When it comes to summer the majority of us share the very same goal – to lose excess weight and look and feel our best so that we can rock our swimwear with pride. Yes, there is more to life than just how you look in a swimsuit, and it’s not all about the numbers on the scales. It’s really about taking the best care of our bodies, optimising our health and upping our quality of life which can only start from within…
At The Gym Deli all meals range between 350-450 calories and support a healthy lifestyle change through fresh, tasty, ethical and healthy food; just what the doctor – and personal trainers alike – ordered!
Let’s go straight in with the treats shall we! Being dairy and wheat intolerant I avoid processed foods for fun. Yet I still have a sweet tooth, enjoy having treats and balance my fit and active lifestyle with protein-rich rewards to sustain and build muscle on a plant-based diet.
Protein is a vital part of life, whether you workout or not, it is the building blocks of our bodies we couldn’t exist without it. So how do chocolate brownies help me to stay in shape and look and feel my best from the inside out? Well…
With no refined sugar, dairy or wheat, The Gym Deli brownies are vegan, homemade, rich, sweet and high in protein – you can think of them as taking a celebratory protein shake after a workout because their high protein content feeds and refuels the body. And having a healthy sweet treat kicks my cravings for junk food because I’m devilishly satisfied by such innocent indulgence.
Squidgy, sweet, tender and incredibly moreish, they’re the perfect vegan reward after a hard workout. But even if you workout everyday to get into the best shape of your life, an hour spent in the gym means that there are 23hrs spare to overeat, overindulge and consume unhealthy foods which will sabotage potential weightloss and scupper your results in an instant. You are what you eat!
With healthier lifestyle choices through wholesome and nutrient rich foods we can tighten up our diets, fuel our bodies for energy and watch our waistline disappear whilst still enjoying the foods that we love in moderation. If you pay attention to the quality of your food and focus on fuelling your body the right way then nature will take care of the rest. You’ll feel better, sleep better, have more energy and be more active as a direct result of eating well.
With a wide range of protein shakes, herbal teas, coffees and refreshing drinks also at The Gym Deli, their meal prep service provides a fast food lunch, minus all of the bad stuff, so that you can return to the office with far more energy and a banging body achieved in half the time with half the effort simply for making healthier lifestyle choices. Their meal prep also comes freshly frozen so that I can plan a week of healthy high-energy foods without the time and hassle of cooking. What have you got to lose?
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Facebook: /thegymdeli