If you’re doing/thinking of starting P90X, have any questions, advice, words of wisdom or just want to banter then drop me a message in the box at the end of this thread and help keep me on track!
After completing the Insanity workout at the start of 2013, ten months after having my second child, I’m contemplating the sheer volume of sugar and junk that I will undoubtedly get tempted by this Christmas and have decided to undertake another fitness challenge in order to keep me on the straight and narrow. I’m twenty-five years old, turning twenty-six in a couple of weeks, a mother of two (6yr daughter & 1 yr son), 5’8″ tall and a UK8 dress size so I’m not looking to lose a drastic amount of weight as I’m not trying to look anorexic. My reason for doing p90x is to build on my muscle strength and tone, to bulk up my scrawny arms and thighs and to give myself more energy and stamina so I can generally be a hero. I miss having a six-pack and feeling the power, balance and control of a toned and efficient body and I’d love to be a mechanical swan again.
You can watch my video journey here or read about it all in detail below:
I’ve been a vegetarian for the past twenty years and I have a naughty sweet tooth for cakes, desserts and treats. I don’t eat overly healthy as I simply avoid meat, fish and eggs from my diet but love bread, biscuits, milky drinks etc; nor am I overly junkie to the extent of living off of frozen food and takeaways which is my idea of hell, so I strike a nice balance on my snacking by eating fresh vegetables and salads followed by the odd chocolate bar here and there! I’m hoping by getting back into a fitness regime that I will have more energy and want to avoid the sugary foods that are my downfall in exchange for energy and adrenaline fuelled from my workout instead. I get tired from rushing around after the kids and find my energy levels slump mid afternoon so when needs must I turn to stimulation drinks or go to bed early as I don’t like tea or coffee so it would be nice to have a higher level of stamina once more. I will not change my diet per say, I won’t start weighing my food or blending and drinking shakes, and I never do the recovery formulas or step outside of the box as my food intake is pretty much a healthy vegetarian lifestyle and I’ve always maintained a good stable weight. So the p90x for me is all about increasing power and stamina and not a dietary rapid weight loss case.
This doesn’t mean to say that it will be any easier for me, I’ll work just as hard and sweat just as much as the next guy who does it. I’m hoping my results will not be in losing inches but instead increasing them and cutting definition to my body. Who takes on a fitness regime to gain weight!? Me obviously. That’s who!
What is P90X? Well Wikipedia says: P90X, or Power 90 Extreme, is a commercial home exercise regimen, known for its intensity. It is designed to take 90 days, and consists of a training program which uses cross-training (weight training, martial arts, yoga and calisthenics) and periodization, combined with a nutrition and dietary supplement plan. P90X uses the term “muscle confusion” in their advertising to refer to their training methods. Muscle confusion is said to prevent the body from adapting to exercises over time, resulting in continual improvement without plateau.
So I welcome you to join me on my roller coaster of blood, sweat and tears as I crazily put myself through a three month gruelling training plan that is the p90x across the most tempestuous time of my life covering my birthday, Christmas and New Years. Fingers crossed I’ll survive, as for me failing is not an option and once I start something come hell or high water I’ll finish it. Check back here everyday for my updates and progress and share with me your experience of this crazy crazy workout. We’re in this together, let’s keep motivated, keep pushing and get the body of our dreams!
UPDATE: 23/09/13
The equipment needed for p90x that I have just purchased is a pull up bar, dumbbells and resistance straps which I found online and should be delivered in a few days time. I’m super excited yet nervous about beginning three months of hardcore training and will toast my last few days of flabby freedom with a nice chilled glass of vino!
UPDATE: 25/09/13 Day 1
So today my equipment arrived by post and I was super excited and sickeningly enthusiastic to begin P90X that I decided to get straight on it and begin the first session at 9pm when the children were in bed at the end of a long day.
The workout began with the Chest & Back routine which was 54 minutes of insanely punishing pull-ups and press-ups that my scrawny little chicken arms were certainly not prepared for; by far my arms are the weakest part of my body so I’m expecting any result to be a milestone for me. As I’m typing this my upper arms are still twitching and I’m smiling from completing it yet grimacing from the burn at the same time. Rarr!
For my first attempt at the Chest & Back Routine I scored:
Push-Ups – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 21
Wide Front Pull-Ups – Round 1: 11 Round 2: 11
Military Push-Ups – ROund 1: 20 Round 2: 18
Reverse Chin-Ups – Round 1: 10 Round 2: 9
Wide Fly Push-Ups – Round 1: 19 Round 2: 14
Close Grip Overhand Pull-Ups – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 10
Decline Push-Ups – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 15
Heavy Pants (2kg) – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 11
Diamond Push-Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 18
Lawnmowers – Round 1: L21 R15 Round 2: L17 R15
Dive Bomber Push-Ups – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 9
Back-Flys – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 25
Now I know that I’m a snappy little twiglet and I have absolutely no muscles at the moment so my reps are quite shaky and my press-ups are not as low as they could or should be, my weights not as heavy as I’d like them to be, and my elbows can’t hold much weight but from here on out I am determined to improve, dig deeper and go harder with every day that passes and I can only get better. This routine killed my arms and I spent a good five minutes doing the ‘pot stirrer’ and ‘hugger’ moves to shake out the burn so that I could even pick up my water to get a drink and cool down. But it was a fantastic routine and I felt ontop of the world to complete it.
The second routine was the Ab Ripper X which consists of 349 abdominal repetitions in just 15 minutes. Gah! Am I feeling it now, I don’t know if I want to throw up, hug my knees or lay flat like a plank because I killed my abs with eleven different routines and gave it my all keeping pace with the instructor the whole way which I’m so incredibly proud of. I figured fifteen minutes isn’t long compared to the first routine and although I was hurting badly, each second was one less to achieving my goal and it really got me through!
The Ab Ripper X routine consists of:
25 x In & Outs
50 x Bicycles
25 x Crunchy Frog
25 x Cross Leg/Wide Leg Sit-up’s
25 x Fifer Scissors
25 x Hip Rock ‘n’ Raise
25 x Pulse Ups
25 x V-Up Roll-Up Combo
50 x Oblique V-Ups
24 x Leg Climbers
40 x Mason Twist
So that’s day one of 90 complete and I have to say I absolutely loved it. Whether or not I’ll be as enthusiastic in the morning when I can’t open the door handle to get to the bathroom is a bridge I shall cross when I come to it, but overall I’m pumped and feel great.
After just one session of P90X my arms are showing the smallest little bump to suggest I gave them a good kicking and it’s filled me with encouragement for tomorrows workout. For anybody starting out on day one I’d love to know how you found it and hope that you’ll follow me as I progress from little cricket to grand master over the next three months. You never know how capable you are until you learn to push your limits! Bring it on! 🙂
UPDATE: 26/09/13 Day 2
Hello day two you saucy minx, Plyometrics you don’t scare me! My arms have been a little tender today but not as bad as I was expecting in all fairness. My elbows are possibly the weakest part of my body besides my little finger, but I’m hoping from lifting enough weights and building it up gradually that I’ll be on par with the best of them by the time I finish this crazy routine.
So today focused hugely on the legs and cardio and my thighs could crack walnuts right now from the sheer amounts of jumps, squats and lunges. I pulled some crazy pained expression faces as I got low and gave it my all, and as the instructor says “you can do anything for thirty seconds!” which is totally my mantra; even if it’s killing you, every second that passes is one less.
The Plyometrics Routine Consists Of:
Jump Squats
Run Stance Squats
Airborne Heismans
Swing Kicks
Squat Reach Jumps
Run Stance Squat Switch Pick Ups
Double Airborne Heismans
Circle Run
Jump Knee Tucks
Mary Katherine Lunges
Leapfrog Squats
Twist Combos
Rock Star Hops
Gap Jumps
Squat Jacks
Military Marches
Run Squat 180 Jump Switches
Lateral Leapfrog Squats
Monster Truck Tire Jumps
Hot Foot Jumps
Jump Shots
Football Hero
The hour long workout left my heart pounding, my face bright red, dripping with sweat and panting for breath, but it was manageable. I like how you get little breaks in between each set as the routine is repeated a few times over and you have the option to step it up or go at your own pace. And despite really pushing myself and sending my heart rate through the roof it didn’t leave me feeling sick or dizzy so those extra few seconds between sets really make the difference and I completed the whole routine without hitting the pause button.
I did however drink three pints of water, yes three! It’s been nine months since I last worked out and I literally took water like a sponge and clearly needed it as I didn’t feel wishy-washy doing jumps or have to run to the loo from a full bladder – too much information? And despite feeling ruined right now I’ve got the biggest smile on my face, I’m pumped, I’ve just had an amazing cold shower and my body feels clean and my mind clear. Bring on day three!
UPDATE 27/09/13 Day 3
Hello Shoulders & Arms with Ab Ripper X combo day! How lovely it is to see you, my legs are aching so much right now I’ve totally forgotten about the pain of my arms from day one so if we’re quick they might not notice. Today’s one hour and twenty minute workout on paper looks like a killer, and in the flesh I have to say it’s not any kinder.
The Arms & Shoulders routine consists of:
Alternating Shoulder Presses – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 15
In & Out Bicep Curls – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 24
Two Arm Tricep Kickbacks – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 15
Deep Swimmer’s Presses – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 17
Full Supination Concentration Curls – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12
Chair Dips – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 20
Static Arm Curls -Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Flip-Grip Twist Triceps Kickbacks – Round 1: 7 Round 2: 7
Upright Rows – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 20
Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Flys – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20
Crouching Cohen Curls – Round 1: 25 Round 2: 16
Lying-Down Triceps Extensions – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 17
In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Flys – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Congdon Curls – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 15
Side Tri-Raises – Round 1: L19 R20 Round 2: L22 R21
This was repeated twice and then followed by the 15 minute Ab Ripper X routine which is the same as the one before. I had the best time working with my weights today and it totally destroyed my arms. I’m using bars with added weights at 2kg each to start off slowly and build up from there. I’ve also got my resistance straps which I’m tempted to use once I build up my muscles a bit more. It’s amazing to see that my arms are already getting definition after just three days, and the instructor Tony Horton is hilarious. I literally snort to myself as I’m doing my reps and he cracks a funny comment or smiles with his happy classic American face. In this workout he stood next to a guy that looks exactly like him and creased me up. It makes it so much more enjoyable working out when you’re in a good mood and his screen presence is priceless.
My abs are smashed from doing the Abs Ripper X routine after an hour of weights and I collapsed onto the floor in child’s pose and just shut my eyes as I centred my breathing my arms, shoulders, stomach and whole body felt destroyed yet alive and it’s a completely addictive feeling. I’m really happy with my progress and I’m already standing taller and holding better posture, to start with 90 days seemed so long and now I can see me thinking about doing it twice when it’s over! Famous last words? We shall see. Ha.
UPDATE: 28/09/13 Day 4
Today was the Yoga X routine and I have to confess that I’ve been suffering with aching muscles all over my body, from walking down the stairs to picking up the children my new name is Mrs Wincealot. So to see Yoga X on the calendar today was a welcome retreat from the brutal routines of the past three days.
Yoga is just beautiful, everything about it I adore and I had the best hour and a half of stretching, balancing, holding and twitching as I curled myself into all sorts of shapes and really unwound my muscles. I feel so in tune with my body right now, I’m gaining great balance and posture and my muscles are responsive and trustworthy to hold me still and strong.
Naturally with any P90X routine that I’ve tried thus far, it is never a walk in the park and today didn’t disappoint. I was left sweating, shaking and broken after pushing my limbs to their limits and holding stances and stretches that made a pretzel look basic, but I feel so good for doing it.
The Yoga X routine consists of:
Runner’s Pose
Crescent Pose
Warrior One
Warrior Two
Reverse Warrior
Triangle Pose
Twisting Triangle Pose
Chair to Twisting Chair (Prayer Twist)
Right-Angle Pose to Extended Right-Angle Pose & Grab
Prayer Twist from Runner’s Pose to Side Arm Balance
Warrior Three to Standing Splits
Half Moon to Twisting Half Moon
Royal Dancer
Standing Leg Extension
Seated Spinal Stretch
Cat Stretch
Bridge / Wheel
Plough into Shoulder Stand with Leg Variations into Plough
Cobbler Pose
One-Legged Hamstring Stretch into Two-Legged Hamstring Stretch
Touch the Sky
Half Boat
Torso Twist Hold
Deep Torso Twist Hold
Side Twist
Glute Stretch
Happy Baby
Child’s Pose
Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
Fetal Pose
An hour and a half is a long time to squeeze in a workout and I got up super early to make the minutes fit with my day. With yoga everything is calm, slow and controlled so really if it were at normal pace it would probably only take 45 minutes, but it’s the holding and maintaining that counts so I can see why it had to be an extra long session today.
And I really surprised myself by just how flexible I am, I threw myself into the stances and enjoyed every minute of it but I’m feeling it now and could do with a nice long soak in a hot bath ready for day five. There was only one move I was unable to do which is the Crane and consists of lifting your body in a ball off of the ground by just your two hands as my wrists are a little too weak to support my full weight but I’m hoping after a few more sessions I’ll build up their strength and be a ninja in no time. I did however manage to do the wheel by turning my hands and feet under and arching my back to make a half-moon shape and it was such an amazing stretch that woke up every bone in my body. This first week is totally flying by! Only eleven more to go!
UPDATE: 29/09/13 day 5
Today was the Legs & Back routine with Ab Ripper X and I am feeeeeling it! With the focus being between pull-ups and squats for the legs and back it’s re-awoken the ache in my biceps that had fizzled away over the past day without me noticing. But boy oh boy do I feel it now! I’m noticing the strength in my snappy sparrow arms building, I’m probably on par with a meaty budgie right now and I’m getting definition to my muscles and more able to hold stances and positions squarely and to time. Just five days into this crazy three month workout and I’m feeling a million times stronger already.
I really enjoyed the leg work today as there were quite a few moves in there that I’d not tried before and they left me shaking like Bambi which is always fun. I get so determined to hold out for the last rep and countdown that I refuse to give in early even if I just go half way. There’s no such thing as can’t, sitting on your backside will get you nowhere, and you can’t ever fail at something if you never stop trying!
The Legs & Back routine consists of:
Balance Lunges
Calf-Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin Ups – Round 1:14 Round 2: 16
Super Skater
Wall Sits
Wide Front Pull Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 17
Step Backs
Alternating Side Lunges
Closed Grip Overhand Pull ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 11
Single Leg Wall Sits
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20
3-Way Lunges with Two-Kick Option
Sneaky Lunges
Reverse Grip Chin Ups
Chair Salutations
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
Wide Front Pull Ups
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups
80/20 Siebers-Speed Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups
I’m aching all over once more after the Ab Ripper X routine, but already noticing the difference in my ability. I don’t shake half as early as I did just days before when I’m doing sets and when I touch my stomach it feels firm and tight. As I was at a fairly happy weight when I started this workout it meant I only had to condition my body as opposed to cut back fat so my results have been super fast and rewarding. My second child is eighteen months old now so my stomach muscles have properly returned to position and are thankfully responding well. I look forward to seeing just how ripped I can get and from feeling great and working out I’ve also avoiding the cheeky little treats from my shopping list and I’m feeling so much better for it.
And here is a close up of my stomach and arms after todays routines, I’m pretty pumped right now and feeling great and in twenty seconds time I’ll be in a nice hot shower soothing my aching muscles with some nice foamy bubbles and my rubber duck ready for the carnage of tomorrow. Rarr!
UPDATE: 30/09/13 Day 6
Today was the Kenpo X routine which I was thinking may possibly be a nice relaxing cool down after a busy week of pure carnage, alas I was wrong. It was pure cardio at its finest, I’m dripping like a juicy peach and my hamstrings have divorced me. It was literally a kick/punch fest of squats, blocks, martial arts and stretches, which might I add for a recently dumped single parent this was bloody amazing for letting off steam, I’m like an angry hot choo choo train! I smashed my way through this routine with my lungs and heart in my throat and my whole body dripping and now I’m wrapped in a lovely fluffy towel cooling down from my shower and drinking my body weight in ice water. Bliss doesn’t even come close.
The Kenpo routine consists of:
Twist & Pivot
Twist & Pivot with Hook & Uppercut
Step Drag/High-Low Punch
Jab/Cross Switch
Hook/Uppercut Switch
Knee Kick
Ball Kick
Side Kick
Back Kick
3 Direction Kick
Side Lunge/High Sword-Low Hammer
Step Drag-Claw/Low Punch
High Block
Inward Block
Outward Block
Downward Block
Star Block
Front Shuffle-High Block/Low Punch
Knee Kick/Back Kick
Front & Back Knuckles/Ball Kick/Back Kick
Hook/Uppercut/Low Side Kick
Elbow Series
Vertical Punches
Cool Down
I’m loving the defition that I’m gradually getting to my stomach, arms and legs. My whole body is strong and firm and I have such power and great posture when I walk. P90X is fine tuning my entire body and I’m ontop of the world right now. How can this possibly get any better!? Bring on day 7! I’m ready for you baby!
UPDATE: 01/10/13 Day 7
Week one, done! What a buzz it’s been and I’m loving every minute. Now today I had the option to take a rest day or work on some stretches and help my muscles, and I chose the stretches in the form of X Stretch. Short of dreaming about a sports physio rubbing me down with hot oils this was the only way in reality that I could ease the ache of my tortured body.
The X Stretch routine consists of:
Sun Salutations
Neck Stretch
Back Up the Car
Head Rolls
Expand Chest
Shoulder Stretch
Forearm Flex
Dreya Stretch
Cat Stretch
Glute Stretch
Arm Circles
Shoulder/Triceps Combo
Hamstring Stretch
Shoulder Stand
Back Hero
Quad Stretch
Seated Stretch
Standing Hamstring
Downward Dog
Upward Dog
Child’s Pose
I totally adored this routine and it’s incredibly fun learning new stretch positions and seeing just how flexible my body can be. Here are some of my favourite parts from today’s workout which I tried to capture with my camera, although as you can imagine it’s kind of tricky holding a pose and taking a photo of yourself at the same time!
UPDATE: 02/10/13 Day 8
Today’s routine was the Chest & Back followed by Ab Ripper X which is the same as day one and I really noticed the difference in my workout. Firstly my weights of 2kg which made my chicken wing arms ache last week now felt like plastic toys instead and were incredibly light in comparison, but as I had to do chin-ups I didn’t want to up my weights too soon and end up damaging my arms and suffering so I kept it the same this time round and will add to it on my next routine. I also noticed the strength in my arms has increased as I’m more able to go slower and get lower down into my press ups but I’m still slightly shaky and not as strong as I’d like to be, but the improvement is definitely noticeable!
For my second attempt at the Chest & Back Routine I scored:
Push-Ups – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 21 vs Round 1: 25 Round 2: 23
Wide Front Pull-Ups – Round 1: 11 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 15 Round 2: 12
Military Push-Ups – ROund 1: 20 Round 2: 18 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 20
Reverse Chin-Ups – Round 1: 10 Round 2: 9 vs Round 1: 11 Round 2: 15
Wide Fly Push-Ups – Round 1: 19 Round 2: 14 vs Round 1: 23 Round 2: 17
Close Grip Overhand Pull-Ups – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 10 vs Round 1: 15 Round 2: 10
Decline Push-Ups – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 15 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 14
Heavy Pants (2kg) – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 11 vs (2kg) Round 1: 30 Round 2: 13
Diamond Push-Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 18 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 21
Lawnmowers – Round 1: L21 R15 Round 2: L17 R15 vs Round 1: L21 R 18 Round 2: L20 R16
Dive Bomber Push-Ups – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 9 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 15
Back-Flys – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 25 vs Round 1: 25 Round 2: 25
So my results this week compared to last week are shaping up lovely, I’ve managed to add a few reps to each set which is promising and exactly what I was hoping for. I’m far from being as strong or controlled as I’d like to be yet, but I realise it comes with time and dedication, so after a week I’m happy with what I’ve achieved so far.
Day eight was followed by the Ab Ripper X routine again and I felt so much more controlled and in tune with my body today. I’m noticing I’m a lot further into each set before I feel the fire in my abs which shows that I’m building a good core. My body is looking and feeling like stone right now and I’m super excited by every tiny piece of muscle detail that pops up out of nowhere. I don’t want to look like a pumped up throbbing vein creature or look abnormal, but at the same time a nice bit of definition and tone is pretty cool and so addictive.
UPDATE: 03/10/13 Day 9
Today was a repeat of the Plyometrics routine which has left me absolutely blown apart and I really wasn’t expecting to feel so weak right now. The cardio and squat jumps left me puffing and panting and dragging my heels towards the end of the hour long workout and I’m really feeling it bad. I don’t know if I’m coming down with something because I have no energy or if Mother Nature is fast approaching, but I feel as though I’ve been hit by a bus and I’m surprised I limped my way to the last minute and made it through.
Fingers crossed it’s just a fleeting energy low and I’ll be back on track tomorrow as come hell or high water I will see this through to the end, once I start something I’ll never give up. It could be the fact that I was up from 4am with my teething toddler which has thrown me, but either way I’m determined to go harder tomorrow. Rarr!
UPDATE: 04/10/13 Day 10
Today was the Arms & Shoulders routine followed by the Ab Ripper X and boy oh boy am I a shaky little lamb now! After using my 2kg weights before I felt that they didn’t give me enough of a kick so I decided to bring my resistance straps into the equation instead. Now I’ve never used straps in a workout before but I purchased a set of varying strengths in preparation for starting P90X the other week and opened the box for the first time today.
The thicker and shorter the band the higher the resistance and the harder you have to pull at it to do your repetitions. It works by standing in the middle of the band and holding onto two hand grips and pulling at them to do various lifts at different angles just as you would with weights really. I chose to start on the green strap which is 5lbs and was the second in strength as I thought the lowest was too easy and I didn’t want to go in too high and hurt myself before I finished. After a few reps I felt that it was upping my game and giving me more of a workout than my 2kg weights so I stuck with it and found it really good fun.
For my second attempt at the Arms & Shoulders routine I scored:
Alternating Shoulder Presses – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 15 vs Round 1: 15 Round 2: 16
In & Out Bicep Curls – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 24 vs Round 1: 20 vs Round 2: 26
Two Arm Tricep Kickbacks – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 15 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 18
Deep Swimmer’s Presses – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 17 Round 2: 18
Full Supination Concentration Curls – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12 vs Round 1: 14 Round 2: 13
Chair Dips – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 22 Round 2: 23
Static Arm Curls -Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Flip-Grip Twist Triceps Kickbacks – Round 1: 7 Round 2: 7 vs Round 1: 9 Round 2: 9
Upright Rows – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 18 Round 2: 21
Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Flys – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Crouching Cohen Curls – Round 1: 25 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 25 Round 2: 19
Lying-Down Triceps Extensions – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 14
In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Flys – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Congdon Curls – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 15 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 11
Side Tri-Raises – Round 1: L19 R20 Round 2: L22 R21 vs Round 1: L20 R20 Round 2: L25 R25
Following the hours routine I then did the Ab Ripper X and am shocked to have breezed through it. My core is feeling so tight and hard right now, my moves are controlled and I’m hardly hurting at all after the burst of crunches and pulses. Perhaps on my next one I’ll throw in some harder extensions or do it with a weight on my legs. As I’m writing this my hands and arms are shaking from the intense workout with the straps and I really feel like I’ve made great progress today. Bring on day eleven!
UPDATE: 05/10/13 Day 11
Hello Yoga X routine, how beautiful it is to see you today! I am the biggest most happiest and enthusiastic yoga fan ever and my face literally lights up when I see my P90X calendar with this on it. It’s so much fun to see my progress from just over a week ago when I started out with rusty joints, bent knees and tightly hinged muscles; now I’m fluid like a jellyfish, my limbs and core are doing things I didn’t even think was possible and the flexibility I’m getting in my joints is incredible. Each time I master a new position or take my stretch that little bit further and deeper I feel such a great sense of achievement, as well as the burn of my muscles, and I love it.
I thankfully had a little help with the camera to take these pictures today and capture some of my favourite positions from the Yoga X routine. After the hour and a half workout I feel centred, calm, balanced and poised and have the biggest urge to twist myself up into a ball and go roll myself down a hill. As you do!
UPDATE: 06/10/13 Day 12
Today was the Legs & Back routine followed by Ab Ripper X and wow do I feel the burn. My quads are like stone right now, my arms are pumped up like rockets ready to shoot off into outer space and I’m considering grating cheese on my abs for dinner tonight. Just twelve days into P90X and my body is already a fine tuned machine and I love it.
My second attempt of the Legs & Back routine:
Balance Lunges
Calf-Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 13 Round 2: 14
Super Skater
Wall Sits
Wide Front Pull Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 15 Round 2: 14
Step Backs
Alternating Side Lunges
Closed Grip Overhand Pull ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 14
Single Leg Wall Sits
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 18 Round 2: 20
3-Way Lunges with Two-Kick Option
Sneaky Lunges
Reverse Grip Chin Ups
Chair Salutations
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
Wide Front Pull Ups
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups
80/20 Siebers-Speed Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups
I’m noticing my strength building greatly, I’m not shaking as much as before during pull-up repetitions and I’m able to go slower and lower whilst holding each set for a pause at the top as opposed to quickly firing them out before and flopping down like jelly. So I’m getting better quality rather than quantity now. I’ve also noticed with the leg routine that my stance is good and strong, my squats deep and held well, and when weights are added to the routine my dumbbells feel like they’re plastic toys now and I’ve had to up the kg’s to even feel them. How the tables have turned in such a short space of time, from scrawny sparrow to proud eagle in just twelve days, cah-carr! 🙂
UPDATE: 07/10/13 Day 13
Today was the Kenpo X routine again which is a cardio-fest of kicks, punches and stretches that left me in a hot and sweaty mess but I loved it. Who wouldn’t enjoy a load of crazy continuous attack moves and block stances followed by a nice cool down stretch!?
My muscles are healing up just fine now and I’m no longer aching or feeling tender which is fantastic. I don’t want to get too cocky and say how easy it is, because it’s really not, but I guess ‘manageable’ is more suitable. It’s past the point where you think you’re likely to collapse and more towards believing you’ll make it to the end. I’ve hit the wall and come out the other side and just have to keep up the pace now.
UPDATE: Day 14
Today could either be a day of rest or the X Stretch, but what better way to smash my way into week two than by working out and taking my record to fourteen days straight of the P90X – hardcore! I know! I feel on top of the world right now, my arms and stomach are getting great definition and my body feels firm and balanced.
I can’t believe how quickly the first two weeks have already gone and it just goes to show that time flies when you’re having fun! Each day becomes that little bit more inspiring, I’m constantly looking to push and challenge myself and get bigger and better results. It’s all about the fire in your belly and the sweat on your brow; no pain no gain.
UPDATE: Day 15
Ah, the wonderful Chest & Back routine twinned with Ab Ripper X, how you delight and entice me all at the same time. I’ve purposely stopped myself from looking at my previous results so as not to discourage me from trying harder; say if I scored ten chin-up’s on a routine the week before I wouldn’t want to think that I should only do eleven today to beat my score, because if I don’t know what I have to beat then I’ll always try my best and then be surprised by my efforts at the end. Equally if I had an achy day and couldn’t get as high as the score before I might feel as though I’m failing and lose my drive, so sometimes it’s good to go at it blind to keep you on you toes, or chin-up bar as it were!
For my third attempt at the Chest & Back Routine I scored:
Push-Ups – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 21 vs Round 1: 33 Round 2: 26
Wide Front Pull-Ups – Round 1: 11 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 17 Round 2: 15
Military Push-Ups – ROund 1: 20 Round 2: 18 vs Round 1: 25 Round 2: 23
Reverse Chin-Ups – Round 1: 10 Round 2: 9 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 17
Wide Fly Push-Ups – Round 1: 19 Round 2: 14 vs Round 1: 30 Round 2: 20
Close Grip Overhand Pull-Ups – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 10 vs Round 1: 14 Round 2: 13
Decline Push-Ups – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 15 vs Round 1: 18 Round 2: 17
Heavy Pants (2kg) – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 11 vs (2kg) Round 1: 18 Round 2: 17
Diamond Push-Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 18 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 20
Lawnmowers – Round 1: L21 R15 Round 2: L17 R15 vs Round 1: L18 R23 Round 2: L22 R21
Dive Bomber Push-Ups – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 9 vs Round 1: 13 Round 2: 10
Back-Flys – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 25 vs Round 1: 22 Round 2: 26
I upped the ante this time around by changing my weights from 2kg dumbbells to 8lbs resistance straps instead and wrapped the bands in loops around my feet a few times to give an even stronger resistance and it felt so good. It really adds another dimension to working out and gives you that fight and burn to pull harder and go deeper and I’m totally addicted!
UPDATE: Day 16
Plyometrics how I love you so! Today I really worked up a sweat, my heart was pounding, my legs were throbbing and every inch of my body felt alive and kicking. You can’t beat a meaty bit of cardio to get the day going and this routine for me will never get old. I find working out in the morning the best time of day as it’s when my muscles are most rested from sleeping and I have the highest level of energy and can really give my all. Obviously it’s difficult having the two children and I don’t always get the quiet time I need to focus, but come hell or high water I always complete my workouts and it’s thankfully paying off.
UPDATE: Day 17
Today was the Arms & Shoulders routine again followed by Ab Ripper X and boy oh boy am I shaking like a leaf now, I pushed myself to my limits with an 8lb resistance strap instead of my 2kg weights from before, and even typing this now my arms are still twitching. How good did that feel! Erm, very.
For my third attempt at the Arms & Shoulders routine I scored:
Alternating Shoulder Presses – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
In & Out Bicep Curls – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 30
Two Arm Tricep Kickbacks – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 17
Deep Swimmer’s Presses – Round 1: 18 Round 2: 20
Full Supination Concentration Curls – Round 1: 18 Round 2: 22
Chair Dips – Round 1: 25 Round 2: 30
Static Arm Curls -Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Flip-Grip Twist Triceps Kickbacks – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 10
Upright Rows – Round 1: 19 Round 2: 22
Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Flys – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Crouching Cohen Curls – Round 1: 23 Round 2: 24
Lying-Down Triceps Extensions – Round 1: 11 Round 2: 10
In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Flys – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Congdon Curls – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 25
Side Tri-Raises – Round 1: L20 R20 Round 2: L20 R20
I am feeling so incredibly pumped right now, I whizzed through the Ab Ripper X routine that followed and hardly felt a thing despite making each set extra difficult by lifting my legs higher and wider. I am becoming a fine tuned and able machine, loving my routines and feeling like the biggest teachers pet ever right now. P90X you have me hooked and I am a very willing subject! Here are some pictures of me doing my favourite sets from today. Bring. It. On!
UPDATE: Day 18
By now you may have realised that I LOVE Yoga X, in fact I’d go as far as to say that it’s the highlight of this workout for me; but do you know what I don’t love? My period. And today I feel destroyed, my stomach is cramping like a hippo with hiccups, my lower back feels as though a hard heavy rock is caught between my spine and pelvis and my insides are literally threatening to turn outside! Argh, I’ve been dreading this day but there’s nothing I can do to avoid it, aside from having another baby and I’m quite happy with the two that I have. Obviously the P90X workout is a three month regime, meaning I will have three menstrual cycles in total during the entirety of this, so with it being my first one today I’m hoping that I can keep strong and see this week through and the next two won’t be as drastic as I’ll be stronger.
I’m thankful that my period came on a day when it is the Yoga X routine instead of Ab Ripper or Plyometrics, but I know that it’s very likely I will end up doing them all in this discomfort at some point. Nevertheless, I will not let Mother Nature stop me, because teaming aching muscles and my monthly cycle means that, aside from a broken bone, this is quite likely the most pain and discomfort I could possibly be in so it’s only upwards from here! At least that’s what I’m telling myself to get me through this. One step at a time Trace, the hot water bottle and pain killers are ready and waiting at the finish line and it will be glorious!
UPDATE: Day 19
I’m still aching and weak from the second day of my period today, so what did I do!? I went hard at tonights Legs & Back with Ab Ripper X routine and then plopped into my bed like a knackered old pigeon and made a nice little nest under my duvet so that I can recover like a cripple in time for tomorrow.
My third attempt of the Legs & Back routine:
Balance Lunges
Calf-Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 15 Round 2: 15
Super Skater
Wall Sits
Wide Front Pull Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 15 Round 2: 15
Step Backs
Alternating Side Lunges
Closed Grip Overhand Pull ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 15 Round 2: 15
Single Leg Wall Sits
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 18 Round 2: 20
3-Way Lunges with Two-Kick Option
Sneaky Lunges
Reverse Grip Chin Ups
Chair Salutations
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
Wide Front Pull Ups
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups
80/20 Siebers-Speed Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups
Even though I’m feeling rubbish todays workout has left me pumped and on form and I loved it. I’m so much more capable than I was when I first started, my weights are heavier, my chin-up’s are more controlled and deeper and my abs hardly even notice the ripper routine to the point that I’m considering doing it twice each time if the routine isn’t upped by next weeks shake up for week four. The days are literally rolling past and I’m really enjoying the challenge of P90X, even though I’m on my period and feeling weak and washed out I still have the fire in my belly to beast through the routines and go hard. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger! Rarr!
UPDATE: Day 20
Day twenty – the Kenpo X routine, what a sweaty hot mess you are. Despite my despicable period, aching back and swollen stomach I still managed to blast my way through this heart-pumping hour long routine today in true girl-power style! What’s that? I must be insane? Nope, I just have a huge set of danglies and I’m not afraid to use them. Go hard or go home people, I know what I do.
UPDATE: Day 21
Hmm, a rest day or an X Stretch day? Really there’s no question. Welcome day twenty-one, three consecutive weeks of solid training and I eased my way deep into the stretches today. Feeling every inch of my body pull and twist is absolute bliss and I’m no longer feeling uncomfortable from my period now, as forgive me if this sounds a bit sick, but it seems the moves and routine of P90X have emptied my period a lot quicker than usual and it’s almost over in just a couple days of it starting. I may have to do an extreme workout everytime I have a period from now on if it finishes it in just a third of the time of my normal cycle! Epic!
It’s so interesting to see how my body has firmed up over the past three weeks, my core has muscle and definition and I feel strong and toned.
UPDATE: Day 22
The start of week four began with the best workout ever, Yoga X baby yeh! How happy I was to see this routine and how fantastic I feel now for doing my eighty minutes of extreme yoga. I am a fine-tuned and well balanced swan right now, cah-carr.
Here are some posey balancing shots from my workout today to mark the start of the new week! 🙂
UPDATE: Day 23
Today is the second day of the recovery week which introduced me to the fabulous Core Synergistics. The word recovery made me think that this could well be a pretty easy and lightweight routine designed to relax the muscles and even out the aches and pains, but no, I was wrong! Core Synergistics is basically a mashup of everything the P90X has covered all at once to throw your body into chaos as you focus on holding your abs tight whilst going into a lunge and curling weights at the same time – epic! But I loved it and the hour flew by with my favourite moves being the banana and superman combo.
The Core Synergistics routine consists of:
Stacked Foot/Staggered Hands Push Ups
Banana Rolls
Leaning Crescent Lunges
Squat Runs
Sphinx Push Ups
Bow To Boat
Low Lateral Skaters
Lunge & Reach
Prison Cell Push Ups
Side Hip Raise
Squat X Press
Plank To Chaturanga Run
Walking Push Ups
P90X Core Synergistics
Superman Banana
Lunge Kickback Curl Press
Towel Hoppers
Reach High & Under Push Ups
Steam Engine
Dreya Rolls
Plank To Chaturanga Iso
Table Dip Leg Raise
Cool Down
Fortunately as I am of the female variety I am well adjusted to multi-tasking and owned this routine and laughed wickedly to myself after the sixtieth minute clicked past and the sweat fell from my brow. You can’t beat me P90X, I’m almost a quarter of the way through already!
UPDATE: Day 24
Kenpo X is an excellent way to start the day! I am buzzing, kicking, striking, blocking and pouncing like a ninja with lipstick.I love getting the blood pumping and my heart going, being out of breath and working up a sweat and pushing myself to my limits. Everywhere I move my body flows and tightens and contracts and releases as my muscles wrap around my bones and pull me through each move beautifully. I feel at one with my body, my core is balanced and there is no stopping this steam train baby! Love it!
And here are just some cool little snaps of me doing some yoga poses after my workout as a cool down for fun!
UPDATE: Day 25
Today’s routine was the X Stretch and now I feel so relaxed and loosened. My neck, shoulders, arms, back, legs and stomach have all been worked and unwound and I could literally curl up into a ball right now with my ankles around my neck and take a little catnap! Bliss.
UPDATE: Day 26
Yoga X, how I love you so. I am on cloud nine after some serious stretching and positions this morning. The routine leaves me feeling so calm, collected and in control and I’ve been spoilt rotten with week four rest week so far; knowing P90X it’s preparing me for the carnage of the next few days!
Here are some pictures of my favourite yoga positions.
UPDATE: Day 27
The X Stretch is the final day of recovery week 4 and I had the option of taking it as a rest day or doing this routine, which in my books is a no brainer as I couldn’t imagine taking on a challenge to opt out of the complete set. So I made the most of my final easy day, ready for the carnage of tomorrow. Bring it on baby! POW!
UPDATE: Day 28
Today was the new Phase 2 routine of Chest & Shoulder & Triceps followed by Ab Ripper X and it was so much fun trying a brand new set. What a beast of a workout it was, my arms are shaking, my heart is pumping and I pulled the most hilarious faces and expressions as I strained and lifted and pulled on my bands. My whole upper body is like rock right now and it’s amazing how quickly you notice the results after a good arm and shoulder workout. I love it!
For my first attempt of the Chest & Shoulder & Triceps routine I scored:
Slow Motion 3-in-1 Push Ups – 12
In & Out Shoulder Flys – 16
Chair Dips – 20
Plange Push Ups 20
Pike Presses – 24
Side Tri Rise – L17 R17
Floor Flys – 24
Scarecrows – 16 (8lbs resistance straps)
Overhead Triceps Extensions – 12
Two-Twitch Speed Push Ups – 28
Y Presses – 15 (8lbs resistance straps)
Lying Triceps Extensions – 18
Side to Side Push Ups – 20
Pour Flys – 18
Side Leaning Triceps Extensions – L11 R10
One Arm Push Ups – 12
Weighted Circles – 40
Throw The Bomb – L12 R12
Clap or Plyo Push Ups – 15
Slo Mo Throws – 11
Front to Back Triceps Extensions – L13 R13
One Arm Balance Push Ups – 16
Fly Row Presses – 10
Dumbell Cross Body Blows – 20
Cool Down
UPDATE: Day 29
Plyometrics you saucy beast! What a sweat I worked up today and how amazing I feel now. My blod is pumping, my body feels flushed and fluid and I’m on top of the world right now. My body is getting great definition and I’m feeling so on form right now. I am 100% addicted to P90X and strangely have to confess that after my hours workout I was tempted to run through it twice just for the hell of it. Since when did punishment become so pleasurable!?
UPDATE: Day 30
Today was the new Back & Biceps routine followed by Ab Ripper X and I loved it! I used my 8lbs resistance bands and really felt the burn today. My entire upper body is pumped and strong and I totally roared my way through the new moves. I feel so capable and energetic when it comes to weights, my elbows and wrists are gaining strength and I’m getting my fluid in lifting myself on my pull-up bar.
For my first attempt of the Back & Biceps routine I scored:
Wide Front Pull Up – 12
Lawnmower – L17 R19
Twenty-one – 30
One-Arm Cross-Body Curl – 13
Switch Grip Pull Up – 20
Elbows-Out Lawnmower – L19 R16
Standing Bicep Curl – 21
One-Arm Concentration Curl – L21 R16
Corn Cob Pull Up – 8
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Row – 16
Open-Arm Curl – 26
Static-Arm Curl – 34
Towel Pull Up -12
Congdon Locomotive – 40
Crouching Cohen Curl – 24
One-Arm Corkscrew Curl – L21 R20
Chin Up – 15
Seated Bent-Over Back Fly – 22
Curl Up/Hammer Down – 20
Hammer Curl -18
Max Rep Pull Up – 16
Superman – I kept my feet and hands off all the time
In-Out Hammer Curls – 20
Strip-Set Curls – 45
Here are some of my favourite routines from today on my pull-up bar. I feel like a monkey at the zoo!
UPDATE: Day 31
Yoga X, need I say more than simply wear this smile on my face!? 🙂 Bliss.
Here are a few snaps of my favourite balance postures from today:
UPDATE: Day 32
Today was the Legs & Back routine again followed by Ab Ripper X and my legs are totally destroyed, I can hardly walk! I either managed to pull both of my legs somehow or worked out so hard that I’m feeling it more than usual. I hope it’s the latter as I’m a firm believer in no pain no gain and it would be a bit of a coincidence to pull both legs at the same time. Either way my staircase is looking like Mount Everest right now and I’m wondering how I’m going to get to bed tonight. Perhaps my children can drag me up by my ankles? 🙂
My calves and quads feel rock solid and I’m walking like John Wayne right now!
My forth attempt of the Legs & Back routine:
Balance Lunges
Calf-Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 15 Round 2: 16
Super Skater
Wall Sits
Wide Front Pull Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Step Backs
Alternating Side Lunges
Closed Grip Overhand Pull ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Single Leg Wall Sits
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20
3-Way Lunges with Two-Kick Option
Sneaky Lunges
Reverse Grip Chin Ups
Chair Salutations
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
Wide Front Pull Ups
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups
80/20 Siebers-Speed Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups
UPDATE: Day 33
Kenpo X totally whooped me today and I feel pumped and excited, like a ninja on a mission, just slightly more mumsy and wearing Prada perfume!
UPDATE: Day 34
Today’s X Stretch was a great muscle unwinder and I’m so incredibly blissed out right now. I feel as though I’ve grown three inches in height and my body is relaxed and invigorated from every inch being worked and unwound.
UPDATE: Day 35
Chest & Shoulders & Triceps followed by Ab Ripper X how good do I feel right now!? Really good, ontop of the world actually. My whole body is pumped like a car tyre and I’m oozing power from every muscle. Oh wait, that’s sweat, my bad. I totally smashed todays routine and feel amazing for it. Rarr! Who said girls can’t be strong!?
For my second attempt of the Chest & Shoulder & Triceps routine I scored:
Slow Motion 3-in-1 Push Ups – 12 vs. 16
In & Out Shoulder Flys – 16 vs. 18
Chair Dips – 20 vs. 40
Plange Push Ups 20 vs. 18
Pike Presses – 24 vs. 20
Side Tri Rise – L17 R17 vs. L16 R16
Floor Flys – 24 Vs. 20
Scarecrows – 16 (8lbs resistance straps) vs. 23
Overhead Triceps Extensions – 12 vs. 11
Two-Twitch Speed Push Ups – 28 vs. 21
Y Presses – 15 (8lbs resistance straps) vs. 18
Lying Triceps Extensions – 18 vs. 20
Side to Side Push Ups – 20 vs. 22
Pour Flys – 18 vs. 20
Side Leaning Triceps Extensions – L11 R10 vs. L13 R13
One Arm Push Ups – 12 vs. 14
Weighted Circles – 40 vs. 45
Throw The Bomb – L12 R12 vs. L12 R12
Clap or Plyo Push Ups – 15 vs. 13
Slo Mo Throws – 11 vs. 13
Front to Back Triceps Extensions – L13 R13 vs. L16 R17
One Arm Balance Push Ups – 16 vs. 16
Fly Row Presses – 10 vs. 11
Dumbell Cross Body Blows – 20 vs. 26
Cool Down
I used my 8lbs resistance bands again and it left my arms twitching and shaking from doing the repetitions but I gave it my all and I’m really proud of my progress so far.
UPDATE: Day 36
Plyometrics left me dripping in sweat and redder than a beetroot today; I hate it, but I love it! Bring it!
UPDATE: Day 37
Today’s Back & Biceps followed by Ab Ripper X was a meaty little treat indeed. My arms and abs are so tender right now, I went hard with my 8lbs resistance straps and pull up bar and now I’m going home! Zzz.
For my second attempt of the Back & Biceps routine I scored:
Wide Front Pull Up – 12 vs 16
Lawnmower – L17 R19 vs L18 R18
Twenty-one – 30 vs 28
One-Arm Cross-Body Curl – 13 vs 24
Switch Grip Pull Up – 20 vs 20
Elbows-Out Lawnmower – L19 R16 vs L15 R15
Standing Bicep Curl – 21 vs 24
One-Arm Concentration Curl – L21 R16 vs L18 R18
Corn Cob Pull Up – 8 vs 10
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Row – 16 vs 18
Open-Arm Curl – 26 vs 27
Static-Arm Curl – 34 vs 30
Towel Pull Up -12 vs 16
Congdon Locomotive – 40 vs 46
Crouching Cohen Curl – 24 vs 26
One-Arm Corkscrew Curl – L21 R20 vs L24 R26
Chin Up – 15 vs 16
Seated Bent-Over Back Fly – 22 vs 20
Curl Up/Hammer Down – 20 vs 26
Hammer Curl – 18 vs 20
Max Rep Pull Up – 16 vs 18
Superman – I kept my feet and hands off all the time – vs all
In-Out Hammer Curls – 20 vs 20
Strip-Set Curls – 45 vs 52
UPDATE: Day 38
So today I’ve somehow muddled up my calendar and realised my workouts haven’t been in the same order that they should. As I was in a hurry I decided to do the Kenpo X routine this morning to straighten out the mess as it was supposed to be Back & Biceps & Ab Ripper X today which I did yesterday, so tomorrow I will continue as normal.
UPDATE: Day 39
Oh Yoga X, you delight me, inspire me and totally tire me out but how I adore you. I made such progress today as I really sank down into each stretch and made the most of my breathing to push myself to a totally new high.
Here’s a few of my favourite poses from today:
UPDATE: Day 40
The Legs & Back routine followed by Ab Ripper X was a killer today and I loved it. I don’t think I’ll manage to walk up the stairs to bed tonight after all of the squats and crunches I’ve pulled off today. I love the feeling of a good workout and there’s none more satisfying than the Legs & Back!
My fifth attempt of the Legs & Back routine:
Balance Lunges
Calf-Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Super Skater
Wall Sits
Wide Front Pull Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Step Backs
Alternating Side Lunges
Closed Grip Overhand Pull ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Single Leg Wall Sits
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 20
3-Way Lunges with Two-Kick Option
Sneaky Lunges
Reverse Grip Chin Ups
Chair Salutations
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
Wide Front Pull Ups
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups
80/20 Siebers-Speed Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups
UPDATE: Day 41
Kenpo X had me sweating like a pig in a blanket today. I love a bit of martial arts and all of the kicks, punches, blocks and stretches had me feeling like a nimble ninja!
Here are a couple of shots to celebrate my owning this routine!
UPDATE: Day 42
Today was the X Stretch routine or a day of rest, so guess which one I chose? X Stretch baby! This girl doesn’t do days off! I can’t believe I’m already approaching the half way point in just three days time and the days are just flying by. I’m looking forward to completing P90X so that I can cross it off my bucket list and add it to my belt, yet at the same time it’s become a lifestyle for me that I really enjoy, which I think is the main point of it, so I have a funny feeling I’ll continue to use the routines long after I cross the finish line. But with a workout as rewarding as P90X who wouldn’t go harder for longer!?
Here are a few more of my favourite snaps from today:
UPDATE: Day 43
The Chest & Shoulders & Triceps routine today followed by Ab Ripper X totally smashed me. I’ve been using my 8lbs resistance straps and decided to up my game and move to the 13lbs straps instead. They were a massive jump and I had to switch back half way through todays routine because for some of the routine the bands were too stiff and short for me to pull them above my head. So instead I used my 8lbs straps stepped my feet out wider to pull the tension harder as a compromise.
For my third attempt of the Chest & Shoulder & Triceps routine I scored:
Slow Motion 3-in-1 Push Ups – 12 vs. 20
In & Out Shoulder Flys – 16 vs. 8 – 13lbs strap
Chair Dips – 20 vs. 30
Plange Push Ups 20 vs. 20
Pike Presses – 24 vs. 18
Side Tri Rise – L17 R17 vs. L20 R20
Floor Flys – 24 Vs. 20
Scarecrows – 16 (8lbs resistance straps) vs. 12 – 13lbs strap
Overhead Triceps Extensions – 12 vs. 10
Two-Twitch Speed Push Ups – 28 vs. 24
Y Presses – 15 (8lbs resistance straps) vs. 15
Lying Triceps Extensions – 18 vs. 20
Side to Side Push Ups – 20 vs. 25
Pour Flys – 18 vs. 20
Side Leaning Triceps Extensions – L11 R10 vs. L12 R12
One Arm Push Ups – 12 vs. 20
Weighted Circles – 40 vs. 45
Throw The Bomb – L12 R12 vs. L12 R12
Clap or Plyo Push Ups – 15 vs. 12
Slo Mo Throws – 11 vs. 13
Front to Back Triceps Extensions – L13 R13 vs. L15 R15
One Arm Balance Push Ups – 16 vs. 18
Fly Row Presses – 10 vs. 12
Dumbell Cross Body Blows – 20 vs. 30
Cool Down
Aside from killing my arms and having to switch my weights back down, my moves are getting stronger, slower and more controlled and even though I’m not upping my repetitions in quantity I’m really noticing the increase in quality.
UPDATE: Day 44
Plyometrics, you sweaty cheeky beast! My legs feel like jelly after all of the jump squats and jacks today and I could easily lay flat on the floor and snore! What a corker of a routine, I love it!
UPDATE: Day 45
The Back & Biceps and Ab Ripper X routines today had me smiling in anticipation. I love doing arm routines because you always get such amazing results so instantly, I literally have to look at my pullup bar now and my arms go hard with excitement.
For my third attempt of the Back & Biceps routine I scored:
Wide Front Pull Up – 12 vs 16
Lawnmower – L17 R19 vs L18 R18
Twenty-one – 30 vs 28
One-Arm Cross-Body Curl – 13 vs 20
Switch Grip Pull Up – 20 vs 20
Elbows-Out Lawnmower – L19 R16 vs L20 R20
Standing Bicep Curl – 21 vs 20
One-Arm Concentration Curl – L21 R16 vs L18 R18
Corn Cob Pull Up – 8 vs 8
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Row – 16 vs 18
Open-Arm Curl – 26 vs 20
Static-Arm Curl – 34 vs 16
Towel Pull Up -12 vs 16
Congdon Locomotive – 40 vs 40
Crouching Cohen Curl – 24 vs 20
One-Arm Corkscrew Curl – L21 R20 vs L30 R30
Chin Up – 15 vs 16
Seated Bent-Over Back Fly – 22 vs 20
Curl Up/Hammer Down – 20 vs 20
Hammer Curl – 18 vs 16
Max Rep Pull Up – 16 vs 20
Superman – I kept my feet and hands off all the time – vs all
In-Out Hammer Curls – 20 vs 16
Strip-Set Curls – 45 vs 50
Again I’ve noticed my reps are getting fewer but better controlled and worthwhile so the quality is rising above quantity. I’m still using my 8lbs resistance straps and really feel the pull by looping them around my feet a few times to make the force a lot stronger. Today is the halfway point of P90X and now the countdown begins as I edge towards the finish line. I’m totally loving this workout and I’ll be sad when it ends, but boy oh boy will I party when I smash the final day! I’ve trained for at least an hour every day for the past forty-five straight so a nice lay-in in the morning and a rest day will suit me just fine when it’s all over.
UPDATE: Day 46
Delightful Yoga X, how nice to see you again. Unfortunately Mother Nature has come to visit again and I’m a day into my period and feeling very achy and bloated. The yoga routine helped to flex my spine and lower back, bend deep into each position and relax my muscles and after the hour and a half routine I curled up in my dressing gown with a hot water bottle on my stomach and the fire on to keep me cosy. The worst part of doing a three month consecutive routine is that you know you have to workout during your cycle which leaves me feeling drained and sick; but on the other hand it’s only once a month, I can’t be in anymore pain and discomfort than I am now, so each day that passes is a day less to fight and one step closer to that finish line.
Here are a few of my favourite positions from today:
UPDATE: Day 47
Today was the Legs & Back routine followed by Ab Ripper X and I am literally shaking from the hips down after that, what a killer when you’re on your period! My quads and calves have been given a pasting from all of the squats and stretches and my stomach is as hard as a rock right now and I’m laying in child’s pose trying to take off the ache. What a butt kicking that was! No pain no gain!
My sixth attempt of the Legs & Back routine:
Balance Lunges
Calf-Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12
Super Skater
Wall Sits
Wide Front Pull Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 14
Step Backs
Alternating Side Lunges
Closed Grip Overhand Pull ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Single Leg Wall Sits
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 14
3-Way Lunges with Two-Kick Option
Sneaky Lunges
Reverse Grip Chin Ups
Chair Salutations
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
Wide Front Pull Ups
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups
80/20 Siebers-Speed Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups
I’m still using a chair to do my pull-ups as my elbows are the weakest part of my body and twang so easily. Despite not achieving as many repetitions as previous weeks I’ve definitely upped the quality of my pull-ups. Instead of having one foot in the back of the chair I now only have one toe, and from where I was doing as many reps as quickly as possible before to get them in I’m now able to control each rep and go slow and low and really work my muscles. I’m pleased with my progress and hope that over the rest of the routine I will be able to complete a full set without the chair.
UPDATE: Day 48
Kenpo X left me dripping in sweat and crawling up the stairs to the soft little nest that is my bed. I’ve still got really bad stomach cramps from my period and the kicks and squats today made me feel like I was turning inside out so I made the most of the “add a bit of height and sound” rounds and screamed my way through to the end. I. Am. Sparta. Rarr!
UPDATE: Day 49
I eased my way through X Stretch today as I’m feeling a lot better now and my bodyclock has settled down. I could have, or rather should have taken today as a rest day which the calendar had scheduled but because I’ve not taken a rest day yet I just couldn’t give in. The stretches were a great way to unwind my tired muscles and I feel back on track as my period is coming to an end and I’m regaining my energy levels.
UPDATE: Day 50
I really enjoyed Yoga X today, no surprise there! This recovery week is sweet but I know Phase 3 will be a destroyer so I’m saving up my energy for the onslaught to come.
I really enjoyed my bridge to wheel today:
UPDATE: Day 51
Core Synergistics wiped me out today, what a multi-tasking-fest of weights and lunges and jumps and pressups; my whole body is feeling like a blob of whipped cream, smashed up and delicate. Go hard or go home baby! There aint no party like a P90X par-tay! Yowwww.
UPDATE: Day 52
Kenpo X made me such a sweaty mess but I love it! I’m jung-foo’ing my way around the house to the music channel whilst I cook the dinner after todays workout! POW!
UPDATE: Day 53
Hello X Stretch, what a way to unwind the week with such a beautiful routine that just seems to fly past. The workout goes so quickly and my whole body feels massaged and alive. Bliss.
Here are a few of my favourite positions from today:
UPDATE: Day 54
Core Synergistics should be renamed “multitasking mayhem” because my body has literally been attacked from all angles at the same time. Legs and arms and back and abs and toes and fingers, I’m buzzing from the action and loving every second of it.
UPDATE: Day 55
My love for Yoga X is never ending, I could do this routine with my eyes closed now and it never gets tedious. I feel on top of the world, or should I say my mountain!
And to celebrate todays beautiful routine here are a few of my favourite moves:
UPDATE: Day 56
X Stretch again has made the most of the recovery week and really put my muscles through the mill. It’s fabulous to unwind but I’m getting itchy feet wanting to go hard and have a right beast of a workout, only one more day until the weights come back out to play! Rarr!
And as you can see from my before and after picture of week 8 of 12, my body has gained muscle mass and definition, exactly what I set out to do. P90X how I adore you! I’m feeling strong, healthy and full of energy.
UPDATE: Day 57
Today’s Chest & Back routine followed by Ab Ripper X was a welcome party that I won’t forget. What a way to break into Phase 3! My arms are still twitching from the pull ups and press ups.
For my forth attempt at the Chest & Back Routine I scored:
Push-Ups – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 21 vs Round 1: 30 Round 2: 20
Wide Front Pull-Ups – Round 1: 11 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 18 Round 2: 16
Military Push-Ups – ROund 1: 20 Round 2: 18 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 20
Reverse Chin-Ups – Round 1: 10 Round 2: 9 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Wide Fly Push-Ups – Round 1: 19 Round 2: 14 vs Round 1: 25 Round 2: 20
Close Grip Overhand Pull-Ups – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 10 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Decline Push-Ups – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 15 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 20
Heavy Pants (2kg) – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 11 vs (2kg) Round 1: 25 Round 2: 20
Diamond Push-Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 18 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 25
Lawnmowers – Round 1: L21 R15 Round 2: L17 R15 vs Round 1: L25 R25 Round 2: L25 R25
Dive Bomber Push-Ups – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 9 vs Round 1: 15 Round 2: 15
Back-Flys – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 25 vs (8lbs straps)Round 1: 25 Round 2: 25
My repetitions are getting stronger, more controlled and well held and I’ve come a long way from when I started out. I may not be doubling my numbers but I’m getting quality over quantity now and it’s really paying off.
UPDATE: Day 58
Today was Plyometrics and the jump training absolutely wiped me out. My feel legs are like jelly now after I roared my way through the hour long routine. Argh! No pain no gain!
UPDATE: Day 59
The Shoulders & Arms routine followed by Ab Ripper X was just what I needed to round off my body this week. My legs are still a little tender from yesterdays workout so it felt great to work my arms and stomach instead and I feel really pumped and on form right now.
For my forth attempt at the Arms & Shoulders routine I scored:
Alternating Shoulder Presses – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16
In & Out Bicep Curls – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 30 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 25
Two Arm Tricep Kickbacks – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 18 Round 2: 16
Deep Swimmer’s Presses – Round 1: 18 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Full Supination Concentration Curls – Round 1: 18 Round 2: 22 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 13
Chair Dips – Round 1: 25 Round 2: 30 vs Round 1: 25 Round 2: 20
Static Arm Curls -Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Flip-Grip Twist Triceps Kickbacks – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 10 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Upright Rows – Round 1: 19 Round 2: 22 vs Round 1: 22 Round 2: 20
Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Flys – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Crouching Cohen Curls – Round 1: 23 Round 2: 24 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20
Lying-Down Triceps Extensions – Round 1: 11 Round 2: 10 vs Round 1: 13 Round 2: 14
In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Flys – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Congdon Curls – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 25 vs Round 1: 25 Round 2: 20
Side Tri-Raises – Round 1: L20 R20 Round 2: L20 R20 vs Round 1: L16 R16 Round 2: L16 R16
My repetitions are getting slower and more controlled and my weights heavier as each week passes. I’m using 8lbs resistance straps and love feeling the burn. Here are a few shots from todays routine:
UPDATE: Day 60
Today’s Yoga X routine was a beauty of a kicking. My whole body has been bent, twisted, pulled and stretched and if I were dough then I’d make a pretty tasty pizza right now!
Here are a few of my favourite positions from today:
UPDATE: Day 61
Legs & Back followed by Ab Ripper X totally smashed me today, I almost forgot how hard a double combo is, but I feel amazing for doing it. My body is so hard and on point right now I just can’t stop smiling, and limping slightly after those wall squats. Wow.
My seventh attempt of the Legs & Back routine:
Balance Lunges
Calf-Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16
Super Skater
Wall Sits
Wide Front Pull Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Step Backs
Alternating Side Lunges
Closed Grip Overhand Pull ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 13
Single Leg Wall Sits
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
3-Way Lunges with Two-Kick Option
Sneaky Lunges
Reverse Grip Chin Ups
Chair Salutations
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
Wide Front Pull Ups
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups
80/20 Siebers-Speed Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups
Here are some more snappy snaps to celebrate:
UPDATE: Day 62
Today was the fabulous Kenpo X routine and I’ve kicked my way through the hour long routine to such an extent that i feel like a pendulum when I walk and I could be easily mistaken for a marching soldier when I do the school run this afternoon.
UPDATE: Day 63
X Stretch or rest day? X Stretch baby! No rest for the wicked!
UPDATE: Day 64
The Chest, Shoulders & Triceps routine followed by Ab Ripper X was out of this world. I feel ripped and on form right now. Let’s do this!
For my forth attempt of the Chest & Shoulder & Triceps routine I scored:
Slow Motion 3-in-1 Push Ups – 12 vs. 16
In & Out Shoulder Flys – 16 vs. 16 – 8lbs strap
Chair Dips – 20 vs. 30
Plange Push Ups 20 vs. 16
Pike Presses – 24 vs. 16
Side Tri Rise – L17 R17 vs. L16 R16
Floor Flys – 24 Vs. 16
Scarecrows – 16 (8lbs resistance straps) vs. 16 – 8lbs strap
Overhead Triceps Extensions – 12 vs. 13
Two-Twitch Speed Push Ups – 28 vs. 16
Y Presses – 15 (8lbs resistance straps) vs. 16
Lying Triceps Extensions – 18 vs. 16
Side to Side Push Ups – 20 vs. 16
Pour Flys – 18 vs. 16
Side Leaning Triceps Extensions – L11 R10 vs. L12 R12
One Arm Push Ups – 12 vs. 16
Weighted Circles – 40 vs. 45
Throw The Bomb – L12 R12 vs. L12 R12
Clap or Plyo Push Ups – 15 vs. 16
Slo Mo Throws – 11 vs. 16
Front to Back Triceps Extensions – L13 R13 vs. L15 R15
One Arm Balance Push Ups – 16 vs. 16
Fly Row Presses – 10 vs. 10
Dumbell Cross Body Blows – 20 vs. 26
My main aim with todays workout wasn’t to up my numbers but to go deep into each repetition and do it slowly and properly and boy oh boy am I feeling it now! Yoweee!
UPDATE: Day 65
Plyometrics: Jump training at its finest! You know you’ve done it properly when you can no longer walk up the stairs. Jelly limbs central. Whoop!
UPDATE: Day 66
Back & Biceps followed by Ab Ripper X, gah blah wah, what a killer! The faces I pulled during todays workout were priceless. The routines never get easier, but I certainly go harder. I pull my 8lbs bands tighter to get a stronger tension and I muscle down for the long haul. Everybody loves a bit of muscle pumping and I feel amazing now!
For my forth attempt of the Back & Biceps routine I scored:
Wide Front Pull Up – 12 vs 16
Lawnmower – L17 R19 vs L20 R20
Twenty-one – 30 vs 30
One-Arm Cross-Body Curl – 13 vs 25
Switch Grip Pull Up – 20 vs 16
Elbows-Out Lawnmower – L19 R16 vs L18 R18
Standing Bicep Curl – 21 vs 20
One-Arm Concentration Curl – L21 R16 vs L18 R18
Corn Cob Pull Up – 8 vs 10
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Row – 16 vs 20
Open-Arm Curl – 26 vs 25
Static-Arm Curl – 34 vs 20
Towel Pull Up -12 vs 12
Congdon Locomotive – 40 vs 40
Crouching Cohen Curl – 24 vs 25
One-Arm Corkscrew Curl – L21 R20 vs L30 R30
Chin Up – 15 vs 16
Seated Bent-Over Back Fly – 22 vs 20
Curl Up/Hammer Down – 20 vs 25
Hammer Curl – 18 vs 16
Max Rep Pull Up – 16 vs 16
Superman – I kept my feet and hands off all the time – vs all
In-Out Hammer Curls – 20 vs 18
Strip-Set Curls – 45 vs 46
UPDATE: Day 67
Yoga X, how I love to flex! What a gorgeous routine, my muscles are warm, my body is like liquorice and I’m feeling fantastic after todays workout.
UPDATE: Day 68
Legs & Back followed by Ab Ripper X. Well. I’ll be a jelly for the next day at least. My body is getting firmer, more defined and stronger with each day that passes. I’m still eating whatever I like whenever I like which has probably hindered my results slightly as I have a sweet tooth and eat very large portions at meal times. But part of the fun of this for me is to enjoy my food and keep my body active so I am happy to carry on having my treats so long as the results still show. Perhaps in the final week I will be strict on my diet and see if it makes a major difference for the final picture!
My eight attempt of the Legs & Back routine:
Balance Lunges
Calf-Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Super Skater
Wall Sits
Wide Front Pull Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Step Backs
Alternating Side Lunges
Closed Grip Overhand Pull ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Single Leg Wall Sits
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
3-Way Lunges with Two-Kick Option
Sneaky Lunges
Reverse Grip Chin Ups
Chair Salutations
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
Wide Front Pull Ups
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups
80/20 Siebers-Speed Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups
UPDATE: Day 69
UPDATE: Day 70
I definitely don’t do the rest day, so X Stretch it was today, and what a fab way to unwind after a hectic week!
UPDATE: Day 71
Todays Chest & Back followed by Ab Ripper X came at the right time as I’ve just got my period and feel pretty lousy, weak and achy. So it’s good to be able to do some weights rather than a cardio set today.
For my fifth attempt at the Chest & Back Routine I scored:
Push-Ups – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 21 vs Round 1: 30 Round 2: 20
Wide Front Pull-Ups – Round 1: 11 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 12
Military Push-Ups – ROund 1: 20 Round 2: 18 vs Round 1: 25 Round 2: 20
Reverse Chin-Ups – Round 1: 10 Round 2: 9 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 12
Wide Fly Push-Ups – Round 1: 19 Round 2: 14 vs Round 1: 25 Round 2: 20
Close Grip Overhand Pull-Ups – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 10 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 12
Decline Push-Ups – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 15 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 16
Heavy Pants (5kg) – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 11 vs (5kg) Round 1: 20 Round 2: 16
Diamond Push-Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 18 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 20
Lawnmowers – Round 1: L21 R15 Round 2: L17 R15 vs Round 1: L20 R20 Round 2: L16 R16
Dive Bomber Push-Ups – Round 1: 12 Round 2: 9 vs Round 1: 15 Round 2: 10
Back-Flys – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 25 vs (5kg)Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
I switched my 8lbs resistance straps for 5kg dumbbells and shouted my way through todays routine. Unfortunately I can’t avoid Mother Nature and her desire to drain me out and make me sick, but I carry on regardless, perhaps a little under my usual level of fitness, but I’ll make up for it once this week is over. No pain no gain. Rarr!
UPDATE: Day 72
Todays plyo was a treat as always, I’m sweaty, my whole body is twitching and I feel on top of the world. Just over two weeks left and I’m ready for that finish line!
UPDATE: Day 73
Todays Arms & Shoulders followed by Ab Ripper X was a cheeky little monster. I feel as though I’ve moved mountains with my upper body today as I changed my 8lbs resistance straps for 5kg dumbbells and it made such a difference. I literally gritted my teeth through the entire routine and now I’m feeling pumped and solid.
For my fifth attempt at the Arms & Shoulders routine I scored:
Alternating Shoulder Presses – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12
In & Out Bicep Curls – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 30 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Two Arm Tricep Kickbacks – Round 1: 17 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16
Deep Swimmer’s Presses – Round 1: 18 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12
Full Supination Concentration Curls – Round 1: 18 Round 2: 22 vs Round 1: 14 Round 2: 14
Chair Dips – Round 1: 25 Round 2: 30 vs Round 1: 20 Round 2: 20
Static Arm Curls -Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Flip-Grip Twist Triceps Kickbacks – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 10 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Upright Rows – Round 1: 19 Round 2: 22 vs Round 1: 22 Round 2: 20
Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Flys – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Crouching Cohen Curls – Round 1: 23 Round 2: 24 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Lying-Down Triceps Extensions – Round 1: 11 Round 2: 10 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12
In & Out Straight-Arm Shoulder Flys – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Congdon Curls – Round 1: 20 Round 2: 25 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12
Side Tri-Raises – Round 1: L20 R20 Round 2: L20 R20 vs Round 1: L16 R16 Round 2: L16 R16
The bands definitely give more resistance at the top of each repetition as you have to fight against it to hold it in place, so you get a great force against you which really gets the muscles working; but using a heavier weight dumbbell this time worked my arms for the entire set, even when they were still, and as a result I couldn’t do as many but feel that I’ve worked a million times harder.
UPDATE: Day 74
A nice little spot of Yoga X today left me gliding around the house like a swan. Just what I needed. Cah-carrrr!
UPDATE: Day 75
Todays Legs & Back followed by Ab Ripper X was a meaty little dish of beef right there! My legs and stomach feel smashed but I have the biggest grin on my face. Booyah!
My ninth attempt of the Legs & Back routine:
Balance Lunges
Calf-Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12
Super Skater
Wall Sits
Wide Front Pull Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12
Step Backs
Alternating Side Lunges
Closed Grip Overhand Pull ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12
Single Leg Wall Sits
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 12 Round 2: 12
3-Way Lunges with Two-Kick Option
Sneaky Lunges
Reverse Grip Chin Ups
Chair Salutations
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
Wide Front Pull Ups
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups
80/20 Siebers-Speed Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups
I’m using this time to go slow, deep and low in all of my reps making sure I push myself to my limit on every move. It’s all about the quality over the quantity. My numbers may not be as high as before but they’re well earned!
UPDATE: Day 76
Kenpo X left me sweating like a pig today, which was just as well after my huge dinner and nibbles for afters. Only another 14 routines left! Eek!
UPDATE: Day 77
Today was either a ret day or X Stretch and surprise surprise, I chose X Stretch. I feel beautifully rested, centred and relaxed and my joints and muscles are purring right now.
UPDATE: Day 78
Todays Chest, Shoulders & Triceps followed by Ab Ripper X was so much fun. My arms are shaking and I’m dripping with sweat, exactly how a good workout should be. Just excuse me when I get stuck in the bedroom when I can’t pull the handle in the morning from my arms aching!
For my fifth attempt of the Chest & Shoulder & Triceps routine I scored:
Slow Motion 3-in-1 Push Ups – 12 vs. 12
In & Out Shoulder Flys – 16 vs. 16 5kg dumbbells
Chair Dips – 20 vs. 20
Plange Push Ups 20 vs. 20
Pike Presses – 24 vs. 20
Side Tri Rise – L17 R17 vs. L20 R20
Floor Flys – 24 Vs. 16
Scarecrows – 16 (8lbs resistance straps) vs. 12 5kg dumbbells
Overhead Triceps Extensions – 12 vs. 15
Two-Twitch Speed Push Ups – 28 vs. 16
Y Presses – 15 (8lbs resistance straps) vs. 16
Lying Triceps Extensions – 18 vs. 14
Side to Side Push Ups – 20 vs. 20
Pour Flys – 18 vs. 10
Side Leaning Triceps Extensions – L11 R10 vs. L12 R12
One Arm Push Ups – 12 vs. 12
Weighted Circles – 40 vs. 40
Throw The Bomb – L12 R12 vs. L12 R12
Clap or Plyo Push Ups – 15 vs. 20
Slo Mo Throws – 11 vs. 20
Front to Back Triceps Extensions – L13 R13 vs. L15 R15
One Arm Balance Push Ups – 16 vs. 12
Fly Row Presses – 10 vs. 10
Dumbell Cross Body Blows – 20 vs. 30
Again my repetitions are getting so insanely controlled, tight and on form that the quality is shining through more than ever over quantity. ANd judging by my twitching muscles, I’ve clearly gone hard tonight!
UPDATE: Day 79
Plyo X Today had me chuffing like a steam train and I loved it. My veins feel flushed through, my heart is clear and my body is pumped. This is pure health at its finest!
UPDATE: Day 80
The Back & Biceps routine followed by Ab Ripper X was a beauty!
For my fifth attempt of the Back & Biceps routine I scored:
Wide Front Pull Up – 12 vs 16
Lawnmower – L17 R19 vs L16 R16 5kg dumbbells
Twenty-one – 30 vs 22 5kg dumbbells
One-Arm Cross-Body Curl – 13 vs 20
Switch Grip Pull Up – 20 vs 16
Elbows-Out Lawnmower – L19 R16 vs L16 R16
Standing Bicep Curl – 21 vs 22
One-Arm Concentration Curl – L21 R16 vs L16 R16
Corn Cob Pull Up – 8 vs 10
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Row – 16 vs 16
Open-Arm Curl – 26 vs 20
Static-Arm Curl – 34 vs 16
Towel Pull Up -12 vs 16
Congdon Locomotive – 40 vs 40
Crouching Cohen Curl – 24 vs 20
One-Arm Corkscrew Curl – L21 R20 vs L18 R18
Chin Up – 15 vs 16
Seated Bent-Over Back Fly – 22 vs 16
Curl Up/Hammer Down – 20 vs 20
Hammer Curl – 18 vs 20
Max Rep Pull Up – 16 vs 20
Superman – I kept my feet and hands off all the time – vs all
In-Out Hammer Curls – 20 vs 16
Strip-Set Curls – 45 vs 40
I feeling amazing after todays workout! Power on power ranger, I’m almost at the finish line!
UPDATE: Day 81
Yoga X chilled me right out today, it’s left me floating on cloud nine and feeling like a graceful swan. Bliss bliss bliss!
UPDATE: Day 82
The Legs & Back routine followed by Ab Ripper X marked the final week of meaty workouts ready for recovery week twelve to begin tomorrow. I gave it my all and feel amazing for it. It’s such a shame that it’s the final weights session, but I signed it off in style!
My tenth attempt of the Legs & Back routine:
Balance Lunges
Calf-Raise Squats
Reverse Grip Chin Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 16 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Super Skater
Wall Sits
Wide Front Pull Ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 17 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Step Backs
Alternating Side Lunges
Closed Grip Overhand Pull ups – Round 1: 14 Round 2: 11 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
Single Leg Wall Sits
Dead Lift Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups – Round 1: 16 Round 2: 20 vs Round 1: 16 Round 2: 16
3-Way Lunges with Two-Kick Option
Sneaky Lunges
Reverse Grip Chin Ups
Chair Salutations
Toe-Roll Iso Lunges
Wide Front Pull Ups
Groucho Walk
Calf Raises
Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups
80/20 Siebers-Speed Squats
Switch Grip Pull Ups
UPDATE: Day 83
Kenpo X had me wrapped up in a great little whirlwind of kicks, punches, blocks and stances today. I feel like a nimble ninja and could backflip off of the kitchen table if I wanted!
UPDATE: Day 84
X Stretch was a beautiful way to unwind, my neck clicked today and I had a slightly grindy left hip but after a good stretch routine I’m feeling much looser and far more relaxed.
UPDATE: Day 85
Am I in heaven? Yoga X twice in one week! I can’t stop smiling. It really chills me out and opens up my mind whilst relaxing my body. I love that I am so flexible now and have no problem touching my toes and putting my legs behind my head. It’s such a challenge to try out different yoga positions and stretches, who knows where my love for yoga will end now that I’ve had such a delicious taste of it!
UPDATE: Day 86
Core Synergistic’s has left me red like a beetroot and possibly just as juicy from sweat. I love it!
UPDATE: Day 87
Kenpo X, need I say more than POW! I owned you!
UPDATE: Day 88
X Stretch what a relief, my muscles really needed an unwind today and this routine sorted me out lovely. Only two more days, bring it!
UPDATE: Day 89
Another round of Core Synergistic’s has worked off last nights huge dinner and I feel fantastic after today’s workout. I’m so sad to only have one more routine left, but excited at the same time to cross the finish line!
UPDATE: Day 90
My final workout of the P90X was my lovely Yoga X and what a wonderful way to finish. I am grinning from ear to ear, I feel amazing and so rested. My body feels alive and it has been the perfect end to such a fantastic journey.
So here I am, at the finish line and I feel so blessed to have made it all the way. My body has changed enormously from when I first started at day one, I was weak, scrawny and had no strength or stamina; and now here I stand, with huge muscles and a rock hard body, the ability to climb mountains and chase wild horses and I’ve never felt so good in all my life. The P90X has been the most amazing challenge for me and through the blood, sweat and tears I have earned every second of it. I cannot recommend it enough, it has pushed me to my limits and shown me muscles I never knew existed. I am focused in mind, body and soul and seriously looking forward to a delicious Christmas dinner with all the trimmings to celebrate!
And if you’re doing P90X I wish you all the best in your journey, I hope you’ve enjoyed it just as much as I have and I welcome you to leave your thoughts below. Bring it!
your killing it!! Add me on fb- I have a UK Beachbody group https://www.facebook.com/Eddiefitbeachbody and you can join the team
Thank you Eddie, you can find my Facebook profile at the top of the screen!
hey did you still want to join the group
Can I join from the UK?
Your results are amazing, like you i want to build muscle and tone up, so i purchased P90X and it arrived today, i wont be doing it for a few weeks as i started on T25 from beachbody and will then progress on to P90X , i can’t wait to see what results i get, i will show you my results when i complete it.
That’s fantastic news I wish you all the best, you’re going to love it!
Damn, this looks brutal!! As Insanity is going to finish for me just before xmas and I plan on eating half the planet from December 24th to Jan 1st I defo need something to start straight after, going to go for this I think. The changes in your body are crazily good, not that there was anything wrong with your before pics! This will sort my weak ass arms out too haha, I’m fine doing 10x3mins on a punchbag but make me do a push up and I want to cry, Insanity is already testing me on that so hopefully I’m decently prepared!