinking this is the way new way forward, women like me will suffer from the more conventional old way of dating, ie meeting someone first , getting to know each other than take it from there. When i told my single friends about what happened to me one other had the same issue but she felt bullied into sending her new partner a photo or he would dump her,also the photo she sent him was very explicit. So naked attractions as not helped people like me or other normal loving women but caused more issues for no reason, because men now think it is ok to ask women to pose naked before going dating each other.

    I do believe Tracy you showed yourself to be sexist, because of the misuse of power you had over these 6 men,discriminating and shallow to the five other guys, you obviously decided from the first moment you were never going to consider anyone of them before you even saw the rest of their bodies. i felt sorry for Daniel because you compared him to your dad and he was so sweet in” flying the flag for the Dad bod” he was hurt by your comments and you fed his dignity into a wood chipper.

    You obviously have praise for naked attractions because what else could you say. You went on the show for sex and not love, i just hope other women will not follow your ways in the next series and treat others with dignity and respect, than life will be much simple for many others.

    • Hi Tanya, I’m sorry to hear that you lost contact with a man asking for nude photos of you prior to dating but shouldn’t you count that as a lucky escape from an ignorant pig of a man rather than blaming me?? I have never sent nude photos of a man prior to a relationship, nor would I ever seem that normal or appropriate in this day and age so please refrain from tarring me with this brush. I went on the show as a social experiment and found it very insightful, not for sex as you have wrongfully suggested. And for the guy who I voted off with a dad-bod who looked alarmingly like my own father he also happened to be the same build as my ex who I was with for several years and loved dearly. I am not sexist, size-ist or racist in any shape or form, I was asked to pick the guy I found most attractive and I did so. Kindly refrain from blaming me for the Tinder epidemic this generation has become accustomed to. I’m traditional at heart and have only ever dated based on dinner and getting to know someone which left me a broken hearted doormat so I tried a different method publicly and found it a positive experience. I wish you all the best with dating and would advise you steer clear of such ignorant men in future, it sounds like you had a lucky escape x

      • I have nothing but praise for Naked Attraction for showing us the reality of the human race and laws of chemistry. If more people opened their eyes and minds the world would be an entirely different place x

        I think you comment here is not entirely fair or accurate. The show you partcipated in was poor and seeing naked men on show was not the” laws of chemistry”. As a 26 year old female you can feel the chemistry with men just in boxer shorts, there was no need to see 6 men naked .women are generally not turned in seeing 6 soft penis on show.
        Love Island show on TV is much more interesting ,more of a turn on and with men in shorts and women in skimpy bikinis than seeing your naked body or 6 other men naked. Natural attractions does not prove anything in real world, all it allows is for people to show they boobs and bums . As a Women it did nothing for me , but left me wondering why would a mother of two want the world to see you not so glamourous body, i guess for many men they get to see women naked and being more visual than women fin it a sexual turn on.

        Can you tell me when they will be repeating your show again and if it will be on channel 4 or another sister channel as i want my girlfriends to watch it and let me know that they think about the show.

        For you opinion about the “world be an entirely different place” could you explain what you meant?

        On a more positive note Mark did have a nice face and if i was choosing someone it would be based on Marks face nothing else matters.

        • Forgive me Sue but you’ve just ridiculed me for being naked on tv with my ‘not so glamourous body’ as a mother of two, yet you want to watch me again with your girlfriends to state how poor and uninteresting I/it am/was but to me that doesn’t sound like a pleasant or kind activity to participate in, more a pack of angry wolves looking to bring others down. I participated because I’m a real woman, as in not perfect, no air brushed, flawed and honest and open about my body and my life to show others that they don’t have to be perfect. And the fact that you’d pick Mark only because of his ‘nice face’ I find very shallow because I’ve never dated based on a nice face more the personality. And I too loved watching love island for the scantily clad drunken antics of young hot singletons looking for love and sex. However I find a social experiment of dating in reverse far more food for thought and met a great guy because of it. I’m not sure when the show is repeated but I hope that you watch it again with an open mind and acceptance of others because we all come on different shapes and sizes and should pick one another up rather than put them down x

          • Reading your blog comments here it would seem unless someone thinks positive of you you like to put them down Tracy , what i asked was simple f you knew when your show would be repeated on TV , so that i could guage other women views.
            I would pick Mark because he as a nice face does not make me shallow because not like you who from the comments above new Mark before you got on naked attraction and also on this show you picked him before you even got to see the the top half of his body. Personality is more important, i agree but you cannot tell me from seeing 6 naked men you knew they personality. So i beg to ask why did you feel the need to show your nice body to the world.After all you say “you have never dated based on a nice face more than personality ” which would imply there was need for you to be on naked attraction unless you felt your body in about 2 years approx would not be so attractive compare to other younger women.
            Would you like to appear on Love Island in the future ?
            What did you personally gain from being on naked attraction.?
            Also when you was twitter to appear how long from there was you on the show?

            How could i appear on naked attraction , can you advise?

          • Sue, I never put anybody down, quite the opposite as I’m an advocate for anti-bullying and have been bullied my entire adolescence which is why I try to educate and inform others on respect and kindness. I take all criticism and view it as either constructive or unnecessary, sadly I see yours as the latter for the remarks you have made but still I take the time to answer you because I believe you can learn from this and treat others better in future because of it. I’m afraid I don’t know when the show will be repeated. I didn’t know Mark or any of the other contestants before I saw him for the first time on the show, the purpose was to be unaware of who you are picking from until revealed. From seeing the guys on the show I was able to tell a lot about them because I studied psychology and can read body language, as a personal trainer I understand muscle structure and could tell who were most active, their lifestyles, ages and rightly guessed their occupations and hobbies but the show only aired a snippet of the things we spoke about because of the time limit. I showed my body to the world because I was invited to, and I wanted to show single mothers and women in general that you don’t have to be ashamed of your body after childbirth, life goes on and so can love. I agreed to go on Naked Attraction because it was out of my comfort zone, something I never would have considered on an ordinary day and as I approach 30 I believe I should say yes to more things and think outside of the box which I did and I’m glad that I took part. I don’t care if people find my body attractive or not, it wasn’t about that, it was about being myself and the men in the boxes being themselves whether they were wide or thing, tall or short, old or young, we’re all human and individuals. I’m afraid I can’t help you to get onto Naked Attraction as a contestant, I’m not involved with casting the show, they came to me.

  • I love you and i like you very much. I want to see your more sexy pics. I am a big fan of yours.and once again thank you.

  • Hi Tracy, did you watch all the epsiodes of naked attraction ? I did and found it very interesting. Funny enough the men choosing women had more respect than the other way round?
    How many dates you go with Mark after the show?
    Also i think you prefer men who have a big penis? There is nothing wrong with that as i do also.

    • Yes I made the right choice and we catch up all the time but he lives really far away from me. Men picking women is more difficult because nobody wants to cause offence, I was just myself, had fun and answered Anna’s questions I wasn’t nasty or rude to anybody, they all gave me a thumbs up and nice hug after as I apologised for letting them go. There can only be one winner but I’m proud of everybody who had the courage to take part! x

  • Tracy the first 2 epsiodes have been repeated again on tv why did they not show your Epsiode which was the 3rd one again ?

    I think you choose the right person.

  • Tracy when you was on the show was you turned on, as your nipples showed it.
    Also what was your goal when you was on the show? Picking the male you choose at what stage did you think, i would like to get to know him more as his box revealed him?
    Why did you need to know if he was a grower or shower, is this not being rude to him and other male viewers. You obviously had sex on your mind, because it is normal for women to be so rude and careless when you meet someone for the first time, especially on tv?
    How can we expect men to respect us when women like you objectify men.
    Naked attraction is about people looking at each other and respecting each other for who we are. The men and women are not pieces of meet. Anne was a lousy during each episode and i would hope she would not be doing anymore shows. She like you showed how shallow women are when we have the power over men and how certain women abuse it.
    I am 25 single feamle and very slim when i go nude beaches i treat naked men with full respect because seeing them in different shapes and sizes makes me appreciate who are we are rather than making them feel inadquate as naked attraction does. Yes it is hard not to look at their gentials when they stand in front of you on the beach and i guess vice versa but seeing them smile and talk to me overides anything else.Kindness is what makes women stronger not acting desperate on a shallow tv show.

    • Hi Trudy, as I’ve had breast surgery my nipples often go hard when it’s cold and the studio was rather chilly. I was invited onto the show to find love based on physical attraction and I was happy to take part, I wasn’t expecting to find a husband but I was open minded to dating the opposite of tradition. I wanted to get to know all of the people I had to choose from but I wasn’t allowed, I could only judge based on looks which is very alien to me and my choices had to be the most attractive and not the ‘safe bet’ I would pick in a normal partner therefore the homely, kind hearted men I’d feel drawn to gave way to the tall, dark and handsome guy I found most physically attractive. I was asked to judge the men based on penis size for which there were protests of it being cold and not all men displaying their true self, unlike women what you see is what you get, men can either show their size or grow when excited. I was also asked to judge ankles, elbows, ear lobes, belly button heights in the same way just a lot of it was cut in favour of the most shocking responses.

      I’m a single mother of two and I’m used to being around children who do not censor themselves, if my son sits down to dinner and doesn’t want it he’ll say “Mummy I don’t want that” without a second thought, it’s not because he wants to upset me or he doesn’t like the food but he’s just saying what he feels. In the same respect I’m used to answering back without being offended and I have a very open and honest approach to life because of it. I don’t put others down, I’m a keen anti-bullying campaigner and I apologised to every man I had to send home as I had to give a reason for each which made me feel awful but the aim of the show is to discover what people find attractive whether it’s too much body hair or not enough, a small nose or a big nose, clear skin or freckles etc. it doesn’t mean to say something or somebody is ugly for not being picked it’s just not that persons preference. The show had men and women picking to show the balance between the sexes, it’s not about objectifying any gender but showing real people with real bodies and how varied our tastes and attractions can be and I have nothing but praise for Anna who presented it, I hope they make many more shows like it to break down the taboos of society and such a politically correct fuss-pot state we have become.
      I’m pleased that you go to naked beaches to talk to naked men because it shows you are confident in your skin, as am I after having two children but I’ve never been to a naked beach before. I too take the time to speak to every person I meet and get to know them and like to think that I’m a welcoming and warm person who helps others. Yes I took part in a social experiment for a televised dating show and yes I picked a date based purely on physical attraction as I was asked but he’s a great guy, we have loads in common and we still see each other so I think the show was a great success. Thank you.

  • Oh dear Tracy…what have you done now…lol…you just suggested the tall dark handsome men can’t also be warm hearted homely ones..OMG..the world will end in turmoil and Tracy chose the guy with a big dangly thing…and most men turn and watch a mini skirted girl walk down the street in admiration of a cute bum and gorgeous legs.. get with the beat people. It’s natural evolution. Birds with the brightest colours or the best nest or the loudest squawk get the best female…if we’re honest it has nothing to do with looks but purely how good a mate they are…biggest or prettiest bits might be the wrong place to start but this tv show is just pandering to that animal instinct..vegan or not..animal attraction will take over when the rules or in this case the clothes ( which are rules of society in most communities) are removed.
    I think Tracy is just allowed to chose who she date who she likes…to do anything else with she likes. I don’t think it’s a measure of her womanhood or a lifestyle choice. It’s about being put on the spot with little time to think and no time to use the usual rules of assessment. She was chosing a date not a boyfriend or a husband!

    • Neil, she was choosing someone that was out of her league looks wise and knew what she was doing when she was on tv, she was no blindfolded or has her lips sealed. She choose to go on he show and did no conduct herself in a way that others appreciate. You have the right to your opinion and so do others. She choose who she liked , that is her choice, however she was not truthful to the real reason and that is why questions have been asked.

      • Why was Mark out of my league Emily? I think he’d tell you otherwise as we still see each other. Are you suggesting. I should have gone on tv and NOT being myself to please others? I’m sorry but that’s not something I can justify x

  • Tracy, what would do different if you appeared on the show again? I think everyone should keep thier underwear on??

    • I wouldn’t do anything differently because I was true to myself, accepted what was asked of me and tried something different. Life is too short to be anything other than genuine and everybody I met was positive, genuine and kind and I applaud their bravery for putting themselves out there for the keyboard warriors to criticise. The world needs to be more open and accepting of individuals and I hope Naked Attraction has made the first step of many x

      • Tracy, i think you enjoyed putting down the men in naked attraction. You choose Mark from the first moment the screen went up and that is not what most women go for. We want love and someone that makes us laugh and can provide for us.Naked Attraction had not one over the age of 40. If you was in one of those coloured boxes and looked your normal self i doubt you would have been chosen. Having plastic surgery boobs can do wonders to boost women appeal , men in general will not increase their penises and you asking Mark if he was a grower or shower, was stupid because there was 5 other men who were the everyday normal size men. If the world changes and becomes more open in accepting individuals for who they are, Naked Attraction will not be the reason. The show needs honest and fair women who can judge fairly and love men for who they are. One of the bi sexual women who choose in the 1st episode i think her name was Mel did not put anyone down when she had 3 women and 3 men to pick from. She chose the right person in my opinion based on everything she saw at the end and had respect for each candiate.

        Reading someone comments here i agree the men who choose were much more fairer and thoughtful in naked attraction than women, Your show was the 3rd one in the series however it was the worse in how not to treat people in general,talking to my work male friends most of them did not find you attractive physically when you was naked at the end of the show however all 3 thought you had qualities which was not shown on tv and only want on the show looking for sex afterwards.

        • Hi Amanda thank you for your criticism, saying I’d never have been picked if men had a choice and saying I’m not physically attractive naked. I also don’t rate myself for looks, I’m just an old mum and have made peace with my flaws so luckily I can take negativity on the chin. Yes I fancied Mark the moment I saw him, from his long legs to his huge penis, tattoos, pretty face and ticking every box to be my ideal man. I was kind and apologetic to every man on the show and hated giving reasons for eliminating people but the aim of the experiment was to choose a date based purely on LOOKS alone and in day to day life I never would have chosen Mark because I’d never have seen him naked and I’d have put personality first. I think the show was great at showing how people come in all different shapes and sizes, how some people are confident and outspoken and others are shy and perhaps slightly embarrassed. It was an entirely mixed bag of contestants throughout the series which I think gave a pretty accurate view of men and women of varying ages as they weren’t all robotic barbie dolls without a personality. I commend everybody who took part from those who were disabled to those with high flying careers and the girl next door. We all deserve to be happy and embrace the life we have, how anybody chooses to do their is their prerogative and I wouldn’t treat them any differently because of it. High five for openness and individuality and I’m sorry that you took offence from something I very much enjoyed and learned from x X

          • Like you said Tracy you have come to the terms with your physical flaws. The point is that if you was in the colour box and Mark was outside you would have not been picked by him.

            Why would anyone feel embrassed going on naked attractions after all each person knew what they had signed up for? They was obviously an age limit on this show which is discrimanting in its own way and not right in todays’ world.
            From your comments it is very sad and disrespectful that you choose Mark the way you did. You are a very sad person to choose a men based on his penis size, could it be that your jam jar, lol would not feel an average size penis in it.
            I have had 3 kids and after doing pelvic excerises my vagina is normal and love to make love to my partner who is average size.
            If you viewed the other epsiodes you would have know that other women all respected each person and that no one made such rude remarks like you did.

            If the world is going to change for the better it will not be of naked attraction or you putting down men. You even told the viewers about your ex penis issue was that really neccessary.

            Naked attraction should be about embracing that yes we do all come in different sizes and shapes however making cheap remarks is not what the viewers want.
            I guess the next time you sleep with Mr Average you will be thinking of Mark, how very sad, x

          • Hi Amanda I get on great with Mark and don’t live my life on if’s but’s and maybe’s. I chose Mark because he was every ingredient that I asked for in the ideal physically attractive partner. Just as all of the contestants possessed a feature I found attractive Mark had them all. The show isn’t against age it’s down to the pickers preferences, I gave an age range of 21-45 for a potential date and the men selected for me showed that. I wouldn’t want to date a 65yr old, just as most men are likely to want to date younger women. Thank you for laughing about my vagina, I too perform pelvic floor exercises after childbirth and have no problem or complaints in that department – it’s good to be a personal trainer! I wasn’t being rude I was being honest, giving birth is like pushing a football out of a jam jar but it doesn’t stay that way, I don’t walk around in the third stag of labour for the rest of my life. You say that I put the men down yet they all hugged me and contacted me afterwards to ask me out and say that it was nice to meet me? You seem to have more of a problem about it than anyone involved which is surprising of a mother of three. I don’t make a habit of thinking of other men during intercourse, something that may be on your mind perhaps?

  • Hi Tracy

    I thought you did well on naked attraction it must have been strange i guess to see so many naked men in 1 go., However you looked like you enjoyed yourself.

  • For someone who is 28 and Mum of 2 was is necessary for you to show yourself naked. It was like you wanted the world to see you naked before things go south.
    I am bi sexual and love to look at women more than men, i would hope that the next series shows more HOT naked women. Also women show the labia more after all we all have one Tracy even if it looks like a beef sandwich!!!

    Your boobs are too far apart, which is a shame otherwise they are a good size, your nipples were hard was the place cold or you was sexually turned on?

    Naked attraction needs to improve and not be so creepy and lewd remarks is not neccessary. I am surprised the men remained soft during the show? when in real life we know it is hard to do, forgive the punt.

    • Thank you for your comments Annette but a TV show can only be what the contestants make it and I stand by my comments and actions because I had fun and was true to myself. I had an emergency breast reconstruction three years ago and am grateful to still have breasts. And yes the studio was cold because it’s huge in a warehouse.

  • Hi, i thought you was very shallow and disrespectful on the show altogether Tracy.
    Firstly Daniel who was 35 years old could have been let down more gentle he “was flying the flag for Dad Bods”, i applaud him for going on the show and yes being like millions of other men , just normal and average in Physic, i guess Daniel as got a great sense of humour and is a great person to know. I think some of your comments on the show was a disgrace and you should be ashamed of your conduct.Your attitude was of women who was desperate , i guess 3 years without a men makes people feel and act that way.
    The other men you said ” he looks emotional and would cuddle me and buy me flowers” shortly after you booted him off. once again you abused your power for the 20 minutes you had on tv and lost any respect you had left after this.

    I read somewhere that you told your Mum you a going on a C— hunt!!!
    This really sums up why women like you give normal hard working women like me such a hard time when we chat to men in a pub or club. There think women like you just want c–k and forget women are more loving , caring and sensitive than men and sex is not on our minds but to have a good healthy friendship with kindness in the middle.

    Has ex page 3 model it would have been really good if you went on the show and just behaved normal, not put these men down, or your ex. It would have shown the male members of the public that women are more loving, tender and thoughtful than men, when it comes to relationships.

    Why you would ask to see 6 strange men;s manhoods; erect is beyond me You obviously was a sad desperate person and only went on the show for this reason, how disgusting.

    Be it men judging women or women judging men we should be able to embrace all they physical flaws without wanting to see them in a phsyical state of arousal, if a man asked on tv to see a women clit aroused there would be outrage, so women like you should also conduct themselves in a way that does not take advantage of other people just for you to get sum shameful publicity!!! Shame on you and i hope your Mum did not waste her time watching any of the naked attraction shows, the show does not reflect the real world we all live in and play a part in.

    • Thank you Jennifer from one hard working woman to another I’d invite you to walk a mile in my shoes and repeat what you’ve just said to me after and I’d graciously accept your apology. Please do not believe what you see in the media, nor judge others based on snippets of an entire day of being asked to speak openly and honestly. I was chosen for the show to be outrageously honest and was I to everybody, ask any of the contestants if I offended them and they’ll tell you how we were all laughing and having fun, we had to film the same things over and over and all hugged and shook hands. After all nobody tunes in to a multimillion pound prime time Tv show to watch paint dry or pretend to be something they’re not. I have no shame in being a woman, mother and 29yr old human, those without sin may throw the first stone.

  • Hi Tracy, i am not one those keyboard warriors,however i think you came across in naked attractions as a women that as lacked love in your life.The show was meant to show the total opposite side of meeting someone and going out afterwards based on physical attraction.Naked Attraction is a cheap show and creepy and yes we get to see naked people however it stops there!!
    The other females that choose men or women in other epsiodes were different to you in their behaviour and all came across as genuine people who let people down gentlier. i am not a lesbian but i loved seeing other women looking at other women and being fair and considerate in they judgements and thoughts about them.

    i can only hope in the next series that both males and females that have to pick someone do it more fairer and thoughtful.
    I like, just like other women and( i guess you do too) to see a big penis but does mean i need one in me and would never feel the need to make it obvious especially on TV in front a million people. The way you gazed at Mark penis was too obvious that you only came on the show for one reason.

    Anyway i hope you will find love going forward and not be too judgeful of men and try to understand what i was trying to say here.

    • Thank you for your thoughts Ola, I was myself and had a great experience. Mark’s penis size shocked me and I wear my expression on my face for all to see, as I also do with my heart on my sleeve. Everybody is entitled to their opinion of the show, mine is nothing but positive x

    • Thank you for your thoughts Ola, I was myself and had a great experience. Mark’s penis size shocked me and I wear my expression on my face for all to see, as I also do with my heart on my sleeve. Everybody is entitled to their opinion of the show, mine is nothing but positive x

      • Hi Tracy, did you tell naked attractions before hand that ” you liked to see a big penis as one of your categories” when you had to choose what you liked to see in different men?

        • Hi Ola, I was asked to go into great detail about every aspect of the male body from the length of earlobes to hair on big toes. I can’t remember my exact words but certainly well groomed pubic hair, personal hygiene and a tidy foreskin made the list. As for size I’ve never known anybody request something small or below average in a partner. I didn’t have a lot to compare my preference on as I haven’t seen many, certainly not until the screens went up anyway!

  • Tracy, From what I have read, it seems you have received vitriol from women who could not do as you did self-conscious as they seem to be about themselves. I think you are attractive. The latte-set might disagree. I don’t think we can live our lives by their standard. We have to get and experience things. You have, obviously, the courage. The criticism should flow from you like water from a duck’s back. All power to you.

  • So I’m a bit worried about the whole foreskin thing. I know you said you didn’t like long foreskin, which doesn’t apply to me because I don’t have a large foreskin, mine is normal sized and seems neat, but I was wondering if you’re comfortable with uncircumcised guys in general. Would you be feel comfortable preforming oral sex on
    an uncircumcised guy as long as his foreskin isn’t long? Do you prefer if the foreskin wasn’t there at all? Thanks, hope you answer me soon

    • My preference would depend on the individual really, if the foreskin is excess I would personally prefer circumcised, otherwise if it’s average I’m not against uncircumcised.

  • Could you explain what you believe is average? As men come in all different and sizes. It sounds like you do have a preference but unable to voice it, You are sexist and i am surprised your new boyfriend tolerates your negative views towards the male gender.

    • I view average as not an excessively long or painfully short foreskin. A foreskin that doesn’t not bother it’s owner, isn’t agitated, painful, uncomfortable or troublesome. I don’t doubt that everybody is unique, but at the same time there are extremes on both ends of the scale, these extremes would cause me to feel comfortable or uncomfortable as I’m sure they would anybody. My personal preference for foreskin is “not excessively long” but obviously not all women feel the same as I do. I am certainly not sexist, nor do I have negative views towards men, quite the opposite. Yes I’ve been treated badly by men in the past, as I’m sure men have been treated badly by women and women by men, this does not make me unique. The show asked me to give one opinion of what I like and dislike about each and every male body part which took hours and hardly any of the footage was shown. The men on the show were very lovely, patient and kind and I apologised to all of them for saying that any of their features were ‘not for me’ which they didn’t take personally. TV is TV, they want a reaction and push for opinion. I would never normally be asked to judge the shape, size and sex appeal of five mens kneecaps that I’ve never met. You have to view this in perspective, along with all contestants on the show of all ages, shapes, sizes and positions as male and female pickers and pickee’s. I feel that you’re very centred upon me judging men unfairly – I was simply following the rules of a new gameshow that I was invited to attend. And yes, I am very happy with my boyfriend as is he x

  • You was invited to attend which was your choice to go or not. personally speaking i would not have the courage to go on TV and be naked in front of millions watching me, but you did , so good for you.
    Further i believe naked attraction show is shallow. and anyone that goes on it needs to look at themselves in the mirror.
    When you went on the show you knew the rules and judging men for sex appeal without even knowing them is what men do everyday objectiving women in a sexual way because they have a nice bum or big boobs is all wrong. Women like you encourage men to behave badly towards women because you are doing what men do, only difference is that women have emotions.
    Naked attraction is not the real world , when you met your boyfriend was you naked so he could see what your boobs or vagina looked like? and than judge you?.
    i believe the only reason you went on was because you wanted men to look at you before your boobs and the rest of your body went south.
    You talked about your vagina on the show if you was not happy with it why go on tv?
    What sort of questions was you asked prior to the show so that i can have a better understanding of what it was like please.

    • Please excuse my brief reply I’m very pushed for time today with the children and work. The show was brand new when they contacted me and the producers themselves didn’t have the final format decided hence why we filmed for so many hours talking about everything they found intriguing about how we view our bodies. Of course my body isn’t perfect, I have hangups as much as the next man or woman. But I was invited onto the show to speak openly and honestly about how society judges people on appearance and first impressions. I’ve never judged others on appearance so for me this was the total opposite way of dating than I was used to, and seeing as I was single at the time of the show I thought if how I’ve always gone about getting to know people first hadn’t worked out for me then perhaps chemistry and sexual attraction was the factor I’d always overlooked – I was open to understanding how attraction works. It’s certainly not the real world to see a potential partner naked for the first time – it’s a TV show for entertainment and should be taken that way. There was a man on an episode with one leg who was very proud, ladies with small and large breasts, old and young. I spoke about my body changing after babies, my dislike of my genitals which I went on to have surgery because excess tissue caused chaffing and pain my whole life which I didn’t know was abnormal until I saw other women on the show. People rarely talk about their bodies, but when discussion is opened it can give you such a deeper understanding of how unique and individual we all are and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. It should be celebrated. Likewise the show wanted to understand what it is that people find attractive or a turn off about the opposite sex to determine what beauty is – but as we all know beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Whilst the guy I chose was tall, dark, slim, covered in tattoos and very hair other women may like a more average height light-haired tanned guy with a nice smile. Everybody has a type, it’s not right or wrong it’s just personal preference. One of the men had the same appearance of my father which I said wasn’t my type because I would always think of my dad. Likewise I have a preference for dark hair over light, I like beards and a partner that is athletic as I lead a healthy active lifestyle. I’ve since found my ‘perfect’ partner who is very similar to the person I chose but his personality and mindset are more equal to my own. You can’t date based purely on looks, but you can build a relationship based on an initial attraction and getting to know one another and my time on the show was very eye-opening and worthwhile. I’m glad that I took part, I hope that all of the contestants have in some way made a difference to strand up and be counted, speak openly about body image and body confidence and show that love and beauty comes in every shape size and colour imaginable.

    • I was able to watch some of them but I don’t watch much television, I’m too busy working and raising my children. What did you think of the other contestants? How did they handle it? x

  • Does your new partner not find it distasteful and resentful that millions of men have seen you naked on tv and that when you walk down the street together they all know what you look like without your clothes on?

    Also would you go back on naked attraction again if asked and why if or not?

    How would you change the show if you could so it appeals to the public better in a better light rather than what it seems to be thrash show , for women that are not ladies and do not represent normal women and men looking for easy sex from the women who appear on the show who have no values or morals.

    Finally would you want your children to go on this show in ten years time ?

    • No, he doesn’t find it distasteful or he wouldn’t have wanted to date me. Much like the hundreds of thousands of models, playboy bunnies, exotic dancers and sunbathers on the beach etc. I’m sure that my body isn’t the first nor the last that the public will see. I presume most adults have seen their partners naked or viewed naked pictures online. I see it as nothing to be ashamed of, we are all born as individuals and the more we accept and understand our differences the more we can find comfort in our own skin.

      Seeing as I’m in a relationship I wouldn’t take part in a dating show, however if I were single and they asked me to come back I would have no problem in doing so. I always avoided getting to know attractive guys in the past, now I’m with a partner who I’m very much attracted to with a wonderful personality, complimentary outlook on life and great sense of humour. I never would have spoken to him if I hadn’t approached dating differently on Naked Attraction.

      I’d change the show by showing more after-date footage of how the couples have connected and interacted. The whole purpose being that a physical connection can lead to a deeper understanding of one another once dating. As I mention ed before I always avoided attractive guys because I presumed they would be selfish, cruel and untrustworthy which I was gladly proved wrong. I dated ‘safe’ guys with no spark or chemistry but I loved and respected our time together. For a relationship to thrive there has to be a meeting of body mind and soul and not just one of these things or it will fall short with time. I wasn’t looking for easy sex, I do not sleep around. I was asked to approach dating from initial attraction which was the opposite of how I’d always dated – it opened my eyes and allowed me to find my perfect match which I’d always failed to achieve. Now I couldn’t be happier.

      I would want my children to do whatever makes them happy and helps them to find themselves, although in 10yrs time they would be the same age as I was on the show. In our twenties we have to make mistakes, date different types of people, find our feet and understand and appreciate a healthy balanced relationship. If we are close minded or judgemental then that can never happen.

  • I have watched quite a few epsiodes’s, some on the contestants have been down to earth and very caring and thoughtful of each other..
    Some of the women choosing have been direspectful to the men they choose and far too picky and no wonder single.
    some of the men have only gone on this show to get a easy whore into bed on the first date and forget about them afterwards, which is no different to every day life!!
    Too many women are looking for love, which is never going to happen on such a tacky show..
    Anna Richardson should not be doing this show , she is vulgar and makes the show cheaper than it is already.
    Rebecca was attractive on her show but had no brain.
    If you could be on another show apart from the one you whichever male person would you pick and why.
    Matty from the first Episode was very attractive and lovely. Would you go out with him?

    • I find your opinions very offensive and unkind and am confused why you feel the need to make multiple cruel comments under different names and identities – your email shows the same on each comment that you leave. Please have a rethink about why you feel the need to be so unpleasant and perhaps refrain from doing so in future. I found the show very eye opening and a step outside of my comfort zone. I’m glad I took part and thanked and congratulated everybody that I met for having the courage to bare all and show that beauty comes in all different body shapes and sizes – what is deemed as ‘beautiful’ to one person is the opposite to somebody else, we are all individual, we all have our own tastes and preferences and there is somebody perfect out there for everyone. The more open and honest we are about love and attraction the quicker we are to find it – I’m happily settled down with the man of my dreams now, somebody I never would have approached in the past before doing this show as I would have thought he was too ‘beautiful’ for me x

  • Please accept my apologies if i have offended you which was not my intention.
    i just find hard to understand how someone like you that has a good heart would bare all on national TV. I guess each to their own, it sounds like it gave you more self confidence in yourself,but i think you already had it before you went onto the show?
    Your partner is a lucky person and i guess your personality won him over!!!

    Beauty does come in all sizes and forms and who are we to judge someone else and what this programme shows that no one is perfect and what is inside someone is greater and more beautiful than their exterior looks.

    i hope you find much and rewarding happiness going forward and thank you for sharing with me your time and insight into naked attraction.

    I hope when someone does ask you questions on your blog , you have the time to be kind and honest to them and find time even when there questions are close to the mark and do not ignore them ,just my thoughts!!

    it is not always easy to find good people around never mind good friends in life , so i do hope Tracy,one day you will find time to think better of me than you have before, x

  • Wow tracy beside that you qre bequtifull you are so funny iff you ar estill single i would love to go and have a drink with hou🙈

  • Hi Tracy. I stumbled on your blog while searching for incidents of online abuse suffered by women after they openly expressed sexual preferences. The criticism and hate (aka slut-shaming) you’ve received on here is absolutely crazy, some of the worst I’ve seen, and yet oh-so predictable. There’s a section of men who seem driven by insecurity to attack any woman who doesn’t conform to their narrow and self-serving notion of how a woman ‘should’ be – modest, not overtly sexual, not attracted some some bodies over others, etc. Never is this more the case than with penis size. It triggers the dark side of masculinity like nothing else. Having a penis size preference, like having virtually any preference, is totally legitimate and nothing to be ashamed of. The men and ‘women’ complaining in the comments here are willfully ignoring the obvious fact that every person’s sexuality is a unique combination of hundreds of different preferences, some strong some weak, all of which work in combination. Something you’ve stated, but they chose to ignore.

    You seem like a pretty grounded person so I hope you’ve not found the abuse too hurtful. As hard as it is, one should always try to remember that the primary victim of hate and resentment is the perpetrator, as they’re the one consumed with fear and doubt and pain that they try to unload onto others.

    Stay strong. Stay honest.

    • Thank you for your kind words, I have been subjected to trolling and bullies for so long that I no longer think twice about it, I live life for myself with my own heart and mind x

  • Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Going on naked attraction put yourself in the front line of good things and bad things to be said.. This is not the correct way to find love . Love comes from inside of a human being. Naked attraction is for sex and so anyone that goes on it is looking for sex .Most of the women on it are nothing special to look at physically and most men would not look at them twice to be honest. so going naked is there only chance of getting attention.. Some are just desperate and others do it for a laugh however sex is what they are selling to the public on tV and it is very sad to see women on it with little respect fro themselves and they loved ones.

    • You can voice your opinion as you wish but you cannot tell me why I went onto this TV show, you have no idea what it’s like to take part as a contestant nor my reason for doing so. Feel as negatively and disapproving as you wish, it was a wonderful experience for me and something I will always think of and remember fondly – normal people being proud of their bodies in every shape, size, age and upbringing is something to celebrate not be ashamed of. I hope that you can feel as body confident about yourself as I do after having children.

  • I respect your opinion . However did Naked attraction NOT change you as a person or did you respect your body. for what it looked like .
    What do i mean is this you had plastic surgery after the show and i am not criticing you for that. but obviously you was not happy with your looks or your body or your boobs or your vagina etc etc or getting older any other normal person is.. So you was not body confident as you make out.

    • My breasts were found to cause cancer so I had them replaced and my vagina became chaffed after I cycled 60km in a charity fundraiser and couldn’t sit down so I had my excess labia removed. Yes, I’ve had surgery since the show for medical reasons, I also appreciate the aesthetic differences. If I was really as unhappy with my body do you think I would have agreed to be naked on television so that strangers can troll me and criticise my appearance and life choices? I’ll answer that for you – no! I was happy with myself then and I CONTINUE to be happy with myself now.

  • sorry to hear you had cancer in your breasts truly am . i hope you have made a good healthy recovery Tracy. Glad you are happy with yourself.
    Not sure why you needed to have your labia removed , from the show you stated you was not happy with how your vagina looked etc . Could you not have worn proper comfortable panties or some sort of comfortable clothing for this fundraising??? .Being on naked attraction is not for everyone but is it neccessary for the world to see naked women when we have the internet . You like porn therefore is it really neccessary for any women to be naked on TV.

    • Thank you, I have recovered now but it was a scary experience and very painful. I needed my excess labia removed as the friction from wearing underwear, clothing, sitting or exercising caused it to rub and turn sore which developed a very painful cyst after I cycled and gets worse with time. I had always had very sensitive, sore genitals which I found uncomfortable and therefore didn’t like – just as when men have tight foreskins which split, rub and become agitated – I didn’t know that my labia was excessive, thankfully after going on the show and talking about it I went to see a doctor and my doctor told me that I could have surgery to remove the excess and end my pain which I did. I don’t care if I see people naked in the street, online or on TV, it doesn’t offend me and if it offends you then I suggest you do not look rather than criticising those who are happy.

  • Thank you for being generous and explaining something that is personal to you. Did you never look at your Lady Garden before the show then, not sure if it was that painful you did not do it much younger at age.? Glad you are more comfortable with your genitals. You must have been brave to go through all of these things.
    I am not offended Tracy, i was just stating is necessary for women to be on naked attraction when there is another option these days ie internet porn. .
    Would you go back on naked attraction and show the world your new body .if you could .?
    You have never stated the benefit of you going on naked attraction , what did you get out of it as a person that you did not know before the show ?
    this show body shames peoples bodies do you think that is right. After all you are deciding on looks and not from the heart. If we did with all our friends would we have any left?

    • Perhaps you may find my blog about surgery helpful

      I went on naked attraction because I was asked to by the producers. I’d never dated that way before hence why I agreed to try something new, the whole experience was very positive and assuring from everyone I met including the contestants I was asked to choose from. For me, the message was clear “what some people are attracted to others aren’t” you can’t take it personally if you’re not somebody else’s type, it’s down to the individual. It helped me to understand what my “type” is by being able to compare different features all at once. Just as some men like women with long hair instead of short, blue eyes instead of brown, shorter than them instead of taller etc. Each to their own, there is no right or wrong answer when asked what you’re physically attracted to in a partner. I love how the show displayed all different types of people from age to size and culture, in normal life you would never see so many people naked and open about the way they look. I have a lot of admiration for everybody who was brave enough to take part and put themselves out there to be judged just as I did.

      • I totally agree with what you say as there are so many people about who suffer from poor body image, and Naked Attraction quite literally shows that every type is attractive. I work at an NHS hospital and often see teenagers and adults who have psychological issues about their bodies. Phone Apps have added to their issues. I think what you say is incredibly important. I also, think that the show is a useful way of getting people of all ages to realise body shape is just one aspect and that there personality, and how they treat others is also very important. Thank you for doing the show and doing this. I hope that your cancer has been overcome, and that you don’t suffer Covid (or indeed any member of your family or friends). I think that your story is an inspiration and that those who focus on just you appearing on the show miss the point. You have overcome detractors, and so many hardships and triumphed. You are inspirational in so many ways – including creating this site.

  • I know it’s a bit late to comment but wow, people. Some of you are nasty.

    A show like “Naked Attraction” is all about the NAKED. If you want to complain because after seeing Mark’s cock and then not making a huge effort to find out his favourite flavour of herbal tea or something else “non sexual”, then you are not being honest with yourself about why you are watching this show.

    I think it takes WAY MORE BALLS to be up there, saying possibly goofy things, because gee… they are in a completely strange environment and nervous.

    Sometimes women can be the worst to each other because they have been competing against each other to be in 2nd place — because of society’s sexism.

    The men on here that are being mean? It sounds like they are insecure and want to hurt someone that they see as being part of the society that they feel excluded from.

    And I challenge any of the trolls here—men or women—to go get naked on TV, look amazing, sound polished and intelligent and impress everyone with their musical tastes.

    Tracy, good for you. You don’t have to be a role model for anyone! You went on the show, you had fun, you explored who you were and learned to expand your horizons.

    I honestly can’t believe you were polite enough to respond to so many negative people.

    Everyone who wants to judge—why not get naked on TV, recite Homer’s Odyssey, speak in 14 languages, make the wittiest comments, display the profound depth of your soul, find the cure for cancer/HIV/COVID and impress the hell out of us for ALL the perfections that you, no doubt, shine bright with.

    Then prepare your “Greatest Person of the World” acceptance speech… and then go away and leave the rest of us alone.

    Life is hard enough without you negative people spraying vinegar all over the place.

    For all the kind, sympathetic comments on here — THANK YOU.

  • PS Kudos for talking to frankly about your own insecurities, your private body stuff… especially in the face of some really loathsome comments.

    • Thank you, it wasn’t easy to open myself up to such judgement but I’m thankful for the experience and will always remember my time on the show fondly x

  • Hi.

    I don’t blame you for picking the guy with the largest penis – in fact, I think it’s hot. I find (most of) the criticism you’ve received dumb and/or dishonest.

    Given your expertise, there’s one thing I’m wondering: did Mark shoot big loads and did you get to use his semen? Was it quality sperm?

    Best regards,

    • Having seen you on a repeat of Naked Attraction, then read your story i wanted to say how inspiring it is.

      Your body positivity,, bravery at tackling subjects such as cancer, bullying and surgery is refreshing.

      I have been through a lot since separating from my husband just over a year ago and can relate to your story. I am with a man i love now who iaccepts me and the way i want to be. He supported me through breast enhancement In September (it was 100% my choice) despite years of my ex, friends and family saying i shouldn’t. I have also had the stigma of my sexual choice of a guy with similar attribures to Mark boiled down to one aspect when it is far more nuanced than that. That is tiresome, so i am glad you tackled peoples comments above with humour and patience.

      Hooefully you can continue to be happy and if i am lucky enough to have a family soon, can be an inspirational mother too, who is open and proud of her body and strong sexuality.


      • Bless you, thank you for your kind words. I’m so happy that you have found somebody who truly appreciates you as an individual. You deserve so much love and happiness and will make a wonderful mother x x

  • Do you think you would go back on the show again now that you are older than before? If yes would you be the person who chooses or the perosn behind the screen where someone chooses you ?

  • hi, Tracy….
    You are looking gorgeous…
    I became fan of you.
    I like your attitude on TV Screen.
    I appreciate your fight on Cancer, and all the best for your future.

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